03envoy said:I will be getting my windows tinted Saturday and I am deciding between 20% and 35%, Will 20% bring too much attention to my truck? If you guys have any pics that would be awsome! Thank you!
Boricua SS said:20% has gotten me a ticket already... I'll see if I have a pic for you... my brother has 35% on his TB and I dig it... but I wanted to match my rear.. so I went 20%
03envoy said:Damn, sorry to hear that. How much is that ticket? And do they make you remove it? Thanks
Boricua SS said:I paid $115... and no they didn't.. the stipulation was, either remove the tint for no fine, or leave it on and pay the fine... I jus paid the fine as I'm not from the city that gave me the ticket... where I live, po po really don't care... meaning, they won't pull you over just because your windws are tinted.. but if you are pulld over and are acting like a D*** to them, then they'll slap you with a tint ticket..
03envoy said:Lucky! Haha I wish it was just a one time fine of $115 you know? I bet idiots recked it for us, hiding illegal things with tint, so cops can't see....
STLtrailbSS said:20% front Black% in the back lol
TexazReece said:hmmm if I went with my front 2 20%, I wonder how many tickets will I receive here in Texas
HARDTRAILZ said:I like my 20% front since it matches quite well. 35 is legal limit here, but never been harassed for 20%
ItsOnVoy said:Macomb County and Oakland and all of them like to pull people over for tints! The city police LOVEE to pull over for it because they suck and cannot really pull over for anything else lol now you get pulled over for any tint, so if your gonna get pulled might as well make it for what you want! if you want 20% go for it, it will match the rear and will look good! So my vote is for 20%, my buddy has 20% on the front and tinted tails and stuff and go pulled over once but got a warning! He was in the macomb area also!
What place are you going to get them done? I know that there are place that will charge a bit more but will pull the tint off if you get a ticket and then put them back on after ticket is gone for free since you paid up front! Look for a place like that
03envoy said:Being A High school student, I have decided against doing it, I talked to a buddy of mine and He is a cop and he had 20% all around on his charger, A police officer pulled him over and Gave Him a ticket even though he is a police officer. The law is stupid but, Once I can afford the tickets I will net be getting the tint. I Do have sensitive eyes so maybe I can get the doctor to get my a note, But for now I will be tintless.
Thanks for everybodies help! I very much appreciate it and the the time you guys took to put the pics in the thread. Thank you!
TexazReece said:smart move but I think I will![]()
ItsOnVoy said:It is a smart choice to leave them alone!! I was in the same position as you before also and kept hearing how people get pulled over and asked cops and said forget. I do not want any headache you know! This summer I will working on a list of mods most likely and you do not live to far from me! So let me know if you want to work on our trucks together
03envoy said:Thanks for the offer! Haha, I got to get some more cash flow for some mods! Haha but I got alot of maintenance to do! All fluids and Oxygen sensors.
03envoy said:Thanks for the offer! Haha, I got to get some more cash flow for some mods! Haha but I got alot of maintenance to do! All fluids and Oxygen sensors.
ItsOnVoy said:Yeah cash is a biggie for me also!! I am looking to do really cheap mods and save the big dollars for my next car!![]()
Cable810 said:I think Michigan has the worst TINT Law. My friend had tint(dunno what %) on his Sunfire, got a fix it ticket, took it off. Now he got a perscription claiming that he gets headachs from the sun while driving, pretty much everytime driving he is wearing sunglasses unless its dark out LOL. He has never said anything about having a headache when he comes over and the sun is wayyyyy bright. So I can only assume.... He (I think) is gunna go as dark as he can. If I could do tint I would go 40%-50%, But my dad is a State Trooper, and no he will not just LET me get tint or get a perscription. Plus living in a small town and your dad a State Trooper with everyone knowing who is your dad.........
03envoy said:Yep, Haha. Acually I have the same plan as you! I am planning on getting a f-250. Some mods will be in question. Cause I dont want to dump alot into this truck but, I want to make it last.
Sorry off topic.... haha
ItsOnVoy said:Yeah I made two big mods and never again I will put that much money in the truck again!! I change my HU which I had to because the factory one broke lol but what I regret getting is the starter to be honest!! I thought I wouldn't but I kind of did, could have went cheaper and skipped all the extras you know! But I agree I want to make the truck last also and make it look nicer then the boring envoys I see every time I drive! lol Mods on the next car will be to a min!!! Prob only LEDsThose 250's are huge loll why such a big truck?
03envoy said:It's got alot of torque, and I want a good offroad vechical. The gmt platform isn't sufficient for what I want to do. But, I will be putting a lift on this summerlol. I need to tow some big trailers up north and I want a truck for that so I won't just be using a sled on the trails, my truck too! Lmao