Getting "Affordable": The OTC SPX AutoBoss V30 Scan Tool Kit


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Oct 22, 2015
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While searching around for more relevant information to drop into a useful PDF and NOT clutter up a related Thread about the Autel MAXI-DAS DS-708 Scan Tool Kit, I spied THIS unusual YouTube "Shoot Out" between THAT Autel Model Scanner and THIS OTC SPX AutoBoss V30 Professional Scan Tool Kit:

I Thought, "WTH... I wonder if anything like THIS Thing is still available over on eBay...". Sure enough, there WERE only a few of these around; mostly either damaged or incomplete. But then I spotted THIS Kit being offered by an eBay Vendor located practically over in my own Back Yard ...for only $300.00.

So I tiptoed around over on eBay for a while and after doing a LOT more research, I finally decided to 'Pull The Pin' and get THE One Kit that looked THE Most Complete and that also looked none the worse for wear:


I did this for the sake of having some Extra Tax Return Money along with a real burning curiosity about how well these Professional Quality Scan Tools function (or NOT) . I also wanted to add to my sudden boon of collecting a few different, inexpensive Kits. And finally, I wanted to share these experiences and information with all of us who Dwell at GMT Nation... JIK anyone wanted to know more

This Video provides a "One Over The World Operational View" of this OTC SPX AutoBoss V30 Scan Tool Kit:

Everything that was originally once sold in the $1,400.00 range from the Factory Distributors via OTC SPX for The AutoBoss V30 Automotive Diagnostic Computer IS inside of this Kit; " present, working and accounted for..." So here is how things "All Shook Out" as opposed to being any real 'Shoot Out' between these two comparable systems:


More to Follow about some LIMITATIONS to Consider ...B4 You Buy This Kit...
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Oct 22, 2015
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I'll post more images of the discreet appearance and functions of the various Cables, Fittings, Bells & Baubles for this OTC SPX AutoBoss V30, by and by ...But first I wanted to Dive IN and make quite a few important observations and suggestions about "Doing YOUR Due Diligence" whenever scouring eBay for ANY Used High End Pro Shop-Worthy Scan Tool Equipment.

What follows on is meant to forewarn anyone interested to know these things ...Before You 'PULL THE PIN' and Make The Buy:

The EOL (End Of Life) Support from OTC for The AutoBoss V30 arrived some time between 2014 and 2016. From Design Room-to-Professional Shop and Final Sales... OTC SPX controlled EVERYTHING about the operation of this Equipment... and in this respect ...They STILL DO.

After the EOL Date arrived, OTC SPX eventually CUT OFF ANY ON LINE SUPPORT ACCESS to its own Legacy Equipment Files on their Private Internet Servers such that IF the Scan Tool Software and Data Files were NOT Updated prior in a timely manner well before this event occurred... they NEVER will be.

The "Next Generation" of Pro Scan Tools will ALWAYS have advances in 'The Bigger, Better Technologies' that will ALWAYS supersede their OWN Hardware and Software. However, these "NEWER" Scan Tool Models may also have REMOVED VEHICLE SUPPORT and thus this makes them LESS CAPABLE than the Older Hardware in Diagnostics and Repair.

The reason you will NOT find a whole stack of these Pro Scan Tool Kits being offered over on eBay is because generally speaking, NO SELF-RESPECTING PROFESSIONAL AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTICIAN EVER THROWS AWAY HIS GOOD WORK TOOLS!

Nonetheless, these "KITS" WILL appear on eBay from time to time, courtesy On-Line Pawn Shops and Private Estate Sellers that may not realize the True Value of these Devices they offer up in the range of say, $300 to $850 ... and THIS is when and where YOU can find some EXCELLENT "PRO KITS" For Sale.

"The Dirty Dozen" of What to LOOK For...and What to ASK eBay Vendors about"

(1) Ensure that is you are Buying "A KIT" that it comes as close to having a Complete Manifest of the Hardware that was sold inside of it as possible. Refer to the Previous Post Images for all 'The Dope' on this Device.

(2) Foremost about these is the NEED TO HAVE THE SYSTEM SOFTWARE SD-CARD installed in the bottom of the Scan Tool or present inside of an SD-Card Holder somewhere within the Kit.


(4) Even if the Kit appears "Care Worn" with Scratches, Dents and Oily Dirt here and there on the outside of The Sturdy Case.. DO NOT WORRY...THIS JUST MEANS THAT THE DEVICE WAS ACTUALLY BEING USED ON A REGULAR BASIS AND THAT IMPLIES THE NEED TO PERFORM REGULAR ON-LINE UPDATES.

(5) Whether an Autel MAXI-DAS DS-708 or this AutoBoss V30... You won't need the Original CD or DVD to ensure that it will function. That Disk was generally used during the Initial Set Up on the Laptop or PC for either installing Software that allows for Updating the SD-Card on the Laptop... or for PC-Link communications as well.

(6) If the Price is Right and the Main Scan Tool WORKS... you WILL be able to find After-Market Replacement Touch Screens, DLC Adapters, Cables and even 110 VAC to 12 VDC Power Supplies for reasonable prices right there on eBay, too.

(7) THIS IS IMPORTANT ....IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY OWN EITHER A TECH 2 OR AN AUTEL MAXI-DAS DS-708... Know that The AutoBoss V30 System I purchased for Only Three Bills did NOT have either an "American" or a "USA" Makes Selection Tab on screen among the many other choices of Makes and Models that were either European or Asian.

(8) It is possible that this Kit was being used by a "Foreign Makes ONLY" Shop and they simply Deleted that "USA" Tab and Data Features to make room for the 50+ Other Foreign Makes & Models they serviced. DOUBLE CHECK THE SALES IMAGES OF EACH ON-SCREEN TAB FEATURES FIRST TO CONFIRM THAT THE ONE YOU ARE GETTING DOES HAVE THE "USA" SUPPORT!

(9) The Autel MAXI-DAS DS-708 DOES feature having ALL American, ALL Asian and ALL European Makes and Models selectable from the Desk Top Screen, so I was not that perturbed about this issue. This AutoBoss V30 has many more Foreign Vehicle choices available and since I also own a "GYMKO" Tech 2 AND an Autel Scan Tool Kit... I've got all of the bases covered.

(10) It is much better to search regularly for what you want in these categories of "Above Average" Diagnostic features and ensure that they work by checking on eBay each and every day and avoid jumping all over the First One You See.

(11) Be Suspicious and Thoughtful and if you have Questions and Concerns, you can always raise them here either with a Brand New Thread or add them here and I'll try to assist.

(12) You'll be very 'presently' surprised if you Do Your Home Work FIRST. These Devices are truly amazing and have capabilities that a "Store Bought Scanner" will never compare with. To Quote Eric "O" From South Main Auto, "If I can do it... YOU can do it..." :>)
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Since the Autel MaxiDAS DS708 Scan Tool Kits are getting "As Scarce as Hen's Teeth..." I thought I'd Poke Around over on eBay and look for any of the Old SPX AutoBoss V30 Pro Scan Tool Kits. Lo and Behold THIS one came up... and if you look closely at the Color Screen Image of this Unit after it was Booted can see that in addition to covering the Asian and European Vehicles... it ALSO has the Tab for the USA Makes & Models, too;

This Custom Kit (with Leather Carry Case and attachable installed Thermal Printer) is being offered for around $350.00. However... The eBay Seller has included a "Make Offer" feature on this Deal. I think that the AutoBoss (via OTC) is quite comparable in the same vintage of Pro Scan Tools like the Autel MaxiDAS DS708 and of course...

CAVEAT EMPTOR: Buyer Beware (The S&H is close to $100.00)

How can I say this? I OWN and USE an SPX AutoBoss V30 Kit... Just Like THIS One!

...and if you contact the Seller to provide MORE images of the USA - GM Ford Chrysler Tabs to confirm that those functions are also present, remember to Factor the S&H into any Offer you happen to make.

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Apr 20, 2024
I also recently acquired the same tool autoboss V30 spx mactools scanner off ebay it was complete brand new sealed never even used included the factory sd card software and all adapters. for a very low price, However the company and their servers are now defunct and no longer online.
Spx OTC mactools company is no help for their end of life scanner products. The tool cannot be updated with the standard conventional procedure to add coverage for additional vehicles. The tool is pretty much useless to me except can be used as a fancy obdii scanner. I am Unable to update the tool I was hoping and needed it to diagnose OEM functions on a mercedes benz it should have covearage for european vehicles mercedes 1990's w140 model for example but the preinstalled software does not cover that specific model in its database and it was intended to to be added downloaded by running the software on a pc accesing the autoboss update server. But that is all now gone. Scanner It comes with the cables adapters and multiplexer box. Reaching out to mrrsm what database and software version and coverage does your v30 came with? I was thinking would it be possible maybe you coul maybe clone make image of your SD card copy software and the files and share them ? Any suggetions how can we get this scanner operating to its full potential and coverage? Thank you


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Welcome to GMT Nation...

It is always a Gamble whenever purchasing Legacy Diagnostic Equipment and so my admonitions for using Due Diligence (CAVEAT EMPTOR = "Buyer Beware" ) in researching prior to purchases ...stands to this very day.

The central problem you face stems from the fact that your AUTOBOSS KIT was never Registered, Activated or *Phoned Home* to the OTC AUTOBOSS On Line Server from a Certified "Off The Truck" OTC Sales Rep and thus... either needs a Miracle Work-Around ...or it will find itself sitting back on a shelf.

For others reading this information, the best results in these situations prior to buying such things will be knowing everything possible about this equipment and its limitations ...beforehand ... and from communicating directly with the eBay Sellers; hopefully those being the Pro Shops doing the actual selling of any of their Old, Well Used, Battered and Beaten Scan Tools Kits ...right from their own work bays (But STILL Very Useful) as Scan Tool Kits that DO HAVE the Original in-dwelling SD-Ram Card with whatever their last Vehicle Updates were, prior to the On-Line OEM Support dying away... and STILL Plugged into the underside card reader of the Tools.

Have you tried THIS Site for obtaining the Last Working Year as the 2008 *.BIN File?

I purchased my OTC AUTOBOSS Kit with the clear understanding that I would not be able make it work beyond the Year 2008 limits. Also, back then I simply wanted the AUTOBOSS for covering unique European and Asian Vehicles being diagnosed from a Shop dedicated to Non-NAO Vehicle... as it still is today... these Pro Quality Scan Tools are Activated Only Once at The Point Of Sale with multiple additional On Line Server Algorithms needed for their Updates of their Protection of the Intellectual Property over time using an EPROM Chip to store and refer to Only One Particular Scan Tool..

Thus, even if you can find a *.BIN File of any stripe somewhere on line... it simply will not work on a DIFFERENT DEVICE than the Original Hardware to Software "Marriage". When OTC (and Autel) Stopped their Server Access written inside of that AUTOBOSS on an EPROM Chip... THIS was an intentional business model decision to Drive Sales Of their Newer Products. In the case of the Autel MaxiDAS DS708 ...they at least had the courtesy of providing that EOL (End Of Life) Warning back in December of 2017 on their Official Site Letterhead.

It was around this same time frame that I became so very enamored of the Autel MaxiDAS DS708 and its EZ2USE Full Features and because the existing coverage Autel had was for a very wide range of vehicles... and because it was a TRUE Bi-Directional Scan Tool. This made it very valuable to me because IT could also DO things on Legacy GM Vehicles up to 2013 that many of the other, ostensibly More Modern & Updated Scan Tools of today cannot. This is all done by intention because as these GM Car-Line Series Age Out... they are gradually ELIMINATED or Dropped Off of the coverage inside of those Newer "Diagnostic Boxes".

Visit the Link above and Follow the Step By Steps and see if what they show there will work for you. In response to this problem, you may also have to scour the Internet... in particular... seeking assistance from the European Mercedes Benz Automotive Repair Forums to find a work-around from some of their more Friendly User Groups.Good Luck.


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Apr 20, 2024
Yes Thank you for getting back to me. I totally understand the fact Buyer beware. I am just an enthusiast of collecting and fixing old unusual electronics and computers and I really enjoy working on and fixing old cars at home and my hobby is collecting old diagnostics equipement and automotive scanners it always has been a facinating field to me out of curiousity, fun and educational purposes.
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Apr 20, 2024
Yes I have found the above link and the website you have referenced when researching the autoboss v30 update. it seemed to have the most promisising and be most recently created website with some good v30 info but the critical file he had available there for download the go ogle drive link to download is no longer working, attempted to contact the person who set up that page but to no responses. Same with many other websites and forums I came across bunch links to potential downoads but all are now dead they were posted about 10 years ago even tried the wayback machine.
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Oct 22, 2015
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Bear in mind that OTC is still a Viable Automotive Industry Player and very likely STILL jealously guards its Proprietary Diagnostic Systems because later developments are always simple branches off from their original work.

So to try to assist you as far as I can, the very least that I can do is to provide you with a Screen Print of the SD-Card *.BIN Folders ...sans the Sub-Directories... and with this attached print out, you should be able to load your existing OEM Card and after performing a Disk Image Copy specific to the hexadecimal duplication... Byte for Byte of what exists on it... right now... save the Contents to an AUTOBOSS Folder on your Laptop.

Don't be tempted OR attempt to work on your Original SD-Card as it will likely get FUBAR'd should anything go sideways. Only work off of the Files on your Laptop!

Then... compare what you can see of your AUTOBOSS V30 Folders Structures with what you can see in this linked image. Then... follow up by explaining any differences that you can see by performing a like Print Out - Comparison on your end and post those results back to this Thread. Please... Also bear in mind that for Obvious Legal Reasons... I will not be sending or sharing any of these proprietary files with anyone... ever. If the Folks over at OTC have decided not to share or log into your New Box and set everything up in accordance with their original Dealer Rep Fashion... then no one else will either, if they want to stave off litigation:


PS... IIANM.. One of our Members got himself in a similar situation with his purchase of an Autel MaxiDAS DS708 that had NO SD-CARD and he located an eBay Vendor who sold a Service for around $100.00 to use an Online Peer To Peer Service and open the DS708 live and transfer all of the requisite files onto the system and get it working again. Perhaps he can do a similar thing for your Unit as well. Poke around on eBay using this Search String "Autel MaxiDas DS708 Service" and see what *Pops*. If he is still around... perhaps he has "The Chops" and can help you "Skin This Cat"... :>)

For anyone interested in servicing their Foreign Makes & Models up to 2008... The AUTOBOSS V30 Kits ARE still available over on eBay... and IF they show that the Unit Boots Up as per the images in THIS Link with the Last SW Update at 2008 and a compliment of a FULL Kit... These are Well Worth Researching and... AS LONG AS YOU PERFORM YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE... These OEM Dealer Quality Service Scan Tools are WELL WORTH OWNING!


I just visited "The Internet Archive" and Downloaded THIS AUTOBOSS V-30 Owner's Manual that includes how to use the PC-Link Information AND the Software Update PDF:


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Oct 22, 2015
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Okay... I think that THIS is "The Guy" you might want to make contact with... :>)

"I Know a Guy... Who Knows a Guy" Scene from the Movie "Constantine"
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Apr 20, 2024
I believe I have found something promising hope it is not a scam but in my opinion I say that download should be made available to the public for free of charge but I get it he or she found a solution wants to be compensated - quote from that website
AUTOBOSS company stopped to update software from 2017, and their server was also closed, all users can not login to AUTOBOSS Update Client, but we have the final version software(Year: 2016, Language: English) for V30, V30 Elite scan tools, we can send you a software download link and update instructions within 1-2 working days after payment.
If you lost V30 SD card or data in SD card was damaged, you also can buy this item."



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Congratulations on making a Very Nice Find… What they are asking for in order to be able to resurrect your OTC SPX AUTOBOSS V-30 Scanner seems quite reasonable and would basically solve your present and future problems… at least as far as the various Data Sets can thus play catch up in time to a certain degree.

However… If your Original AUTOBOSS V-30 SD-Card looks anything like THIS… (My Original Sandisk 2 Gig SD-Card)


...then you would benefit from observing Mr. Stutzman’s Autel MaxiDAS DS708 “How To” Step-By-Steps in order Duplicate the original SD-Card with an updated 32 Gig Card that follows the SDHC UHS-1 Format many years hence via his YouTube Channel On Topic Video... Just to see how it works:

I’m suggesting this because the Basic Architectures of the Autel MaxiDAS versus that of the AUTOBOSS V-30 Systems Hardware are quite similar in that they BOTH store the Windows CE Operating System, the Registration Verification Software, and the related Programs and Data Sets that make them both work in a very similar fashion using the same SD-Card Technology of that era.

Besides that, it never hurts to increase the SD-Card Storage to allow for recording Tests, etc...and besides that...copying those New Files (If you decide to spend the modest $40.00 FEE) may not transfer to an “Ancient “ SD-Card with perhaps a very sketchy pedigree that can degrade or decay over time from accumulated environmental Electro-Magnetic Radiation exposures. These are two flavors in the OEM Format shown below that are relatively inexpensive and still available over on Amazon for consideration:

Sandisk Ultra 32 Gig SD-Card 90 Mbs SDHC UHS-I Memory Card available at Amazon:

Sandisk Ultra 16 Gig SD-Card 80 Mbs SDHC UHS-I Memory Card available at Amazon:

Besides... if you "Pull The Trigger" and make this modestly priced order for what you need and for what you should be getting, then you'll probably want a Brand New SD-Card to make a Fresh Start in this Process as well and you can always perform a Disk Copy Back Up of the SD-Card later on. :>)

PS... It may be necessary to also Drop Another $25.00 on these Folks in order to UPDATE THE WINDOWS CE Operating System as well to Version 3.4 as per THIS Link...Just In Case THAT action is necessary BEFORE installing the AUTOBOSS V-30 Software mentioned in your Last Post Boot Up your AUTOBOSS Scan Tool and compare what you see on the Opening Screen to what THIS Image looks like it may already be at the 3..4 Update Level:


PSS... I created a PDF from the O*B*D Site Link you placed in your last post to make the information more useful to peruse Off Line:

"There is No Such Thing... As a Free Lunch..."
...from the 1966 SCIFI Novel... "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" Robert A. Heinlein


  • AUTOBOSS V30 Elite V30 Scanner SD Card Software Update Autoboss-V30 AUTOBOSS Replacement Parts.pdf
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  • OS Version Update for AUTOBOSS V30 scanner Upgrade AUTOBOSS-V30 AUTOBOSS Replacement Parts.pdf
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Let us know what happens if you decide to *Pull The Pin* and invest in this "Chinese Solution". So many of us GM Enthusiasts (or Family Members) own Non-GM Legacy Vehicles that prove problematic enough to have to rely upon "A Visit to the Dealership". The SPX OTC AUTOBOSS V-30 Full Kit is a Way OUT of that awful Diagnostic & Repair Purgatory ...and there are STILL quite a few of them available on eBay.

"It is Always Better to ACT...Than to REACT..." --mrrsm--
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