I hate this topic because the technology to get exponentially better milage, longevity of parts, and nearly free fuel sources all while creating NO pollution, has been around for over 50 years.....but of coarse the entire world is run by the rich elite that only care about monetary incentives and not what is best for the masses.
Realistically there is a few choices, yes get a more fuel efficient vehicle (which isnt going to be american, if you want the absolute best mpg, lowest maintenance, and best bang for buck).
If you are more of a DIY and have a lot of time on your hands, there is all kinds of other choices and technology out there. People have been converting their vehicles to run on a lot more than just corn gas or propane.
Vegetable oil is a neat one due to the fact that your fuel is free (and if lucky/smart you can even get paid small amounts to take it...lol) but you have to smell french fries all the time (which may or may not make you eat a lot more fast food...DISCLAIMER).
A really sweet alternative that the entire world should be running on is Hydrogen. I know its one of the hardest to switch over to now, as a individual due to costs but the upsides are tremendous. Hydrogen and oxygen burn hotter, more complete, and the by product that comes out your tailpipe....pure water....no pollution. You actually get MORE horsepower and torque as well, not to mention that Hydrogen is the MOST ABUNDENT ELEMENT IN THE UNIVERSE.
A better/upgraded cooling system is needed due to the Hydrogen burning hotter and even worse yet, it is much more difficult to convert a fuel injected vehicle to run on hydrogen vs a carburated one. (You would really have to be a DIY'er and a Genious to covert a fuel injected soley to hydrogen and not just supplement all by yourself)
I had a old 84 camaro (carb 350 engine) that I converted to run partially on hydrogen for less than $50 back in high school, just from watching a few youtube videos of guys experimenting around on their cars a decade ago. Only about 20% hydrogen, so only gained me like 3 mpg, but for a car that got around 12 mpg when i wasnt doing burnouts, it was something. So cheap and easy but I was afraid to go more than 20% bc I didnt have the tools or know how to completely redue the cooling system. sorry for the rant, I just feel the need to wake others up sometimes about options and supressed technology. Not sure why, not like we all going to just demand better products and quit buying the pretty turds.
*****Side note, getting rid of that Camaro was nukin futtz!!!!! What were u thinking!
Got pic?