Looks like there going to replace half my leg and knee on the 15th. If all goes as planed, i should be cancer free. I will be layed up for a wile again. Last month for company payed insurance and job security, so by by job, Hellow insurance payments. Not sure how we are paying for that yet. After surgery i will do 5 more chemo sessions just to cover any they might miss. At lease i get a 6 week break from chemo wile my leg heals. So far everything is going good. This cancer has a 40% servival rate so im filling very lucky. There are still alot of risk during my 4 hour surgery but they say i have one of the best dr's in the country. Thinking about racing the ss tonight just to see what it can do before i cant drive again. Thank god for all the support i have from everyone. It helps in times of chemo coma. If anyone knows someone going through chemo, go see them. Its nice to get there mine off all the stress. Thanks for all your support.