I wasn't going to post because there wasn't a 'member working on their truck needing an answer' question.
Don't take offense, just trying to get the correct information on here.
And I'm not saying this is 100% fact either.
Either they had the bose or not.
If it had the bose, there were factory speakers in the dash and 4 doors, an external amplifier, and had the code UQA inside the glove box.
The non bose still had grill openings in the dash but no speakers inside. Only had the 4 door speakers powered by the radio.
While some of the bose systems said bose on the radio and some didn't, I'm fairly certain that if you don't have the UQA code, the radio is not bose.
As a matter of fact, I replaced the factory radio in my '05. It was from the bose system. I just went and got it, the radio has bose on the faceplate but the sticker on the side of the radio states - Delphi Delco Electronics Systems. So I don't think bose makes any of our radio's - just the amp and 6 speaker system designated by the UQA.