I always wondered how they shipped items like fenders. Apparently they come in boxes that look like the goodies inside!
How the box is secured
Rockin out with the new Fender!
Test fitting the new fender
New tailgate
Glass out
Omg, heat is the best thing ever!
It kind of messes up the paint a little bit
Other side of the heated area
Old tailgate
We eated our Wheaties and took the bed off by ourselves!
All nakie!
Not a whole lot left
Hood stripped and bondo on a big dent
Josh stripped the old bondo from a previous repair and put new in its place
New patch welded in a rotten hole behind the rear driver side
Grinding down the welds
Always srs bsns
Cleaned up
The old rubberized frame protectant did a good job in some areas. I stripped it all with a wire wheel, and the black paint still looks like new. In other areas, not so much, but it all seems to be very solid
Yep, the floor isn't textured, that's all junk I wire wheeled off
Frame de-scaled
Grade A patch work. The old tab rusted out, and if the patch had a hole in it, you'd never know which one was the one that was replaced.
Sanding down the bondo on the rear passenger corner
Just like Dexter's kill room
All ready for primer
It got dark, we worked about 10 hours on it.. It looks so tiny with all of the parts off of it!
Full house! (or cave, obviously the stock flash wasn't cutting it and I didn't bring my external)