April or May meet?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Spokane, WA
Just throwing a feeler out there so we can get another meet in the works. Just post what dates work best for everyone and we'll try to compile it all so it works best for everyone.

And I better see some mods done to everyones rides by the next meet! :cool:

I should have my massive sub enclosure and caps with new wiring done by then, and my top secret project i'm working on(only Erik knows some of the details to this). Don't try bothering me about the details because i won't tell but Erik might spill the beans for the top secret project, haha.:lipsrsealed:


Dec 16, 2011
jbones said:
I think the Month of May.

The only weekend days I know for sure were I will not be available is Mother's Day weekend (see the Moyie thread).

Any other weekend will be hit or miss... The first dry weekend day will be spent installing my stack o' parts once the last bits come in the mail....


Dec 5, 2011
kardain said:
..I will not be available is Mother's Day weekend...


April we have Easter.
May we have Mothers Day, Memorial Day weekend, and yes fishing season opens.

Maybe late April would be best.:wink:


Dec 16, 2011


Nov 20, 2011
Im up for whatever, Mother's Day weekend Ill be in Spokane though. (Is the Moyie deal that weekend? I havent paid attention to what the actual date is for Mothers Day.)

Memorial Day I'm in Idaho, haven't missed a trip with my dad in at least 10 years.

I like late April the best, and Craig you better get that mod done by then! I wont spill the beans if you're gonna keep it a secret... we might need to meet in Spokane this weekend if I head over, might have another mod or two in the back of the SS for ya. :cool:

Hopefully I should have my SS back tomorrow (might be wed), been a LONG few weeks. As much as I love getting ~22-24mpg around town in the Jetta, I miss the power of my SS. Have to rethink my driving, usually its "I can make that no problem," currently its "I better brake, not gonna make it." Not nearly as much fun! :rotfl:


Dec 4, 2011
April 20-22nd and 27 - 29th weekends are out for me; also memorial day. I have horse shows on all those weekends down in Tacoma. Others should be open... at least they appear that way as of now. I could meet in Spanaway/Puyallup on the 20th weekend, but it would be late afternoon. And I'd smell like horse and hairspray :smile:

By then I hope to have my new stereo (yay no more radio ever!!!) and possibly my roof light bar.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Spokane, WA
ScarabEpic22 said:
Im up for whatever, Mother's Day weekend Ill be in Spokane though. (Is the Moyie deal that weekend? I havent paid attention to what the actual date is for Mothers Day.)

I like late April the best, and Craig you better get that mod done by then! I wont spill the beans if you're gonna keep it a secret... we might need to meet in Spokane this weekend if I head over, might have another mod or two in the back of the SS for ya. :cool::

Yes Moyie is that weekend.

And i will defiantly have the mod done by then. Should be getting the parts in the mail in the middle of this week to start working on it. :cool:

Oh and i think i know what mods you have for me. :wootwoot:


Dec 4, 2011
How does April 14th or 15th sound?


Dec 4, 2011
Either the 14th or 15th would work for me.... just saturday afternoon I will most likely have a photoshoot for a local singer :wootwoot: so i wouldnt be able to wheel that day if we decided to.


Dec 5, 2011
Alrighty then!

Looks like we need to shoot for Saturday morning 0930-1000 show. Now for a location.

Wootown22, do we need to travel closer to your location so you can make the photo shoot later that day?


Dec 4, 2011
Honestly anywhere in the Lake Stevens area works fine for me; I know a lot of people are up north, so I don't mind driving a little ways up. I would probably just do a shoot in Seattle or Belevue, so as long as I can hop onto i5 Im fine! :thumbsup: So maybe somewhere between Lake Stevens and Arlington?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Spokane, WA
Dang can't make this one... Maybe you all should do a giant caravan of Trailblazers and drive to Spokane one of these times. :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
I like Craig's idea, Im always driving to Spokane so we need to get a caravan of trucks headed that way!

I can probably do that weekend, Saturday works fine for me. Id prefer closer to actual Seattle as Im in the Lake City area, but I know a bunch of people are farther north. Ill check with the SS guys and see if we can get a few more trucks there.


Dec 5, 2011
I can do anywhere between Bellingham to Seattle that Saturday morning.

I think heading down Eric's way is a good idea since all the meets up till now have been North of Seattle. Eric, do you have an easy access area/place in mind?


Dec 4, 2011
What about Magnuson park? Its on the Northwest corner of Lake Washington; There are three large main parking lots and we can meet in one. Its on the water to, could make some fun group shots? I don't know about food though, I don't know the area just the park. Just an idea :smile:


Nov 20, 2011
Magnuson is my home boat launch, know it well. Lots of parking and we could park on the boatramp to get some good water pics. For food, there's nothing there. A few crappy bbq's and thats it, have to head down Sandpoint Way into the University District, lots of food options there (about a 10min drive).

I realized I'll actually be at Whistler with my dad for that weekend though, so don't move the meet my way as I cant make it that weekend (or the next either, :sadcry: ). The next weekend Im free is April 28/29th, ugh.


Dec 4, 2011
I believe we are shooting for the 14th/15th weekend; it sounds like that is when most people are available, probably that Saturday morning. We are kinda slow on working out final details because if someone joins up in the last minute we might have to alter the location. Just keep watching here :smile:

also since I will have to head south afterwords a meet near i5 would probably be good for you too

David B.

Dec 5, 2011
Dang, would like to go but that's the opener for Turkey Season. I grew up walking to Magnuson Park, too!


Dec 5, 2011
David B. said:
Dang, would like to go but that's the opener for Turkey Season. I grew up walking to Magnuson Park, too!

I was hoping to get over to Davenport this year for this spring season, didn' work out. Where are you going?

David B.

Dec 5, 2011
Oddly enough, Davenport! Small world. My buddies family has a ranch over there, we harvested a Rio and a Merriam last year, but it sounds like some of the private land we have access to is shutting down, or going commercial from what he told me. Not sure if we may try to hunt what's left or head more towards Spokane. Either way, we'll be lodging in Davenport. :smile:


Dec 16, 2011
ScarabEpic22 said:
I like Craig's idea, Im always driving to Spokane so we need to get a caravan of trucks headed that way!

I can probably do that weekend, Saturday works fine for me. Id prefer closer to actual Seattle as Im in the Lake City area, but I know a bunch of people are farther north. Ill check with the SS guys and see if we can get a few more trucks there.

I'm down for a Spokane meet sometime... One of these weekends I have to go to Spaldings anyway...

via Tapatalk


Dec 7, 2011
Dawson creek BC Canada
so this will bemy first meet ever and my first road trip with just me and my bigger bro so i hope this all goes well. Any body know where in Lynnwood we would meet. sorry if im to early but i stoked lol cant wait.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Spokane, WA
You will have a blast! It's a fun time just BS'ing around and checking out everyones rides.:cool:

Too bad i can't make it this time. :hissyfit:


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Spokane, WA
bigytwotone said:
i think i will have fun. wish you could be there would love to see your truck

It's hard for me to show my truck off at the meets because I'm always changing it, or in a middle of a project and really don't want to show people it unfinished.:redface:

I do have a couple more projects i need to do to it and i should have them all done by the time i make it back over to seattle for another meet.:wootwoot:


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Spokane, WA
I'm hoping to go over to Seattle around June or July. But I'll keep you posted when i know for sure.


Dec 4, 2011
ok here are some location ideas:

JC Penny Parking lot, northeast corner, Lynnwood; if we meet at 9 or 10, the lot should be less filled because the mall doesnt open till ten. plus we are right by food.
or for the matter, just the red robin parking lot in Lynnwood, its a mile west of JC Penny; and red robin opens at 11 i think for lunch after the meet?

top of the parking garage, for some fun photos?

just some ideas. lynnwood is pretty easy to access since it is at the intersection of i5 and 405. plus there is that 4x4 parts store i have been wanting to check out.


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