Air Bag Light On, No Trouble Codes


Original poster
Jun 21, 2013
Hello GMTNation,

Although I have been a voyeur to this site and others for quite sometime, this is my first post--actually, a cry for help.

My wife reported that the airbag light has been on for a couple of days now. I went out to see if there were any trouble codes, and none were present. It could be that my basic scan tool does not have ABS and thus, doesn't have the ability to grab them. Nevertheless, I am baffled, and humbly ask the great minds of this site for your assistance/opinions.

There have been no modifications to this vehicle. I did, however, thoroughly clean the throttle body per MAY03LT's very instructive YouTube video. Thanks MAY03LT for recommending to take the TB off because when I did, I found it to be so gunked-up I was afraid I would never get it clean! That was a week ago, and everything checked out okay. The vehicle is a 2006 Trailblazer LS, I6 4.2L, 2WD.

I have no automotive education, experience or training.

All comments/opinions/recommendations are appreciated!


Dec 4, 2011
IComeInPeace said:
I did, however, thoroughly clean the throttle body

I have no automotive.. experience...

Ahh. Well unfortunately cleaning the throttle body counts as experience. But we all know what you mean.:wink:

If nobody provides any answers you might want to take it in and have the dealer scan for "B" codes. Its usually just a connector. My mom brought her Tahoe into the dealer to fix a problem where the air bag light came on and it was minor. $100.

Working on stuff like this sometimes requires deactivating the air bag system.


Original poster
Jun 21, 2013
CaptainXL said:
Ahh. Well unfortunately cleaning the throttle body counts as experience. But we all know what you mean.:wink:

Thanks for the acknowledgement, CaptainXL.

One thing I should mention is that I replaced the passenger side front wheel hub assembly about six weeks ago. All went smoothly, except for connecting the ABS sensor. I could never get that reassuring "click" when putting the two ends together. I gave up after 20 minutes of trying. I thought about taking it back to NAPA, but wasn't too excited about tearing everything down again, only to tear everything again.

You think it could be related? My gut tells me no.

I know someone who can scan it for B codes, but he won't be available until Monday.

Thank you, and Wooluf1952, for your feedback!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Guess you'll have to wait until Monday :biggrin: . Until you get the code(s), you won't know what you're dealing with.

And you're right, they wouldn't be related. And what the heck is this "I have no automotive education, experience or training" bit? Changing a wheel hub is quite a bit beyond just checking the oil and adding air to tires. That's loads of experience right there. :thumbsup:


Original poster
Jun 21, 2013
Mooseman said:
Guess you'll have to wait until Monday :biggrin: . Until you get the code(s), you won't know what you're dealing with.

And you're right, they wouldn't be related. And what the heck is this "I have no automotive education, experience or training" bit? Changing a wheel hub is quite a bit beyond just checking the oil and adding air to tires. That's loads of experience right there. :thumbsup:

It was my first crack at something like that, and could only be done after hours of researching and watching videos.

Thanks for the compliment!

I will post code(s) as soon as I get them.


Original poster
Jun 21, 2013

Taking a cue from CaptainXL's mom's Tahoe experience, and armed with the service manual I downloaded yesterday, I checked the connections/wiring for the driver seat belt pretensioner, front passenger seat belt pretensioner, and the passenger presence system (located under the front passenger seat). I didn't disconnect anything--only made sure the connectors were snug.

Started up the TB; no more airbag light.

I should have troubleshot them one-at-a-time. But at least I know if it happens again, I'll know where to start.

Thanks CaptainXL, Moooseman and Wooluf1952! Your feedback was tremendously helpful:thumbsup:

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