I will defer to others...but I think that is alot.
You shocks are literally two standard bolts on each side? They don't hold up the truck so you can literally take them off and replace side by side in 10 minutes. But you did say no install so I will stay on that.
Buy the shocks of your choice from your vendor of choice...(same with the struts which ARE MORE WORK than doing your shocks)...and go to an independent local mechanic. If you use "quickstruts" it is literally a 40 minute job total. I would think an independent might do this whole proceduer (shocks and struts) for two hours labor as it is likely only 1 if that?
Call around to locall shops and sound knowledgeable about how easy the shocks are and you are doing it only because you are doing struts too...see what you get? And report back?
Good luck!