“The Fog of War” against Mosquitoes…


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Anyone who read my original Post concerning being stung twice by an “ASP” Caterpillar ...the Unholy Progeny of “The Flax Moth” knows that my description of feeling like ‘...Being Burned by a Red Hot Poker and then Hit on the Funny Bone with a Ball Peen Hammer...” does not know the half of it. It was more like having a Weeping Gunshot Wound that somebody parked a 10 Ten Truck on for about 24 hours. Forget Hyperbole… These comparisons are mild in their sincerity about how much pain you will feel and what a serious thing it will be if you or a family member were to make accidental, intentional or unintended contact with this Horrendous Insect. Welcome to everywhere and anywhere below the Mason Dixon Line… The ASP Bugs are due to hatch out for their Second Season since November.

It follows on that with the arrival this year of the Mosquito born Zika Virus, there have been devastating consequences to newborn babies caused by their mothers getting the virus from being bitten; or even when not bitten… they may also receive the virus through sexual transmission by a partner previously bitten and infected. Babies borne with the Microcephaly caused by the destruction of their brains by the Zika Virus are doomed.

From this unfortunate discovery comes the reality of a need for action that must be equal to the original efforts to eradicate the Mosquitoes that carry Malaria (Queen of the Killers of Human beings at around 1,000,000 per anum) and that of Yellow Fever, that killed around 20,000 Workers who died laboring to build The Panama Canal. The use of DDT became so widespread that world wide human blood samples taken during the aftermath of this fight proved that every single human being on earth had some amounts of the insecticide DDT stored in their body fat. Nonetheless… the cure was not as bad as the diseases DDT was meant to kill and it took the recognition that the unintended consequences of failed Bird Egg Hatchings threatening many species due to the presence of DDT in their food chain.

My feelings about being bitten by these awful disease carrying insects makes me believe that by acting locally… right where I am standing right now… my neighbors and I can actually do a Helluva Lot More to reduce and kill down the enormous swarms of these blood sucking vermin. Things as simple as looking around the yard for ANYTHING that can store standing rain water and just tip it and turn it over can eliminate hundreds of places where thousands of Mosquito Eggs and Larvae can thrive and hatch out.

Next… and probably the most dramatic response that can be taken, is to get either the Burgess $60 Propane powered or the $90 110 AC Electric Powered Insect Foggers for regular fogging treatments around the property and areas near the home. No other method compares with a regular treatment using an array of Fog Born insecticide vapors that will immediately knock down not only the Mosquito populations… but will serve to kill any insects on contact that reside in the trees and bushes around the property… including Flax Moths and their “ASP” Larvae (Bye-Bye “Trump” Bug)… Flying, Stinging Insects and Wasps...and God knows what ever else is out there that inhabits the local plants and trees to “bug” us all to death. The Fog is capable of reaching well up into the branches of taller trees and bushes, too. During its use, wearing a proper Breathing Face Mask, Eye and Skin Protection is indispensable

If the off shore breeze from the Gulf of Mexico settles down to a decent level, tomorrow morning I’ll take a position upwind and unleash a barrage of heavy Fog that will finally make a dent in the horrible number of insects that have taken residence on, in and around my home. Ordinarily, I do not spend a great deal of time out in the yard anymore… but soon I’ll be working out on the driveway and inside the garage with the door wide open and I’d like to Beat these Damned Bugs to the Punch by using this machine. I expect better results with it than having to keep spritzing Deep Woods Off on everything to keep them at bay. The reviews and responses to the use of this Fogger Machine speak volumes in favor of employing this over any other method:


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