How much does Auto Insurance cost you?


Original poster
Mar 24, 2014
United States
How much do you pay for your auto insurance policy? Do you pay monthly or bi-annually?


Dec 16, 2011



Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
USAA $165 /mo for full coverage on both of my vehicles and home insurance.


Dec 4, 2011
I also have state farm. We have 2 vehicles on full coverage $5oo deductable and have renters insurance and pay 140 every month. Not too shabby.

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
i have westfield... my home owners insurance is incorporated into my payment as well... and i pay $275 quarterly for full coverage and home owners insurance, so $1100 anually


Feb 2, 2012
Just for my TB: AAA- $684 for 12 months. $100 Deductible, 250/500 coverage, uninsured motorist, comp & collision, and rental coverage. I have 2 other vehicles on the policy, have multi-policy discount, good driver discount (if they only knew), and longevity discount. I think I'm doing OK. :undecided:


Jan 29, 2012
full coverage on both. 03trailblazer 183.00 for 6 month. 08 ss trailblazer 246.00 for 6 month. 500 de. home owners 600.00 a year.:wootwoot: ooo statefarm.


Jan 29, 2012
$768.20 for full coverage on both my Jeep Wrangler and the Trailblazer with Geico. Actually the Jeep is the majority of that. Dont ask me why, but it is. And we only drive it once a month, if that. And most of that is offroad anyway, and if its involved in an accident offroad, I wont even claim it.

We used to have our boat insured with them too, but when we bought the new Monterey, they told us they didnt insure "those types of boats" so we went with Progressive. Turns out Progressive is gonna be $800 every 6 months for both cars and the boat, so guess what, when our policy is up with Geico, we will be saying bye bye to them. So much for customer retention.


Dec 2, 2011
I pay $76 a month for full coverage on my 04 from USAA. That includes my renters and jewelry policy thingie. I'm 26 with no accidents (not on record anymore) and no tickets. *knocks on wood*
Dec 4, 2011
bigytwotone said:
here in BC i have BCAA and it cost me $194 a month and $2328 a year just for the trailblazer and for the silveraso it cost me $256a month and $3072 a year just for the truck

Have you ever noticed how here in Canada people always pontificate about how expensive American insurance is. Going over these posts I am not to sure I wouldn't change places with any of these folks.

I am with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) because I have no other choice for my primary insurance. I can then go wherever I want to reduce my deductible from 750.00 or increase my Liability cover to something useful around a 1,000,000 or more. After paying the government and then a subsidiary insurer WHY do I the bent over feeling. :eek::eek:

My preliminary insurance (plates, 750 deductible and liability (not even sure what it is) is around 1100 per year. The secondary insurance is probably around 50-60 per month to get the deductible around 100.00, liability up to 1,000,000 and glass insurance. Anybody want to sign on to this. :rotfl::rotfl:

But you have to remember that our previous communist (sorry I meant socialist) government kept telling me how I need to support them because they are looking out for me as the little guy :undecided:


Dec 3, 2011
Onsted, MI
$465.00 for the 07 TB.
$505.00 for the 07 Grand Prix GT.

These are 6 month policies with $500.00 collision ded and $100.00 comp ded.

$640.00 for homeowners policy with $1000.00 ded for a year.

$52.00 for basic coverage on boat for year.

All of these are covered through MEEMIC.


Dec 5, 2011
Total Premium: $ 1074.00 for 12 months

2007 MAZDA MAZDA5 $512

2005 GMC ENVOY XL $562

Bodily Injury $100,000/$300,000

Property Damage $50,000

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Bodily Injury $100,000/$300,000

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Property Damage (250 Ded) $25,000

Comprehensive Deductible $500 Ded

Towing and Labor Coverage $50

Substitute Transportation $40 day/$1,200 max


Dec 4, 2011
State Farm biannually. It is about $64 a month full coverage.

Last vehicle accident was around 1997. Some clown ran a redlight and totalled my old ford beater.


Dec 4, 2011
I pay $108 monthly, with state farm. Full coverage, $500 collision/comprehensive deductible, medical payment coverage, rental car coverage, etc. 100/300/100. I am 26 and have been told Iv'e got it pretty good. I had a similar rate/coverage with Country Mutual Ins. Co and would recommend them as well.


Nov 18, 2011
3 vehicles. 98 Grand caravan and 97 eclipse have basic coverage. My truck has full.

100 per month for the trio through Erie.


Dec 4, 2011
Oh boy I can tell you guys are old hahah

20 Years Old
Full Coverage, $500 deduct
0 Tickets 0 Accidents
2nd Car Owned in my name on my credit

$229 Month Allstate

crooks known as state farm quoted No joke $400 a month


Jan 21, 2012
28 years old, State farm: 419 every 6 months, 250 deductible, full coverage. 4 cars on policy with home owners and rental property through state farm as well.

STLtrailbSS: Im shocked Allstate was cheaper than statefarm. Allstate wanted almost 100 more for 6 month premium. Had Progressive for a few years and was very pleased. Prior to them, AIG (WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!) not to mention high premiums.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
State Farm

For my Envoy : 70.14 a month
100/300/100, Car rental, 250 deduct, Comp and Collision

For my wifes Aztek : 66.50
100/300/100, Car rental, 250 deduct, Comp and Collision

My House as well : 44.16

181.80 a month
1090.80 bi-annually
2181.60 yearly

I personally think I am overpaying.. But have been to lazy to shop around..


Feb 3, 2012
I'm in the process of shopping around. My policy expires tomorrow :eek:

I have been using Progressive for about 2 years. For the Envoy I have full coverage and pay 892.00 for 6 month policy
and 143 a month for 5/100/50 and nothing else to fancy, no renters, no towing, no nothing.

I have received a quote from Farmers which wasn't to far off from Progressive. Liberty Mutual with better car replacement and towing I'm looking at 123.42 and I just did a quote with Geico and I think I have to call them lol Says my 6 month policy premium would only be 332.00 so about 56 bucks a month for full coverage 500 ded and 50/100/50 with both rental car insurance and towing.

I think I have to wake up my husband lol I'm a total nit wit when it comes to insurance...I want a good deal. I like the idea of better car replacement with Liberty Mutual, but I don't think they will ever find an 04 envoy with less than 115k miles for around 10k least not an xl slt that is fully loaded.


Dec 3, 2011
What the junk?!?!

I have really good credit, 32 years old, have a few policies with this broker (boat, house, car) AND I still pay more than you guys AND my truck is older than most of yours! :hissyfit:

I pay $116/mo year 'round and I go though Cincinatti Insurance. I have full coverage ($250 deduct) with comprehensive coverage with a $100 deduct for each occurrence (glass, etc). I havent NEVER had an accident/claim my whole life. Now Im going to knock on some

Im going to price around, this is ridonkulous. :mad:


Feb 3, 2012
MichEnvoyGuy said:
What the junk?!?!

I have really good credit, 32 years old, have a few policies with this broker (boat, house, car) AND I still pay more than you guys AND my truck is older than most of yours! :hissyfit:

I pay $116/mo year 'round and I go though Cincinatti Insurance. I have full coverage ($250 deduct) with comprehensive coverage with a $100 deduct for each occurrence (glass, etc). I havent NEVER had an accident/claim my whole life. Now Im going to knock on some

Im going to price around, this is ridonkulous. :mad:

The lower your ded the higher you pay monthly. I usually carry 500 ded on both comp and coll. I don't get the glass insurance because the ded for that on my insurance is also 500 where I wouldnt be spending anywhere close to that for a window replacement.

I'm 28 with shotty credit hubby is 30 with okay credit we both have a violation each, his comes off this June. I don't have a boat and I don't carry renters insurance...yet.


Dec 3, 2011
Voymom said:
The lower your ded the higher you pay monthly. I usually carry 500 ded on both comp and coll. I don't get the glass insurance because the ded for that on my insurance is also 500 where I wouldnt be spending anywhere close to that for a window replacement.

I'm 28 with shotty credit hubby is 30 with okay credit we both have a violation each, his comes off this June. I don't have a boat and I don't carry renters insurance...yet.

I should also mention that I work for a safety council & am a State licensed driver education instructor!! Ive been teaching driver ed since 2007. (not in my car, my company provides a car). They dont care. :mad: Im like the pinnacle of awesome driving. :biggrin:


Feb 3, 2012
MichEnvoyGuy said:
I should also mention that I work for a safety council & am a State licensed driver education instructor!! Ive been teaching driver ed since 2007. (not in my car, my company provides a car). They dont care. :mad: Im like the pinnacle of awesome driving. :biggrin:

Yes but your in Ohio right?? That would explain everything :raspberry:

On a serious note though, It really does depend on the rate and frequency your state has for accidents. That and whether it's a no fault state or not. Iowa isn't a no fault state so I think Premiums can be a bit cheaper?


Dec 3, 2011
I'm with State Farm, my insurance is $95 per month.
I have full coverage on our 06 TB(~$10k), and our 03 Chrysler Voyager (~$4k) and my bass boat (~$5k).
I have a $500 deduct on collision but only $100 on liability.
My wife and I have a squeaky clean driving records.
I work from home and she is a stay at home mom.


Jan 6, 2012
When I lived in Minneapolis, commuted 20 minutes on I394 and I494 daily, it was $350/6 months.

Now that I live in the mountains, walk to work, drive 10 miles into town once every 10 days or so: $430/6 months.



Nov 20, 2011
Its really scary that so many people carry so little coverage. 25k barley covers a new honda civic. I worry about it and I carry 100/300


Feb 3, 2012
Me007gold said:
Its really scary that so many people carry so little coverage. 25k barley covers a new honda civic. I worry about it and I carry 100/300

I agree! My husband wanted to do the minimum required but a lot of people drive $50k cars these days. I have 50/100/50 all around for full coverage, I don't go any higher because I live in a very small town and travel out of town very little so my risk of hitting a vehicle that is worth more than 50k is very low. I drive between 12-15 miles a town.


Dec 3, 2011
I have 50/100/50 also.
My wife has been with State Farm since she got her license.
We don't put a lot of miles on our cars and outside of a couple of rock/windshield incidents we have only had one claim ($1500) in over 10 years.


Feb 3, 2012
navigator said:
I have 50/100/50 also.
My wife has been with State Farm since she got her license.
We don't put a lot of miles on our cars and outside of a couple of rock/windshield incidents we have only had one claim ($1500) in over 10 years.

I have 1 violation....driving with an expired drivers license lol and my Husband has a speeding violation, although he has been responsible for a few accidents but not since we have been together as I do most of the driving. I have never had a speeding ticket surprisingly lol even though I HAVE been pulled over several times, just got out of it, and I have never "Knock on wood" been responsible for an accident. I did have a run in at a grocery store parking lot, but it was in a no fault state and I wasn't at fault...I was parked and a mini van came flying into the parking lot taking off my Mazda's front bumper.


Nov 21, 2011
Im in Delaware, almost 33yo, married w/3 kids. We have a 06 Pontiac G6 and my 04 TB EXT. I have a "safety violation" for a cracked windshield, and my wife (same age) has 1 speeding ticket (9mph over). We are insured w/ Progressive through "The General". We currently only have the state min requirements w/ 500 deduct. For the both of us, full coverage, $500 deduc. etc we are paying $240. monthly.

I used to be w/ Nationwide until i missed 1 automatic payment and was dropped after 6 yrs w/o a late payment. It ended up being a blessing since i was paying $375. monthly for the G6 and TB and me as the only driver. I have to wait until the fall of this year to call for better pricing. My wife had gotten a DUI a few years ago and this fall it will drop from her record. Once thats off we can call around to the major carriers and I will be merging my homeowners and car insur. into the same policy.


Feb 3, 2012
I just went with Geico, my policy starts tomorrow after the progressive expires. My coverage is as follows

50/100/50 for bodily, underinsured and uninsured. $50k for Property Damage. 5K for personal medical. Both deductibles set at $500 I have full service road side service and $50 day/$1500 max for Rental Reimbursement. And with 2 violations.

My 6 month policy is $411.00

Initial payment was $73.42

Monthly is $63.42

I am saving $80.00 a month compared to Progressive and saving $420.00 every 6 months.

Progressive I was paying $821 for 6 months and $143.00 monthly for the same coverage but without road side service or rental reimbursement and $10,000 for property damage.

I think I did pretty good with less than 2 days of insurance shopping lol :wootwoot:


Dec 4, 2011
For both of my Sig vehicles I pay a total of $130 per month combined and I'm in my 30's with both our credit at the top of the possible scales for each bureau. That is for 250/500/100 coverage with a $500 deductible for collision and comprehensive, 0 glass deductible, no rental car coverage. I haven't had a ticket since 1991 and my wife rolled our former Rainier for a total loss payout and she had an at fault accident on her record as well. This is with Progressive and there is no multi policy discount. My homeowners insurance with a $2500 all perils deductible, no multi policy discount and no claims filed ever is about $1800/year with Farmers which is a steel of a deal so much so nobody can beat the price by combining policies under one company. The building value to rebuild the house is around $700,000 so really all of that property and liability coverage for only $1800 is cheap. After the Rainier total loss, we are essentially stuck with Progressive since they barely raised our rates and moving away from them was quoted as a lot more money.


Dec 4, 2011
A year.
Full coverage on my TB (no rental car coverage however).
And I'm 24.

Supposedly 25 is the age that insurance drops drastically. I can't wait to see what happens in May :wootwoot:

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