Eastern Canada Check-In


Nov 21, 2011
CdnGMan said:
Glad to see you made it over... keep your eye open for meets in the GTA area... we boys are known to gather a few times a year... :wootwoot:

Man, I can't wait till you're old enough that I don't need to shaperone you anymore. :raspberry:

Oh, and Welcome Frank. :biggrin:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
harmless said:
Man, I can't wait till you're old enough that I don't need to shaperone you anymore. :raspberry:

Oh, and Welcome Frank. :biggrin:

Harmless your back.....where you been? Are we having a meet sometime soon so we can all show off our GMT's snowshoes? Gotta be some snow soon I hope! We can find a hill and see who's got the best traction :crazy: or hook trucks together and see who can pull who :crazy: ...we could lure 06Envoy with promises of hot chocolate and frozen double oreos....mmmmm oreo's. :raspberry:


Nov 21, 2011
CdnGMan said:
Ha! I can just imagine all the fuss & hairballs you'd cough up if we had a meet and you weren't involved...

Geeez... the nerve of some people... :raspberry:

Nah. Only if I wasn't invited. :lipsrsealed:

Darren... I've been, um, having a rough patch. Not posting as much lately, but still being a troll. Gotta keep an eye on some of you yahoos. :raspberry:

As for who's got better traction, I can happily and merrily say that ANYONE on the planet will have better traction than I do. LOL. I need new rubber.

Default User

Dec 19, 2012
New on these boards - just checking in to say hello

Round of beers coming from the Scarborough, ON area
43° 46′ 34.87″ N, 79° 15′ 29.8″ W


Nov 21, 2011
Default User said:
New on these boards - just checking in to say hello

Round of beers coming from the Scarborough, ON area
43° 46′ 34.87″ N, 79° 15′ 29.8″ W

The new guy comes in with a peace offering!! :thumbsup:

We must meet this new guy. :yes:

We must celebrate with a honorary offering of sacrificial chicken wings to go with that beer!!!! :wootwoot:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
harmless said:
The new guy comes in with a peace offering!! :thumbsup:

We must meet this new guy. :yes:

We must celebrate with a honorary offering of sacrificial chicken wings to go with that beer!!!! :wootwoot:

Welcome Default User :thumbsup: I'm always ready for a meet....maybe Mississauga area next time?


Dec 12, 2012
Default User said:
New on these boards - just checking in to say hello

Round of beers coming from the Scarborough, ON area
43° 46′ 34.87″ N, 79° 15′ 29.8″ W

Welcome from the west side of TO.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
CdnGMan said:
I'm down for a Mississauga meet. Heck, I'm down for an Ottawa meet - once the weather is nice. LOL!!

Wait a minute there, we have 4x4 vehicles and the urge to get together for some wings and beer, why wait for nicer weather? Lets go eat n drink....heck it's only 35 minute drive for me, and I know my Envoy would get me there regardless of the weather! Bring on the snow and bring on the beers and wings, lets get together...:biggrin:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Techhead said:
Welcome from the west side of TO.

My office use to be at 300 The East Mall, right beside the 427, I believe that was Etobicoke...


Nov 22, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
Wait a minute there, we have 4x4 vehicles and the urge to get together for some wings and beer, why wait for nicer weather? Lets go eat n drink....heck it's only 35 minute drive for me, and I know my Envoy would get me there regardless of the weather! Bring on the snow and bring on the beers and wings, lets get together...:biggrin:

Since you've put it that way D, how can I argue with that... :tongue:

How about we start looking at the new year for some beers & wings then?? :2thumbsup:


Dec 12, 2012
Denali n DOO said:
My office use to be at 300 The East Mall, right beside the 427, I believe that was Etobicoke...

In Cloverdale??

Funny, that is just steps away from my office. I'm at East Mall Crescent and Dundas. Right next to what was Bert and Ernie's.


Nov 22, 2011
Default User said:
Anybody from East Scarborough?
aka Scarlem.
aka Scompton.
aka Scarberia.
aka Scar Lanka.
aka Asiancourt

Scarlem has been my home for the last 40 years or so...
I'm at Morningside & Kingston now, but grew up over at Neilson & Sheppard...

I see you're near the STC, so did you say that we were meeting at the Jack Astor's or the Kelsey's?? I can't remember... :raspberry:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Default User said:
Anybody from East Scarborough?
aka Scarlem.
aka Scompton.
aka Scarberia.
aka Scar Lanka.
aka Asiancourt

My territory was Scarberia back '84. 427 to Victoria Park and south of the 401 to the lake. Was good times on the Danforth, Astoria was my favorite Greek restaurant followed by the original Mr. Greek.

When we getting together guys? Mid January, weekday night or weekend? Let's start suggesting...:thumbsup:

Default User

Dec 19, 2012
CdnGMan said:
Scarlem has been my home for the last 40 years or so...
I'm at Morningside & Kingston now, but grew up over at Neilson & Sheppard...

I see you're near the STC, so did you say that we were meeting at the Jack Astor's or the Kelsey's?? I can't remember... :raspberry:

LOL - I grew up at Neilson and Sheppard. Lived there almost my whole life. My parents still live by Murison Blvd.

I marked STC - because i didnt want to scare people if i said Malvern LOL

I actually live closer to the zoo now

Default User

Dec 19, 2012
Denali n DOO said:
My territory was Scarberia back '84. 427 to Victoria Park and south of the 401 to the lake. Was good times on the Danforth, Astoria was my favorite Greek restaurant followed by the original Mr. Greek.

When we getting together guys? Mid January, weekday night or weekend? Let's start suggesting...:thumbsup:

VP / 401 area in '84 reminds me of Johnny's in all it's glory.

I used to live on Brookbanks / Three Valleys area before I moved to Malvern.


Nov 22, 2011
Default User said:
VP / 401 area in '84 reminds me of Johnny's in all it's glory.

Oh yes... Johnny's... one of Scarlem's landmarks... it's too bad that they've gone downhill tho in terms of service AND quality...

For the rest of you...
Where's a good place in the west end / Mississauga area for beers & wings??


Nov 21, 2011
Default User said:
How about a halfway meet?
What's a good central location?

You'll find that the "die-hard" members here aren't afraid to drive to get to a meet...

All we need is a time, place and sometimes a reason. :biggrin:


Nov 7, 2012
to my fellow Canucks iam a junior member from Brampton Ontario ,would luv to meet and talk shop in the new year.OWN A 2003 DARK SPIRAL GREY ENVOY SLE XL.let me know when and where .....Hommer

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
hommer said:
to my fellow Canucks iam a junior member from Brampton Ontario ,would luv to meet and talk shop in the new year.OWN A 2003 DARK SPIRAL GREY ENVOY SLE XL.let me know when and where .....Hommer

Brampton, I used to live near there. As a kid i went to McDonalds on Queen every Friday after school and then hitch hiked to the City Center to hang out at the arcade. We walked over from the from the "L" section, long before the 410 was built. As a matter of fact my first ride on a snowmobile was on a quarry that was at the dead end of Lauercrest. I also lived in the "D" and "J" sections. Chinguacousy High School and Williams Parkway public School were my schools. Good times back then!


Dec 8, 2011
Hi Guys,
I need to have my tranny rebuilt, we had a guy named "Zero" on the OS that had his rebuilt in 2009 with the upgrades. Anyone knows if he is on here. I would like to know where he got it done or if anyone know somone good in the westend area (North Etobicoke) it cannot move I had to get it towed so the closer the better. See post http://gmtnation.com/f79/transmission-issue-6188/
Please PM me a contact.


Dec 11, 2011
South West Ontario, Canada
Menthol said:
Hi Guys,
I need to have my tranny rebuilt, we had a guy named "Zero" on the OS that had his rebuilt in 2009 with the upgrades. Anyone knows if he is on here. I would like to know where he got it done or if anyone know somone good in the westend area (North Etobicoke) it cannot move I had to get it towed so the closer the better. See post http://gmtnation.com/f79/transmission-issue-6188/
Please PM me a contact.

That sucks. Hope you get it sorted. What kind of mileage is on it ??? Do you do any heavy towing with it ??

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Menthol said:
Hi Guys,
I need to have my tranny rebuilt, we had a guy named "Zero" on the OS that had his rebuilt in 2009 with the upgrades. Anyone knows if he is on here. I would like to know where he got it done or if anyone know somone good in the westend area (North Etobicoke) it cannot move I had to get it towed so the closer the better. See post http://gmtnation.com/f79/transmission-issue-6188/
Please PM me a contact.

I remember "Zero", he hosted a meet years back at a place he was working, pics of that meet and his truck are in 1 of my 4 albums on my profile page. We cooked burgers in the rain, and there are pics of a rear seat driving stunt car they built.

My friend owns a Mister Transmission shop in Cambridge, he does good work. Probably not worth towing it that far tho. Let me know if there are any questions you have that he may be able to answer for you.


Nov 21, 2011
Zero moved from here to ORTB and has since sold his ride for another toy. Great guy. Miss him.

I don't know if he's still active on ORTB, but here, he's gone silent.

The garage he's friendly with is RoboWrench, in Etobicoke, on Belvia Rd.


Dec 8, 2011
harmless said:
Zero moved from here to ORTB and has since sold his ride for another toy. Great guy. Miss him.

I don't know if he's still active on ORTB, but here, he's gone silent.

The garage he's friendly with is RoboWrench, in Etobicoke, on Belvia Rd.

Thanks, appreciate it.


Dec 8, 2011
kenmyfam said:
That sucks. Hope you get it sorted. What kind of mileage is on it ??? Do you do any heavy towing with it ??
199K. Bought it off lease in 2007. I don't tow anything.
Denali n DOO said:
I remember "Zero", he hosted a meet years back at a place he was working, pics of that meet and his truck are in 1 of my 4 albums on my profile page. We cooked burgers in the rain, and there are pics of a rear seat driving stunt car they built.

My friend owns a Mister Transmission shop in Cambridge, he does good work. Probably not worth towing it that far tho. Let me know if there are any questions you have that he may be able to answer for you.

Thanks, you're correct too far.


Nov 22, 2011
kenmyfam said:
Where is everybody ?? It's almost April !!!! nearly 3 months without a post in this section !!!:biggrin:

That's a good point... I know the resident troublemaker (aka Harmless) has been having a beast of a time with his technology, so that's most likely the reason it's been so quiet in here... LOL!! :raspberry:

Not sure about everyone else, but I'm looking forward to a few Saturday / Sunday roadtrips this summer in hopes of meeting some of you and seeing what you've done with your rides... I know that I gotta make my way up to Midland in the near future to finish off some of the mods that were started last summer and to upgrade some lighting...

That said, when's the first "Meet n Greet" of the 2013 season gonna be?? And where?? :wootwoot:

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