Cargo cover.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
number 1. Why are they so flipping expensive on ebay.

number 2. Has anyone done a solid piece of ply, or other material and covered it in carpet? I run a side business working on computers and it would be nice to be able to keep all of my tools in there but not be able to see them with the gate shut, but still be able to toss in my clubs and laptop bag on top. Just wondering if anyone has done it. If you have toss some pictures up.


Dec 4, 2011
i was just thinking about this mod this morning, do a solid piece of plywood, that slides into place? or sits in the holes, whatever on the sides, and then have it wrapped in carpet would be nice for me.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
I have seen people that mount a piece of plywood there and it doesn't look too bad. IMHO, i would go that route if you plan on putting a laptop bag or clubs on top of it. The retractable ones are pretty weak. I have been thinking about doing that but I don't think I would like it too much unless there was an easy way to take it out and fold it when it is not needed. :twocents:


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
MrDJ said:
I have seen people that mount a piece of plywood there and it doesn't look too bad. IMHO, i would go that route if you plan on putting a laptop bag or clubs on top of it. The retractable ones are pretty weak. I have been thinking about doing that but I don't think I would like it too much unless there was an easy way to take it out and fold it when it is not needed. :twocents:

I think you could make it a two piece unit split right down the middle (front to back). You could
A) get one strong ass hinge.
B) make a bracket that you slide a piece of metal in and out to connect the 2 sides.
C) make two sides and put a few bolts and wing nuts in it.
It might look bad ass to have a Bowtie embroidered on it.

My thought on C



Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
wiggles said:
I think you could make it a two piece unit split right down the middle (front to back). You could
A) get one strong ass hinge.
B) make a bracket that you slide a piece of metal in and out to connect the 2 sides.
C) make two sides and put a few bolts and wing nuts in it.
It might look bad ass to have a Bowtie embroidered on it.

I might have to look into that this Christmas while I am home from school! :2thumbsup:


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Yet another idea and it follows the kiss system. (keep it simple stupid)


Think old school door barricade.

take 4 U brackets from the local hardware store. Add 2 2ft long, pieces of square 1x1 and just use them to brace it and connect the 2 pieces. It's stupid simple to take out and wouldn't require keeping track of wing nuts. It could also be done in a hurry.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Hell if you would be worried about the weight limit. Make 2 square tube frames and then just wing nut them together in the center. I wish I had access to a metal shop.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
I'm just hemorrhaging ideas for this.

ok think about this 2 thick dowel rods one for the front one for the back.

then attach 4 pieces of pvc pipe about 6 inches wide cut in half. then just lay them on the dowel rods. NOW that's simple. Hell you could probably eliminate the pvc and just use heavy duty Velcro to attach them to the dowels.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
wiggles said:
I'm just hemorrhaging ideas for this.

ok think about this 2 thick dowel rods one for the front one for the back.

then attach 4 pieces of pvc pipe about 6 inches wide cut in half. then just lay them on the dowel rods. NOW that's simple. Hell you could probably eliminate the pvc and just use heavy duty Velcro to attach them to the dowels.

What would be the easiest way to mount the PVC to the plywood? Just glue and screws?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
MrDJ said:
What would be the easiest way to mount the PVC to the plywood? Just glue and screws?

I was thinking about that and I think I would just make sure and clean the area and use some sort of epoxy. Depending on the size of the plywood a screw wouldn't find enough to grab onto more than likely.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
wiggles said:
I was thinking about that and I think I would just make sure and clean the area and use some sort of epoxy. Depending on the size of the plywood a screw wouldn't find enough to grab onto more than likely.

That seems like it would work. As long as the front and back posts would be easily removable, this seems like the most affordable option!


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
I think the hardest part of the entire build would be getting the outline of the tb just right so nothing falls down the sides. I guess I could stand to just make it square or taper from front to back. The retractable's don't snug to the edges.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
wiggles said:
The retractable's don't snug to the edges.

The retractables are not made to support things so they don't need to be. Unless you're going to be putting small stuff up there, the plywood doesn't need to be flat up against the side. Probably a little under an inch would be sufficient. I'll be looking into that soon to do this month.

As for the dowell rods...The back ones will be easy. Screw grommets in to each side of the dowell rod and it will slide into the existing slots. I guess the front one could be permanent if it needs to be. What would be the easiest way to mount that one?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
MrDJ said:
The retractables are not made to support things so they don't need to be. Unless you're going to be putting small stuff up there, the plywood doesn't need to be flat up against the side. Probably a little under an inch would be sufficient. I'll be looking into that soon to do this month.

As for the dowell rods...The back ones will be easy. Screw grommets in to each side of the dowell rod and it will slide into the existing slots. I guess the front one could be permanent if it needs to be. What would be the easiest way to mount that one?

I've been pondering that one. Something needs to be build that acts just like a shower curtain rod. you can twist it and it will move in and out about half an inch....

maybe cut the dowel rod in half, get some all thread and put it between the 2. so you can twist it out and twist it back together....

maybe make the back one a 3 section dowel with a dowel in the center that slides snuggly into a complete pvc pipe to hold the center solid while still giveing support to the outside pieces?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
wiggles said:
I've been pondering that one. Something needs to be build that acts just like a shower curtain rod. you can twist it and it will move in and out about half an inch....

maybe cut the dowel rod in half, get some all thread and put it between the 2. so you can twist it out and twist it back together....

maybe make the back one a 3 section dowel with a dowel in the center that slides snuggly into a complete pvc pipe to hold the center solid while still giveing support to the outside pieces?

wait I've got it.

make a dowel that is just short then get appropriately sized.pvc pieces to slide over the ends. the pvc can just slide off the ends of the dowel and hold the dowel in place in the existing pockets


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
wiggles said:
wait I've got it.

make a dowel that is just short then get appropriately sized.pvc pieces to slide over the ends. the pvc can just slide off the ends of the dowel and hold the dowel in place in the existing pockets

Would that be a snug and strong fit?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
MrDJ said:
Would that be a snug and strong fit?

depends on how snug you buy the pvc. you could also use a cotter pin of some sort to hold the pvc in it's place..or if you aren't one for looks..duct tape. lol.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
I'm not sure the PVC pipe would fit in the existing holes. I do like the idea of cutting the PVC in half and extending them with all-thread. That might be the better option? :undecided:


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
MrDJ said:
I'm not sure the PVC pipe would fit in the existing holes. I do like the idea of cutting the PVC in half and extending them with all-thread. That might be the better option? :undecided:

With that Idea I'm thinking cutting a dowel rod not PVC. I was thinking the same thing. There has to be a way to drill into the dowel then epoxy in some nuts.the hardest part will be getting the nuts placement right so that you're not fighting it while trying to put the two pieces together. Hell one piece needs the all-thread sticking out only one side would need the nut.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
The best way would be to drill the hole in the dowel rod and go ahead and thread the nuts on the all-thread. Then just epoxy the nuts and stick the whole thing in the dowel rod. Once it is where you want it, slowly unscrew the all-thread and let the epoxy dry. Something tells me that a setup like that might wiggle itself loose at some point.

I still think there is an easier and more secure way to do this... I wish I had the dimensions of the existing holes. I can get them later when I go out to my truck...


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
I took a quick look at mine when I went out but it's snowing and cold as hell so it was a very quick look. I'm almost tempted to just buy a black heavy duty shower rod lol.:rotfl:


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
It's cold here too...not snowing and probably not as cold, but it still sucks. Hopefully I will get a chance to look at it tonight or sometime and hopefully come up with a solution. I would love to get this done in the next few weeks. I will have to find somebody to do the carpet tho. I'm not too good at that part.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
MrDJ said:
It's cold here too...not snowing and probably not as cold, but it still sucks. Hopefully I will get a chance to look at it tonight or sometime and hopefully come up with a solution. I would love to get this done in the next few weeks. I will have to find somebody to do the carpet tho. I'm not too good at that part.

I was thinking the same thing on time frame and on having an upholstery shop do the cover. I have a guy locally that has done a few seats for me. I can't imagine it would cost a terrible amount to cover 2 pieces of plywood. Now if I decide to have it embroidered there's another story.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
It shouldn't be too expensive... All that needs to be done now is to figure out how to attach the bar in the front.


Nov 18, 2011
I see some good ideas in here. I would like a more solid cover that could possibly support a load.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
I think I might start to work on this project this weekend depending on the weather.

I see some good ideas in here. I would like a more solid cover that could possibly support a load.

We have almost everything figured out except the perfect way to mount the bar closest to the rear seats. Any ideas or suggestions?


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
You could probably use a combination of PVC and wood dowels. for the oem cover they use spring loaded end cups near the rear seats so you might at least have somethig like that on one end.


Nov 18, 2011
Use either curtain or shower curtain rod. They come spring loaded or can be twisted to extend once in place.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
I have the answer. I couldn't for the life of me think of what the proper name for this was but I found it. The answer is a hood prop. The shower curtain rod of the automotive world.:rotfl: Lisle 45900 Hood Prop: Automotive

That would hold load well, and it is retractable. Multi-use too, if you break down and you don't have a hood rod on your TB.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
I'm not sure if a hood prop or a curtain rod would be as strong as a dowel rod. I am wanting this thing to be as strong as possible. I carry quite a bit in the back.

I did have an idea for my situation. I don't know if it would work for anybody else.
View attachment 16781
On the back of the shelf, just add a ledge that sits on the sub box. No more need for a rod on the back.

What do y'all think?


  • photo_800x598.JPG
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
MrDJ said:
I'm not sure if a hood prop or a curtain rod would be as strong as a dowel rod. I am wanting this thing to be as strong as possible. I carry quite a bit in the back.

I did have an idea for my situation. I don't know if it would work for anybody else.
View attachment 712
On the back of the shelf, just add a ledge that sits on the sub box. No more need for a rod on the back.

What do y'all think?

I think in your situation that is the way to go. Also you could put a dowel in the pocket of the back seat seat belt area, to give it even more stability. At this point I've even thought about just making a 2x4 leg at the back of each section and not even attaching it to the side of the vehicle in the back. That might be the ticket.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
I think I have most of the parts at home for this project. Hopefully I can get started this weekend. Will post pictures ASAP!


Nov 18, 2011
If you go with just a platform with plywood and 2x4 legs, Regulator already has done it and has pics and a write-up on the os or offroadtb. Works well. I was thinking something less permanent. I could use my speaker box for the rear, that is pretty good idea. I have a reg cover, but something simple and removable would be handy at times.

Looking forward to what ya'll come up with. PICS PLEASE!


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
If you go with just a platform with plywood and 2x4 legs, Regulator already has done it and has pics and a write-up on the os or offroadtb. Works well. I was thinking something less permanent. I could use my speaker box for the rear, that is pretty good idea. I have a reg cover, but something simple and removable would be handy at times.

Looking forward to what ya'll come up with. PICS PLEASE!

I'm still looking at attaching it by the hatch and having it in 2 pieces. Instead of attaching a rod to the part behind the seat I'll just put a leg of some sort to support it. I'm not concerned about bolting it to the vehicle or anything all though I could just strap it to one of the floor tie-down areas. I'm not going to be riding trails in the thing so It will stay put.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
wiggles said:
I'm still looking at attaching it by the hatch and having it in 2 pieces. Instead of attaching a rod to the part behind the seat I'll just put a leg of some sort to support it. I'm not concerned about bolting it to the vehicle or anything all though I could just strap it to one of the floor tie-down areas. I'm not going to be riding trails in the thing so It will stay put.

I think, for the sake of convenience, I will make mine in 3 sections. When you get yours carpeted, are you going to carpet the full thing, or just the top and have it wrap around a little?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
MrDJ said:
I think, for the sake of convenience, I will make mine in 3 sections. When you get yours carpeted, are you going to carpet the full thing, or just the top and have it wrap around a little?

I've been debating that too. I may just paint the bottom then wrap it partially around the bottom.But another part of me wants to have the entire thing wrapped to make it not look like a home made product.

Before I can do mine there either A)needs to be a heat wave or B) I need to get some firewood for the garage. It's 19 here today and it doesn't look to get warmer anytime soon. A tiny cinder block garage doesn't keep heat well either.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
wiggles said:
Before I can do mine there either A)needs to be a heat wave or B) I need to get some firewood for the garage. It's 19 here today and it doesn't look to get warmer anytime soon. A tiny cinder block garage doesn't keep heat well either.

We have a big propane heater that clamps to the top of a propane bottle and it works really well! I use it a lot while working in the garage in the winter.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
wiggles said:
I've been debating that too. I may just paint the bottom then wrap it partially around the bottom.But another part of me wants to have the entire thing wrapped to make it not look like a home made product.

I guess it all depends on the cost for all or part of it done.


Dec 4, 2011
This is Damn good mod :undecided: I just might get around to doing this :thumbsup: The price for the is cargo cover is crazy even used ones on ebay :mad:

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