4.2L I6 Head Removal/Engine Restoration


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
I'll give you guys further word in the morning, I'm also going to be posting a "how to" video on the coolant sensor! $25 wholesale price for one, I'll talk about why it's important to have it in our trucks and go a little in depth on how far a little sensor like that can go.

Looks like we're firing it back up guys!


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
I think it's the splash shield guys. It needs to be tightened down. The truck runs fine, the chain doesn't have any slack and the cams operate as they should.

We'll be taking the cover back off soon! Don't cringe your teeth, that's the easy part!

I'm thinking about waiting until after I'm done spraying the truck down before I do it of course!


Aug 26, 2012
you don't want to mess up the new paint job!

when do the new photos show up?



Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
They're coming! Right now the truck is only a third of the way done! We haven't started the actually body yet. Just the front fenders and hood. The entire truck has been sanded down, and I've filled in a ton of dings and dents. There's no way in hell I'm posting pictures of it right now!!! Haha, but yes, I'm considering waiting until after we're done spraying it, to work under the valve cover! I'm sure it's nothing serious!

Now I'm going to briefly touch on one issue unrelated that occurred within the last 24 hours..

A little FYI for you readers out there: I recently noticed that my XM satellite radio would cut in and out. When I tried to change the station to a different channel, it would take forever to load and then not play anything at all. Finally, it would display the message "error" on the screen. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I LOVE my XM radio. I did a little research and found out that when this happens, all you have to do is literally pull the fuse out, check it, and then plug it back in. I went to the fuse box located under the driver-side rear seat and found fuse #41 labeled "RADIO" on the diagram, and pulled it out to check to see if it was damaged. I didn't see any discoloration, so I plugged it back in and quickly began hearing my XM radio over the speakers. No issues at all! :smile:

Now I know this has absolutely NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH THIS ARTICLE, but I figured I'd post it here anyway considering it could happen to any one of you. I just pulled the fuse ten minutes ago and wanted to get the word out about it now as opposed to forgetting about it!

Now then, back to the tapping under the valve cover. I suspect that it may be the cam posistionor on the exhaust cam. It's a little round thingamabobber that's labeled "Delphi". I was told by Mooseman to replace it months ago while we were undergoing the rebuild, but figured "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!". Well, now I'm beginning to eat those words. It's loose. Apparently, once you install new parts into the engine (sensors including the CPAS) it acts up and pretends it doesn't know how to read correctly. Now, if this is for certain or not, that's beyond me. However, I can tell that it has become loose due to the way it rotates when the engine is running. I have a big feeling this is what my problem is! So, off goes the valve cover and in goes a new whatever the heck that thing is called. AND, ill being tightening down the splash shield as well. Good night Nation! -Octane


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Ok, either I'm having a serious brain cramp or I really don't know what you're talking about. What splash shield are you talking about? I don't remember one when I did my cam phaser.

If it is the bolt holding the cam phaser, probably cleaning it all up and the hole and a bit of Loctite will keep it in there. Mine's been good for over a year now but didn't use Loctite on it. Hopefully yours didn't cause any damage so an inspection of all related parts would be required.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
I forget the actual name for it, the correct part name isn't "splash shield", that's just a little red-neckology we've used for it before in the past. Once I pop the cover you'll know what it is right away!


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Live feed complete! The cover's almost off....


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Well guys, I was able to identify what the problem was after several attempts to pull the valve cover off. Two lifters came though into the valve cover area, and apparently only four out of six cylinders were firing.

After several conversations with my mech-buddy's all over, I realized that it wasn't my fault. It wasn't the rebuild either that caused it. It was in fact, the machine shop's fault. I know I know, there's a lot of people upset about it just as I am. The time, money, blood sweat and tears we put into it to keep it a maximum capacity, went in vain. Or did it?

I gave my cousin a call out near Memphis Tennessee and he offered to take her off my hands. The truck was paid off, so I sold her to him in her current, unfinished state. We still had a ton of spraying to do body wise, but never got around to it due to engine issues. My cousin LOVES the Trailblazer however and promised to take good care of her. He's got the money I don't have at the moment to buy a brand new head and everything needed to bring her back again. He did me a favor. Relax guys, he's also a Marine, and just as passionate about Chevy's as I am.. :smile: We did everything possible guys. I'm sorry this news had to come.

Now then.. You're probably wondering what next, right? Well..

I wanted something better on gas, something with four doors, better handling and of course, a little turbo if I could get it. Not to mention, it absolutely positively HAD to be a Chevy. You won't catch me driving anything else guys..

Here you go..






Yep, you guessed it. It's a 2012 Chevy Cruze, and it's got a nice little 1.4L Turbo just for grins and giggles.

It picks up pretty fast, and is amazing when it comes down to overall handling. The car itself has all the room I need, and tons of features I couldn't have in the TB. Bottom line, really really fun to drive!

Now then, just because I don't actually have the TB anymore doesn't mean a thing. I'm still here FOR YOU GUYS, just as you were for me many many months ago.

I've decided to become a member over at CruzeTalk. You'll be able to find me there as I begin to explore into a new community of fanatics and turbo addicted lunatics. All good people. It's been a pleasure guys, I hope that long from now people will come here to this article and read about what we went through together. Long live the 4.2L! -Octane

Papa's got a brand new bang..


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
You do realize that it's a rebadged Daewoo right? Made in South Korea. I can understand you wanting to save on gas. I cringe every time I pull up to the pump :mad:. It could be the making of a good little sleeper though :cool:

What a pisser though after all you've been through with it. You never know though... You might get another later as a weekend cruiser.


Aug 26, 2012
Mooseman said:
You do realize that it's a rebadged Daewoo right? Made in South Korea. I can understand you wanting to save on gas. I cringe every time I pull up to the pump :mad:. It could be the making of a good little sleeper though :cool:

What a pisser though after all you've been through with it. You never know though... You might get another later as a weekend cruiser.

When we drove to Michigan on the Ohio Turnpike ( I-90) the GM Lordstown plant had a huge sign with a Cruz on it. they are now a world car, new design from the original marketing name, built in several places, including Lordstown Ohio.

These sound like great cars and do make a more responsible choice for those long roadtrips home. If you keep track of all the money you save on fuel, you should be able to justify all kinds of new toys.

My brother picked one up earlier this month and loves it.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Yes! It's a fantastic car, none the less it's been nothing but fun till this point! I'm still very open to the idea of having another Trailblazer later on down the road!

Just guys, the next time I DO have one, and it's not an SS, slap the piss out of me please. Thanks. Love you guys!

Again, I'm still a proud member of GMTN! Here to stay! -Octane

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