chief0299 said:Hey all!
New guy from Oklahoma City. Been lurking for a couple of months and decided to make a login finally. Lots of great info here so far. Looking forward to gleaning as much as I can from all of you.
Welcome! Since the info over there was mostly written by the folks now here, we still refer to the threads in the archives. But the community is here now after the new corporate owners of trailvoy tried to bleed us to death with ads and neglect. 100%.chief0299 said:The other place had some good info on it, but I kept finding more, and in depth info here.
yodaddy4200 said:Welcome bro!! Im from Lawton!!
chief0299 said:Thanks. I see you're from CdA. I was stationed at Fairchild in Spokane for a few years. Beautiful area up there. Always wanted to go back for a visit and hit the mountains with the bike again.