WV/MD/VA check in and MEET?


Original poster
Apr 16, 2014
Sooooo, this is reeally unorganized, but here goes.

Dual purpose thread -

1. Check in for members around the WV/MD/VA borders (Hagerstown MD south to Harrisonburg, VA or beyond in either direction, DC, et al)

2. Possible meet in Baker, WV at my mother in law's thrift shop with a big yard and decent parking lot (gravel) and Catch and Release fishing pond (you need a license)

What's the interest in this? I would like to organize this mid - to - late summer, but not interfering with the Carlisle Truck Nationals.

Cookout, fishin, light mods, showin off, thrift shop frequenting, beer (not for drivers :wink: ), light (and quite short) offroading trail across the street, good times. Family friendly.

Thinking late morning to early evening on a weekend. Maybe even 4th of July???

Come on, internet. Let's do this.
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Apr 3, 2013
I like this idea and its only about a 65 mile drive/70 minutes.

4th of July is not a good weekend for me as I will be in DC for the fireworks, Nationals baseball game, then a UFC fight.

Off-roading, fishing, beer, cook out, and GMTs sounds like a great idea. Hopefully there is some interest from members in the area. Hell not a bad drive for guys in Southern PA either.
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Original poster
Apr 16, 2014
dmanns67 said:
Hell not a bad drive for guys in Southern PA either.
That's what I was thinking. No need to limit this to just the immediate area - if you wanna make it out, come on down.

Ok so I was informed we might be doin the DC thing this year for the Fourth as well, so thats probably out. What would work? Maybe the weekend after the 4th? (July 12 or 13)


Apr 3, 2013
I heard the DC fireworks are pretty amazing. I have never been before, but we will be watching them from the Anacostia Naval Research Base right across the Potomac river from the Ronald Reagan airport. It is pretty close, you can see the Washington monument from my buddy's deck.

The weekend after might work. I am actually on vacation that week so I will have to talk to the wife and see what the plans are, but July 12th might work. If I am still on 3rd shift during that time, I will have to work the night of the 13th so probably wont make it that day.


Original poster
Apr 16, 2014
Ok well that sounds good, I need to check at work anyway and see about specific days and request one. Anyone else out there wanna do this? Come oooonnnnn infernetz!

The dc fireworks are cool, but mostly coz of the backdrop. I've seen them on the Mall and its reeeally cool, but I have also seen them from the roof of the hotel I work at and they are waaay less impressive because you just see them against the backdrop of a generic, short skyline. I like doin my own fireworks. Spent like $200 on semi-legal ones last year and had a *blast* (sorry couldn't resist..)
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