Wiring in a line-out converter


Original poster
Jan 29, 2012
First post here, but have spent a good amount of time on trailvoy the last couple weeks looking for some help on an install.

I have a 2007 Trailblazer, bare-bones base model LS (non-BOSE audio system).

I'm replacing the door speakers with Infinity Reference 6032cf(s), powered by a Jensen 4-channel amp. I have all my power wires run but don't know where to start getting my audio signal to the amp.

I have a Scosche SLC-4 line out converter and don't know where I should splice in to the factory wires --- is there a single location where I can access all 4 channels of factory speaker wire to splice in the LOC, NOT behind the headunit (i.e. not in the dash)????

If no, where can I at least get to the driver side front and rear together and the passenger side front and rear together?

I have all my kick panels and floor trim off, as well as both B-pillars. I can access (obviously) the factory wire bundles running the length of the truck, but I don't want to start cutting the factory tape off those bundles before I know exactly where to cut so I can splice in the wires.

Sorry for the long post, wanted to give as much detail as possible. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer!!!


Nov 18, 2011
BMAMGR said:
First post here, but have spent a good amount of time on trailvoy the last couple weeks looking for some help on an install.

Welcome to the site!

I have a Scosche SLC-4 line out converter and don't know where I should splice in to the factory wires --- is there a single location where I can access all 4 channels of factory speaker wire to splice in the LOC, NOT behind the headunit (i.e. not in the dash)????

If no, where can I at least get to the driver side front and rear together and the passenger side front and rear together?

IIRC, from the radio, the fronts branch off to each side of the dash and the rears run down the middle of the truck to the second row where they split and go to each rear door. IMO the easiest way would be to get signal at each door and run additional wiring to the slc4. The drawback to this would be that since the wires are cut before the speaker, new wires would have to be run from the Jensen amp to each door to the speaker side of the cut wires. The fronts go into each front door about 12" up from the kick panel area, the rears would be behind the b-pillars in the harness that runs up from the floor to each rear door grommet.

A thing to take note of - in the r/f and l/r door, there are identical color wires in their door wire harness. I think there are two browns in the l/r door and two dark greens in the r/f. I highly suggest doing continuity tests from the suspected wires to the head unit to verify that you have the correct wires before tapping.

I have all my kick panels and floor trim off, as well as both B-pillars.

You're halfway there then!

Sorry for the long post, wanted to give as much detail as possible. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer!!!

I will not hold that against you:cool:


Original poster
Jan 29, 2012
Man, am I glad you got on here this morning! Had a feeling you would be the man with the answers. Actually tried to PM you on the other site last night but it said your box was full.

That's exactly what I needed to know. I appreciate it. Heading to the store this morning for some more speaker wire before I unhook the electrical and finish up.

Unrelated/related question while I still have you around (I hope...): I must have read 9000 posts on remote wires over the last week and don't think I ever found a definitive answer. I know you run all aftermarket stuff but I am keeping my stock HU for now. Suggestion on how to rig it?
I've used an empty fuse slot before on a different vehicle and thought I might just try that (just put a spade on wire and try diff slots?). I'll prob pick up one of those add-a-circuit deals at the store anyway just in case.
I have two remote wires to connect - one for the amp and one for the powered sub. Think I should try to find two separate fuses in the rear box or just daisy chain the powered sub off the amp?

You're a lifesaver. If I ever finish this half the credit is gonna go to you.


Nov 18, 2011
BMAMGR said:
Unrelated/related question while I still have you around (I hope...): I must have read 9000 posts on remote wires over the last week and don't think I ever found a definitive answer. I know you run all aftermarket stuff but I am keeping my stock HU for now. Suggestion on how to rig it?
I've used an empty fuse slot before on a different vehicle and thought I might just try that (just put a spade on wire and try diff slots?). I'll prob pick up one of those add-a-circuit deals at the store anyway just in case.
I have two remote wires to connect - one for the amp and one for the powered sub. Think I should try to find two separate fuses in the rear box or just daisy chain the powered sub off the amp?

Fortunately the roadie made the be-all end-all post for adding 12v switched circuits.


I would run them both off of the same fuse using an add-a-circuit thingy.

BMAMGR said:
Man, am I glad you got on here this morning! Had a feeling you would be the man with the answers. Actually tried to PM you on the other site last night but it said your box was full.


Believe me, it's hard to see your thread (over there) and then see this in my inbox and have no way of contacting those who are seeking advice. I don't know how you found us but I'm glad you did!


Original poster
Jan 29, 2012
Haha! I appreciate the sympathy. Was determined to finish yesterday/last night and started getting desperate. No biggie, it's still the weekend.
I actually found this forum through your bio when I stumbled on to your YouTube channel while cruising for install vids last night (stereo stalker?). Glad I did. I've gotten more accomplished in 3 posts here than I had in weeks elsewhere.

Got my add-a-circuit thingy and about a mile and a half of speaker wire, I'm off to the driveway. I've been taking pics and will continue to do so, will do a write up when I'm done.

Thanks again --- standby for another potential meltdown in a couple hours LOL.


Nov 18, 2011
BMAMGR said:
I actually found this forum through your bio when I stumbled on to your YouTube channel while cruising for install vids last night (stereo stalker?). Glad I did. I've gotten more accomplished in 3 posts here than I had in weeks elsewhere.

Sweet! That's what I'm talking about:wootwoot:

Got my add-a-circuit thingy and about a mile and a half of speaker wire, I'm off to the driveway. I've been taking pics and will continue to do so, will do a write up when I'm done.

Thanks again --- standby for another potential meltdown in a couple hours LOL.

Cool man good luck. I'll be around for most of the day if you run into a jam. :thumbsup:

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