What Shock Is best to use?


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Ok, So I should be getting marks 3" Lift within a couple weeks and going to put some Z71's on. What shock could accomidate this Lift? Approximatly 3.5 inches? maybe a lil more, Dont carry much weight very often... I will look like dork with a 3.5 inch lift in back and a 4 inch lift with 86's up front with stock tires... Untill I get bigger tires. lol $$$:frown:


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
I beleive the fox shocks are the way to go...? the 2" lift shocks for the envoy wil work correct? Well worth the money.. But I will be running stock legth shocks for awile with the lift. How bad is the topping out going to be?? thanks


Nov 20, 2011
snowyredenvoy said:
I beleive the fox shocks are the way to go...? the 2" lift shocks for the envoy wil work correct? Well worth the money.. But I will be running stock legth shocks for awile with the lift. How bad is the topping out going to be?? thanks

I might be wrong but someone will correct me, but with Z71's and Marks spacer you will have to run the longer shocks


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
jham said:
I might be wrong but someone will correct me, but with Z71's and Marks spacer you will have to run the longer shocks

I am going to wait till I get the longer shocks to put the Z71's on.So i will only be running the 3in lift with the Stock length. Sorry should have mentioned above..


Nov 20, 2011
snowyredenvoy said:
I am going to wait till I get the longer shocks to put the Z71's on.So i will only be running the 3in lift with the Stock length. Sorry should have mentioned above..

as far as i know you will be good with stock shocks in the rear then. on a side are you getting the new fronts when you put the lift on?? If not and this it just :twocents: I would wait to put the lift in so you don't have to get it aligned twice to help ya save some money. and be sure to look up the UCA flip too


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Yep, Putting bilsteins up there. And Yes. I will be doing the uca flip. Thanks


Dec 4, 2011
I'm installing a 2" front/rear lift later. Does a UCA flip make sense for that setup, or is it only necessary for higher lifts?


Nov 20, 2011
Wyle said:
I'm installing a 2" front/rear lift later. Does a UCA flip make sense for that setup, or is it only necessary for higher lifts?

Im not sure, I have Marks new style 3" front lift and I flipped them because I had the front suspension apart and didnt want to have to pull it apart again to do it.

In the rear of my 02 with 2" spacers and stock springs, my Bilstein HDs did not even fit. DONT TRY TO RUN STOCK LENGTH SHOCKS ON A LIFT! I bought some ProComp ES9000 shocks that are 2" longer than stock and they work really well. Think I paid like $38 + tax each at 4WheelParts (they have a few locations local to me) plus another $4 for some shock boots. Compared to $60-65 for Bilstein HDs, they're a bargain and actually the right length. I used ProComp ES9000 series pt #926500 for my 2" lift and they've been great for ~4k.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Wyle said:
I'm installing a 2" front/rear lift later. Does a UCA flip make sense for that setup, or is it only necessary for higher lifts?
It's not required, but it's free, and doesn't hurt. I would only defer it if you're pressed for time when you install the spacers.


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Great... With that information, Looks like the lift install will be delayed even longer..:frown: I would think with the 2" lift that you should do it While your there just incase you get an allignment. Why not? I dont think it would hurt it would it?


Dec 4, 2011
the roadie said:
It's not required, but it's free, and doesn't hurt. I would only defer it if you're pressed for time when you install the spacers.
snowyredenvoy said:
Great... With that information, Looks like the lift install will be delayed even longer..:frown: I would think with the 2" lift that you should do it While your there just incase you get an allignment. Why not? I dont think it would hurt it would it?
Thanks for the replies. Left UCA bushings are shot. Lift work was waiting for new one, which came yesterday. :biggrin:

@ Scrab - got boots for the new rear shocks at local 4WheelParts two days ago. :smile: Thanks for the cautions.


Nov 20, 2011
the roadie said:
It's not required, but it's free, and doesn't hurt. I would only defer it if you're pressed for time when you install the spacers.

:iagree: but honestly it doesnt take that long. Think it took my dad and I about an hour to do both, and half of that was finding a wrench that would work and "assisting" some sheet metal out of the way :rotfl:

snowyredenvoy said:
Great... With that information, Looks like the lift install will be delayed even longer..:frown: I would think with the 2" lift that you should do it While your there just incase you get an allignment. Why not? I dont think it would hurt it would it?

In case you get an alignment? No no, you NEED an alignment immediately after installing your lift. I put my TB back on the ground and it immediately went to Firestone to get aligned.

Flipping UCAs is pretty easy, just need a big crescent wrench to break them free (couldnt get a socket in there) and maybe a crowbar to move some sheet metal.

Wyle said:
@ Scrab - got boots for the new rear shocks at local 4WheelParts two days ago. :smile: Thanks for the cautions.

No prob, Id never heard of them until August when I was scouring the 'net looking for a local vendor to source shocks. They'll get my business again, their prices are comparable to online and being able to return stuff to a physical store is nice, if needed.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
ScarabEpic22 said:
No prob, Id never heard of them until August when I was scouring the 'net looking for a local vendor to source shocks. They'll get my business again, their prices are comparable to online and being able to return stuff to a physical store is nice, if needed.

You had never heard of them because you were not into wheeling at the time. Except maybe at the mall. :wink:


Nov 20, 2011
djthumper said:
You had never heard of them because you were not into wheeling at the time. Except maybe at the mall. :wink:

Ha not even then! The most offroading the 02 had done is some gravel roads for 30ish miles.

Its a mall crawler, I dont advertise it but I lifted it for snow clearance and because I could! :rotfl:

The SS has barely seen gravel roads!:lipsrsealed:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
ScarabEpic22 said:
Ha not even then! The most offroading the 02 had done is some gravel roads for 30ish miles.

Its a mall crawler, I dont advertise it but I lifted it for snow clearance and because I could! :rotfl:

The SS has barely seen gravel roads!:lipsrsealed:

But you have stated that you wanted to do some mild wheeling with fishsticks and Wootown. That will definitely be more than the mall crawlers do. And the 30 miles on gravel is more than any mall rated lift would handle. Don't sell yourself too short on that yet kiddo... you might catch the bug yet. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the street runs and fast vehicles and off-road at the same time. :cool:


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Thanks for the correction, My bad. I guess its a good day when the previous owner leaves all information and options that was originally ordered on the vechical and I see locking differential on there and look into the glove box and spot the g80:wootwoot:
What a good day:biggrin: Alot less work with that found lol, i have about an hour drive on highway back from the place I am going to install the lift from should be ok until I get aligned right?


Nov 20, 2011
djthumper said:
But you have stated that you wanted to do some mild wheeling with fishsticks and Wootown. That will definitely be more than the mall crawlers do. And the 30 miles on gravel is more than any mall rated lift would handle. Don't sell yourself too short on that yet kiddo... you might catch the bug yet. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the street runs and fast vehicles and off-road at the same time. :cool:

That road was with a completely stock truck, that was back before I could even drive (so 2004/2005).

Im excited to get into some mild stuff with wootown and fishsticks simply to get outdoors more, I used to camp/hike a TON then I went to college and havent had the time in the last 4 years.

But I agree, slammed+big hp for street, lifted+big tires for offroad. Ive got a TB for each right now, just have to snag the 02 from my bro and do my offroading in the summer when he's driving his Jetta.

snowyredenvoy said:
Thanks for the correction, My bad. I guess its a good day when the previous owner leaves all information and options that was originally ordered on the vechical and I see locking differential on there and look into the glove box and spot the g80:wootwoot:
What a good day:biggrin: Alot less work with that found lol, i have about an hour drive on highway back from the place I am going to install the lift from should be ok until I get aligned right?

Sweet, G80 = good thing!

An hour should be ok, be careful as the front will feel really light and floaty on the highway. I likened it to putting a large trailer behind you with a little too much tongue weight so the front end is floaty. Id highly recommend going to a shop asap, last thing you want is to have to turn in an emergency and not be able to.


Dec 4, 2011
ScarabEpic22 said:
:iagree: but honestly it doesnt take that long. Think it took my dad and I about an hour to do both, and half of that was finding a wrench that would work and "assisting" some sheet metal out of the way :rotfl:

When I replaced the right one 5 months ago, I was thinking "ha, no bending required." Today I learned that the left one ... well, not so simple. About a half inch of "assistance" was needed.

I also had to do some customizing to flip OE UCAs. The top of the ball joint boss is a little thicker than the bottom and doesn't have a chamfer to properly accommodate the ball joint stud when you flip them, so the hole in the arm doesn't line up with the groove in the ball joint stud. Nothing a angle grinder and drill press couldn't overcome.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
snowyredenvoy said:
i have about an hour drive on highway back from the place I am going to install the lift from should be ok until I get aligned right?

That will help it settle some just be careful as ScarabEpic22 has stated. I was told to come back after about 1000 miles when it settled as I only drove less than 2 miles to get mine done. So if you have someplace that will do lifetime alignment deals that would be your best bet.


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
I wish that somebody would do a write up???:poke:


Nov 20, 2011
Me007gold said:
Bilstein HD's up front, then white body shocks in the rear (BDS, Skyjacker, ect.......)



Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
The UCA flip


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Thank you, I think I need to join the ORTB.lol Just trying to gather all the information. Thanks, sorry Newbie....


Jan 29, 2012
ScarabEpic22 said:
Im not sure, I have Marks new style 3" front lift and I flipped them because I had the front suspension apart and didnt want to have to pull it apart again to do it.

In the rear of my 02 with 2" spacers and stock springs, my Bilstein HDs did not even fit. DONT TRY TO RUN STOCK LENGTH SHOCKS ON A LIFT! I bought some ProComp ES9000 shocks that are 2" longer than stock and they work really well. Think I paid like $38 + tax each at 4WheelParts (they have a few locations local to me) plus another $4 for some shock boots. Compared to $60-65 for Bilstein HDs, they're a bargain and actually the right length. I used ProComp ES9000 series pt #926500 for my 2" lift and they've been great for ~4k.

I just installed marks 2.5 lift and stock shocks fit fine. They where. monroe's.

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