Vibration from 25-40MPH


Original poster
Apr 22, 2012
Hello everyone,

During normal driving I've noticed a funny vibration on the drivers front side from about 25-40MPH. When the temps dropped in the fall/winter the vibration reduced. Now that it's warming up again I've noticed the vibration has returned. Occasionally, I'll feel a vibration at higher speeds, but not consistently. The vibration is not consistent and does not seem to have a pattern other than starting around 25 and ending around 40ish.

What are some things I can check? Suspension is fairly new to me so I'm not sure what I should be looking for. I do notice vibration during braking as well which would indicate warped rotors, but I wouldn't think I would feel that vibration when I'm not using the brakes.



Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
How many miles, any maintenance history? When was the last time you changed or checked differential fluid and the transfer case?


May 7, 2013
Marksman762 said:
Hello everyone,

During normal driving I've noticed a funny vibration on the drivers front side from about 25-40MPH. When the temps dropped in the fall/winter the vibration reduced. Now that it's warming up again I've noticed the vibration has returned. Occasionally, I'll feel a vibration at higher speeds, but not consistently. The vibration is not consistent and does not seem to have a pattern other than starting around 25 and ending around 40ish.

What are some things I can check? Suspension is fairly new to me so I'm not sure what I should be looking for. I do notice vibration during braking as well which would indicate warped rotors, but I wouldn't think I would feel that vibration when I'm not using the brakes.


One of the first things I would check would be the tire and or wheel. Could be a broken belt or out of balance. I always try to rule out the easy things first. Just swap with another tire and see if the vibration follows the tire. If not, go on to wheel bearings, CV joints, etc. and what the roadie said.



Original poster
Apr 22, 2012
Thanks everyone.

110,000 miles, good MX history for the year I have owned the vehicle. The transfer case fluid was changed by me when I discovered whoever serviced it before used the wrong fluid...

The differentials are both due for fluid change - I've not gotten to it yet but its moving up on my list. I'll look into wheel balance, CVs, bearings etc...


Apr 30, 2013
the roadie said:
How many miles, any maintenance history? When was the last time you changed or checked differential fluid and the transfer case?

Could this also be the case for vibe through the pedal at 60-70mph? I did replace with OEM mounts so I'm hoping its not them.


Dec 12, 2011
Generally a vibration at lower speeds like 25 would indicate a driveshaft /U-joint or a bad tire. Could be a flatspot or a separation as ddgm stated. Your rotors could be so badly warped that you get a pulse through the calipers until the warp in the rotor has pushed the pad back enough to lessen the contact pressure.

You can accelerate to about 60 then let it coast back to 15-20 without touching the brakes, then accelerate and see if it shakes again. This also could be a collapsed brake hose if it's a warped rotor shake. When it shakes at 25-40 if you keep it there will it continue to shake?

Have you ever filled any of the tires with fix-a-flat? If you're unsure of that history press the valve stem with it at the 6 O'clock position and see if anything drains out.

Use the spare tire and see if the vibration goes away. The spare isn't normally balanced from the factory so it may still shake a little.


Original poster
Apr 22, 2012
Forgot about this thread...

Ended up being worn tie rods. Quite a bit of movement when I jacked the car up and moved the wheel side to side. I replaced them both, got an alignment, and all is well!

Thanks everyone.

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