So I was lucky enough to get last set of stainless works headers with cat-less offroad lead pipes and I was hoping some one can help me with a little problem I ran into. Well here in nevada by law I have to have a cat and I was wondering if I do a custom true dual exhaust would I have to have to cats or one? I took it to a local shop and the guy said he would do nothing with my headers or exhaust because its illegal. So I told him if I purchase a cat or two if he could do it and still said no. so I was hoping some here can help me out with this, I would greatly appreciate it.
Specs for headers and pipes:
-headers with 1 3/4" primaries
-2.5" collectors
-2.5" offroad leadpipes
Specs for headers and pipes:
-headers with 1 3/4" primaries
-2.5" collectors
-2.5" offroad leadpipes