STLtrailbSS said:SS will be waiting
You are going to passing through the heart of the city possibilities are endless, Did you want to eat?jham said:nice where's a good place to meet up at I will be coming in on 70 and then going on 44
STLtrailbSS said:You are going to passing through the heart of the city possibilities are endless, Did you want to eat?
STLtrailbSS said:Imos STL Pizza? Always a classic its right off 44 too. You have had imos before haven't you?
STLtrailbSS said:South City where the real folk livelol Anyway I can care less but lets keep it easy somewhere off 44. But i mean Its not that bad you have Forest Park,Central West and the hidden Hampton industrial lots SS friendly. I mean we can meet in a field for all I care just no more failed meets like TV.
TollKeeper said:I know what you mean man.. I was the only one to show at the last STL meet..
Since Jham is going to be our local guest, lets see what kind of food he would be in the mood for, that might also work for keeping the driver awake as he rolls on down the road?
By the way, where you headed to Jham?
jham said:I am headed about a hour farther down 44 to Bourbon mo my son lives there. As far a food I am open to all your ideas
TollKeeper said:Well, my wife would like some Mexican, but I dont know anything down in that area (44 & 270 areaish). But I am of the same opinion, whatever works.
STLtrailbSS said:No Joke! 2 members and I only know of 2-3 on TBSSowners and the one guys moving WEAK
jham said:wow at christmas i was going down 44 into downtown and a nice black SS with a cowl hood blew by me
STLtrailbSS said:Everyone still good with this meet? PMs sent with my cell phone number call/text to reach me directly.
jham said:that works for me is there a carwash near there I might need one lol
TollKeeper said:Sounds good... Do we have a definet time?
STLtrailbSS said:Noon is god call me with any ?s
jham said:I'll give ya a call after I go over the bridge. On a side note don't laugh at my winter wheels and tires and primered bumper lol