Spring/strut compressor question


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Looking at the attachment, what are the two upper center "hook" looking things?


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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Haven't seen them before, but they could be used as safety clips to make sure if a threaded bolt breaks or slips off that the spring wouldn't expand too much. I would have bought that version if I'd seen it a few years ago. :thumbsup:


Dec 8, 2011
I'm positive that's what they are for. the last set I borrowed from AutoZone had a similar, though not as nice, of a setup. I had the change the struts on my HHR, and I felt a lot more comfortable with the hooks.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
I purchased them from Autozone. They are the $80 ones part #27203. Did not come with any directions or a parts included breakdown. I had thought they were either a supplemental part to be used in tight areas or a safety device to be used in addition to. Like Roadie just said, long as the spring does not compress to far, the hook should stay. I guess it will depend where you put it and maybe you could "spin" them slightly up or down to make a final adjustment. I used the $25 giftcard for each $100. I would rather have a new unit than one that the rental threads are worn.


Dec 5, 2011
Me007gold said:
Spring compressor eh? Finally decided to lift it?

I'm telling yah!:smile:

Still waiting on the shock purchase, I only want to do this once. I have to get the shocks, I mean I feel like I'm back on the USS Tarawa riding in the big troffs at sea. Get XMAS out of the way and some extra cash should flow back my way. The wait sure is a pain.


Nov 21, 2011
I did a search on Amazon for "spring compressor" and got several hits. The OEM 25550 for around $40 was rated highly. I've used one of the el cheapo HF compressors a couple times and it scares the you-know-what each time I used them. The next time I probably rent or buy a set like the 25550. I didn't read all the reviews in detail to see if someone actually used this set on a TB/Envoy so don't know if there's any latent issues.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Me007gold said:
Spring compressor eh? Finally decided to lift it?

I see myself possibly needing front shocks replacement within six months. well since its all off...


Nov 20, 2011
Any chance that those "hooks" are for compressing springs that do not have struts paired with them? I have seen spring compressors that work down the center of the spring and it looks pretty similar to that. I would bet it is meant to be a universal kit.


Dec 8, 2011
Has anyone ever used a "Clamshell" style compressor? I'm looking to get one and came across theese. They seem pretty simple/safe to use, any opinions?


Dec 8, 2011
No, i saw theese on ebay. i dont know how to put in links, but if you searh spring compressor you'll see it. But, the more I've thought about it, I'm not sure. It has a single pivot point that would be holding all the tension. I can only imagine what it would be like if it decided fall apart under load, as cheaper tools are known to do.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Jelco said:
No, i saw theese on ebay. i dont know how to put in links, but if you searh spring compressor you'll see it. But, the more I've thought about it, I'm not sure. It has a single pivot point that would be holding all the tension. I can only imagine what it would be like if it decided fall apart under load, as cheaper tools are known to do.

Copy and paste the link into your post


Dec 12, 2011
Jelco said:
I can only imagine what it would be like if it decided fall apart under load, as cheaper tools are known to do.

When I was changing tires back in the day, A technician was replacing struts with one of the spring compressors that tighten down with an impact gun...basically two 2-finger steel claws with a threaded rod and only one of the claws (top) ran in the threads. I went over to put some rotors on the lathe and saw the compressor in about 3 pieces. I asked what happened here and the tech said "look up". There was a hole in the ceiling you could put your leg through and that is where the spring went. Granted it was only sheetrock but he said he heard a bang and then saw the dust falling, the spring was lodged in the sheetrock.

Happened the previous day so I didn't witness it but to this day the intimidation factor is still there. Looks like there are better and safer alternatives now.


Dec 20, 2011
Years ago the first time I changed struts on a dodge shadow I had one of the spring compressors slide around on the spring on me, doesn't sound too bad except it happened faster than you could blink and scared the crap out of me. If I would have had some fingers in there at the time there is a good chance I would be unable to flip people off today. Can you imagine!


Dec 8, 2011
gmcman said:
When I was changing tires back in the day, A technician was replacing struts with one of the spring compressors that tighten down with an impact gun...basically two 2-finger steel claws with a threaded rod and only one of the claws (top) ran in the threads. I went over to put some rotors on the lathe and saw the compressor in about 3 pieces. I asked what happened here and the tech said "look up". There was a hole in the ceiling you could put your leg through and that is where the spring went. Granted it was only sheetrock but he said he heard a bang and then saw the dust falling, the spring was lodged in the sheetrock.

Happened the previous day so I didn't witness it but to this day the intimidation factor is still there. Looks like there are better and safer alternatives now.

the ones that have just the finger type hooks are the worst ones to use!! ive heard of many times the horror stories of them breaking. the 2 peice from the parts store are ok clamshells are more expensive and honestly dont work the best iv found (used 4 and 3 of them stripped out the alum rod that the bolt goes thru) so i got the bolt on one and have used it 5 times and its easy and feels safest of them all

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