Smart Meter Craze?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
So I was on a youtube tangent and came across "Smart Meters" supposedly these devilish devices as described by some are monitoring us, killing us with radiation and jacking power prices up. Sounds like some crazies to me. If they are truly a problem I have worked in rooms with 20 to 50 of these in high rise power rooms. Any seen any of this? they have websites and the whole shabang already set up.



Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I dont know anything about the RF thing that he is talking about. I do know that the "smart" meters are suppose to be able to NOT run backwards, for those who have solor panals, and the like, which has caused multible law suits across the country.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
STLtrailbSS said:
...they have websites and the whole shabang already set up...
IMHO, it's way down my list to be worried about these. I have one, and a WiFi connected display in the house to show me instantaneous power usage. The RF the meters use to communicate with the utility for other reasons has been claimed to cause all sorts of health issues, but then, so have cell phones, electric blankets, and GPS.

And as all critical thinkers know, just having a web site doesn't increase an idea's credibility. Show me facts, I always demand.


Feb 3, 2012
I have to agree with Roadie on this one, I don't doubt that it isn't harmful in some manner, but I bet that guy still feeds his children pink slime from McDonald's, or as Roadie suggested the cell phone usage, tablet usage, heating up food in microwaves etc..Changing or getting rid of one small harmful device such as a smart meter isn't going to be prolonging anyone's life I wouldn't think, but that's JMHO.


Nov 23, 2012
I didn't watch but. to me, this is funny. Last year, after doing a bit of research, I wrote to our local paper. The jest was that these things operate very close to the same frequency as a wireless router. I posed the question that if you have a router how is that different than one of these meters? And even if you didn't have a router nor one of these meters what about your neighbor next door?

Anyway, since my name is in the phone book, I actually got a call from a local "activist." The discussion was brief as she wouldn't or couldn't answer my question. She was stuck on these things are bad and that was it.

Just thought I'd pass the above along as it still brings a smile when I think of it. Still no answer to my question either...


Nov 18, 2011
I don't know if I have the same "smart meter" or not. My meter sends usage information back through the lines to my supplier. All I know sure is nice not having a meter-reader coming to my house, getting my dogs all riled up. :yes:

the roadie said:
electric blankets
Oh, shit...I'm dead. :frown:

I liked his comment..."It emits harmful...ummm....emissions." :rotfl:


Nov 23, 2012
Speaking of meter readers, we have a "smart" electric meter like I said. Our next door neighbor has both electric and gas. Why we have only elec is beyond me. Does that mean they send someone out to just read my gas meter? Been that since we got the smart elec meter. You'd think their system would tell them that we don't have a smart gas meter and they'd come back and change it. Oh well...


Dec 4, 2011
Ok so I thought the smart meter issue was on of control not some hidden danger. In other words the big brother effect. I don't know about you guys but we get a monthly report from both the electric and gas company that compares our usage to our neighbors. We are always 100% more than the next closest neighbor usage wise...we get a good laugh at it when it arrives. The smart meter thing hasn't happened around me yet. They've always had the radio frequency thing where they drive by to read the meters but i'm sure the smart meters will start up soon.


Aug 26, 2012
Denali n DOO said:
Along with smart meters came "time of use" rates. A winter rate and a summer rate with different peak periods, I don't get the rational of this summer vs winter rates :crazy:

Ontario Time-of-Use Electricity Rates

Wow, you get off cheap.

the point is, when they need peak power, they have to gin up the extra generators, which are the most expensive to operate. also the peak is what dictates construction of new power plants, which cost big bucks. (or Loonies)

use rates differ from summer to winter. ( you guys do have air conditioning, right?)

Coal costs more than water thru the dam.

Electricity sector in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dec 4, 2011
I recently got a notice from my electric provider that they will be upgrading my old meter. It said two different types are in the works. The full deluxe one which would allow the home owner to monitor and control ac via www and smartphones. Plus a lesser one thats only advantage is that it will do away with a human meter reader.


Dec 4, 2011
meerschm said:
Wow, you get off cheap.

the point is, when they need peak power, they have to gin up the extra generators, which are the most expensive to operate. also the peak is what dictates construction of new power plants, which cost big bucks. (or Loonies)

use rates differ from summer to winter. ( you guys do have air conditioning, right?)

Coal costs more than water thru the dam.

Electricity sector in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For several years know, the electric company has offered a 'Smart Switch' that they connect to your air conditioner and then the electric company can cycle off our ac at peak times etc. In other words at the hottest times of the day when you most want your AC to work, you don't have it available. They offer you a savings of 15% on your electric bill in the summer. I wouldn't allow them to switch my ac off for a 100% my question is, is that the intent of these new smart meters? Control of your electricity and ultimately higher costs.


Aug 26, 2012
Jkust said:
For several years know, the electric company has offered a 'Smart Switch' that they connect to your air conditioner and then the electric company can cycle off our ac at peak times etc. In other words at the hottest times of the day when you most want your AC to work, you don't have it available. They offer you a savings of 15% on your electric bill in the summer. I wouldn't allow them to switch my ac off for a 100% my question is, is that the intent of these new smart meters? Control of your electricity and ultimately higher costs.

the intent is to enable more options. (they already control your electricity. don't pay your bill for a month or so and watch em.:smile:)

Smart meeters enable options to bill for what it costs when it costs. let you make decisions. also can automate outage reporting. (if the meter can tell them what is out, they can pinpoint outages easier) if you can save money running the dishwasher or dryer a bit later, why not? really pays off with a huge load like an electric car. ( or plug in hybrid)

We also have an option to have them install an AC duty cycle switch. comes with a number you can call to opt out, when you need to. and if you opt out less than a few times a year, get $40 back. they announce, and cycle it off and on, not just turn it off. point is to moderate load when it is maxed out, like when it gets over 100 degrees, so net result could be your house stays a few degrees warmer, but the real result will depend on how oversized your compressor is, and how cool you keep your house in the first place.

the future is going to be more complex. more options, more choices.


Jun 28, 2012
RF isn't amazing for you, but try not being exposed to it. You also shouldn't stand next to radar dishes..... We're exposing ourselves to all kinds of things every day and there is no evidence because no one has done a multi-year study on the commutative effects of any of this stuff. The government has some ratings, if the stuff falls in that, they say it's safe. It could be, it might not be, in 20 years everyone might laugh at us and our cell phones the way we make fun of people who used to eat lead paint and drink crazy things like mercury as a health cure.

I like to remain a healthy skeptic.

One thing I do know about these, is I've heard of several people who do not wish to have them installed on their homes, get arrested while the police escort power company workers onto their property to install them. Going as far as to arrest home owners and cut the locks on fences.

That's just messed up, but if you ever thought that was your house to begin with just because you pay a mortgage, you are fooling yourself. The power company owns the box on your house. And try setting up a well or drilling for oil. You'll need permission, because you bought real estate. Unless you bought land rights too.

Mhem, let the crazies worry. If they're that worried, you can purchase RF material that will block the signal. Probably illegal to do so though.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
I'm all for technical advancement. The thing that's my WTF view here. Is there are 2 sides of opposition from groups, Radiation which ok is bad but cover your microwave in foil whatever. The 2nd there is a group saying that these meters are allowing the government to monitor them. While they are complaining they are using the INTERNET in 2013 if the government wants anything involving you, They have already opened the easiest gateway. GENIUS


Aug 26, 2012
my ex mother in law swore the apartment near the transformer was killing her and moved to a different unit. she also is totally against fluoride in the water supply. a lovely, caring woman, but has a few ideas not, shall we say, based on main stream science.

I say tin foil hats all around, if that is what you want. (yes, i do have a few shares of ALCOA, which is down a bit)


there is a legitimate question as to the information security of these meters. are the rates really from the utility? can anyone see your use? (see who is home who is away, who has the thermostat set on vacation) how many people live in the house, do you let the water run, are you growing Pot in industrial quantities......) can someone turn out your lights?

and remember, just because you are paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you.


Nov 23, 2012
meerschm said:
and remember, just because you are paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you.

Or the short version: The paranoids are out to get me. Always liked that one and few seem to get it. Yours is good also. Such is life...


Dec 4, 2011
meerschm said:
the intent is to enable more options. (they already control your electricity. don't pay your bill for a month or so and watch em.:smile:)

Smart meeters enable options to bill for what it costs when it costs. let you make decisions. also can automate outage reporting. (if the meter can tell them what is out, they can pinpoint outages easier) if you can save money running the dishwasher or dryer a bit later, why not? really pays off with a huge load like an electric car. ( or plug in hybrid)

We also have an option to have them install an AC duty cycle switch. comes with a number you can call to opt out, when you need to. and if you opt out less than a few times a year, get $40 back. they announce, and cycle it off and on, not just turn it off. point is to moderate load when it is maxed out, like when it gets over 100 degrees, so net result could be your house stays a few degrees warmer, but the real result will depend on how oversized your compressor is, and how cool you keep your house in the first place.

the future is going to be more complex. more options, more choices.

Interesting stuff. I suppose for us I absolutley could care less about how much our electrical bills are. So for us I wouldn't change my behavior in order to save a bit of money. I'd like it as a novelty where I could see our energy usage broken down in all sorts of interesting ways on the computer or something along the lines of a more robust smart home system. Our house is large and so I've grown to learn to expect that the cost of such a big place is shelling a lot out for has become hygene for us as we bought it way back in our 20's. As it is they send me the monthly reminder that we are the heaviest users in the whole area and I know that is a precurser to some more drastic 'encouragement' on their part. To me they should be happy that we are such good customers.

Ray Dockrey

Dec 6, 2011
Our electric meter was converted last year. So was our gas meter. I was surprised on the gas meter. That must of cost our gas company quite a bit to switch over as a lot of older meters had to be switched to a newer design to allow the fitting of the smart technology.


Aug 26, 2012

you may at some time consider improvements which could reduce your bill.

attic insulation, windows and doors that seal better/have better thermal properties, as well as perhaps look nicer or easier to clean.

when it is time to replace the furnace/water heater... you can look at if it worth your time and money to spring for more efficiency vs paying for more energy.

not sure how long it has been since your 20s, or how long you plan to keep living in the house.

(of course, this is coming from me, who made a six month hobby out of deciding what kind of heat/ac/water heater to put in when the old ones were on their last legs.)


Nov 23, 2012
Ray Dockrey said:
Our electric meter was converted last year. So was our gas meter. I was surprised on the gas meter. That must of cost our gas company quite a bit to switch over as a lot of older meters had to be switched to a newer design to allow the fitting of the smart technology.

The smart gas meters around here "look" like they've only installed a reader of some sort. Being somewhat familiar I can usually tell if the piping has been disturbed etc. and, only looking at the neighbors, I believe it hasn't. If true that, obviously, would cut the cost considerably.

Found this site. I'm no electronics engineer, more of the wrench bender type actually, but I found the bottom of the link humorous. As in "are you kidding me?"

Smart Meter Radiation Risks


Nov 20, 2011
My area went to the smart meters for the sole purpose of identifying where power outages were in their customer area. Prior to this I was the meter reader. If I didn't report the meter reading on time they would send a reader out and add a $25 fee to my bill for it. I enjoyed doing my own meter reading because I could "adjust" my reading as I saw fit and needed to based on the season. Essentially I was providing my own electric budget plan.


Dec 4, 2011
All I know is since I had one of these installed on my house my aluminum foil use has skyrocketed!! It takes alot to shield my head. my cat, my fish etc, etc.:raspberry:
Dec 4, 2011
Regulator said:
My area went to the smart meters for the sole purpose of identifying where power outages were in their customer area. Prior to this I was the meter reader. If I didn't report the meter reading on time they would send a reader out and add a $25 fee to my bill for it. I enjoyed doing my own meter reading because I could "adjust" my reading as I saw fit and needed to based on the season. Essentially I was providing my own electric budget plan.

Can't believe that the utility company requires you to read the meter and then report it under penalty of a 25.00 fine for non compliance. Up here they only read the meter every 3 or 4 months and then estimate the middle readings (after all they have all the historical data on file for your meter). By the way they have a nasty habit of overcharging during the estimate periods but do catch up (or in most cases down) when the actual read takes place.

We do have the option of reading the meters and submitting the reading for more accurate billiing, and again any skullduggery will be caught at the actual read.

It never fails to amaze me how bureaucrats always do whats right for them not for us. Good thing you live in the land of Free and the home of Brave. Well maybe not Free but certainly Brave because I think it takes balls to treat CUSTOMERS this way, LOL :no:


Dec 4, 2011
meerschm said:

you may at some time consider improvements which could reduce your bill.

attic insulation, windows and doors that seal better/have better thermal properties, as well as perhaps look nicer or easier to clean.

when it is time to replace the furnace/water heater... you can look at if it worth your time and money to spring for more efficiency vs paying for more energy.

not sure how long it has been since your 20s, or how long you plan to keep living in the house.

(of course, this is coming from me, who made a six month hobby out of deciding what kind of heat/ac/water heater to put in when the old ones were on their last legs.)

Well, we've been in this house 10 years now. Several years back I had a whole house enery audit...the kind where they even put that big fan in your door and test the efficiency of the house and go round with the heat detecting camera among other things. I was shocked when they couldn't find any issues or big offending areas of the house. We just replace the furnace last January and the waterheater is about 7 years old now and seems to only produce a small amount of hot water until it is gone vs the 50 gallons it is supposed to produce. I bit the bullett and put in the high efficiency shower heads which are the worst with no pressure. All of the appliances are new and energy star as well.
For us as we are only a family of 4, it just cost a lot to deal with a house this big (and we don't even heat the basement). If we were to build the house again i'd want to do the foam insulation and newer building methods. We needed a multi zone ducting system and furnace set up among other things as well.

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