Is it possible to reset the oil life system before it alerts you to change your oil? And, if so, how do you know that it has been reset? I can always tell because the light goes off, but if the light is never on, how do you know?
You can reset the OLM at any time and the procedure is the same. The light will flash briefly (so pay attention) if you were successful and then go out again.
I never wait for the light to come on to get my oil changed. I always change it around ±6000Km and do the reset procedure afterwards. I've had my TB for 3 years now and the light has never come on - so I guess the procedure works even if the light isn't on (either that or my light doesn't work at all. Hmm , starting to think if I should let it go to see if it "does" come on).
Either way, like AtlWrk says; pay attention to the flashing light - that's how I know I've done the procedure properly.
I have the Oil Life Monitor programmed into my Scan Gauge. Just changed the oil with about 26% life left to go. Got the idiot light on the dash to blink back at me and then after starting the Voy the Scan Gauge read 100%. I assume if you had the Drivers Info Center the results would be similar. Other than that, there is no way to tell.
Even though many folks (including me) say that they get the flash, there have been reported cases where it doesn't happen. I've seen it myself a few times in TBs that have come to my work.
A previous time I didn't wait for the flashing light and it didn't reset. Last two times though I've waited for the flashing and then given it a few seconds before turning the key back to OFF and then forward to start. I'm going to hazard a guess that going directly to start might mess up the sequence.
With limited input options (no keyboard, mouse or monitor), the sequence of fiddling around with what we do have is important.
I'm only 0.4% into my new oil's life so I can take a moment to see if jumping to start causes it to skip the reset.