Rear wiper


Original poster
Jun 1, 2012
Does anyone know how to remove the wiper arm from the rear hatch ? I get a lot of dummies tailgating me via the highway and i want to cut the water hose so when im driving i can push the button and hit their windshield with a steam of water ?

I have another idea... reroute the hose and pump and add lighter fluid in the tank and a small spark at the end of the hose instant flame thrower :rolleyes:

Another idea is a trap where the extra steering wheel goes under the truck use a aluminum box and road spikes or spike jacks.

Seriously tho i want to remove the wiper arm so all that's there is the motor and the hose


Aug 26, 2012
I like the water hose idea. But instead of using water, I'd find a way to have a light mist of used motor oil spray out instead.

I'm not a slow driver, nor do I constantly drive in the left lane, but I just friggin' HATE tailgaters!!

Last time I removed a wiper arm, I did it like this: [video=youtube;b5mh-OrFdnc][/video]

Not sure if the rear is any different though...


Original poster
Jun 1, 2012
hockeyman said:
I like the water hose idea. But instead of using water, I'd find a way to have a light mist of used motor oil spray out instead.

I'm not a slow driver, nor do I constantly drive in the left lane, but I just friggin' HATE tailgaters!!

Last time I removed a wiper arm, I did it like this: [video=youtube;b5mh-OrFdnc][/video]

Not sure if the rear is any different though...

Thanka for the video ! There is cover on the rear to replace the whole unit. Going to unbolt it and get a small hose that allows a stream to shoot 5' :smile:


Dec 12, 2011
I know when anyone rides my tail and they are in some sort of nice vehicle, a cleaning of the windshield usually does the trick.

A buddy of mine said he used to keep the ashtray full of pennies and would toss a handful out of his sunroof. You can leave the wiper intact just use one of those rubber wire grommets and a black zip tie to hold the hose in position, the grommet would keep the zip tie from kinking the hose.



Original poster
Jun 1, 2012
gmcman said:
I know when anyone rides my tail and they are in some sort of nice vehicle, a cleaning of the windshield usually does the trick.

A buddy of mine said he used to keep the ashtray full of pennies and would toss a handful out of his sunroof. You can leave the wiper intact just use one of those rubber wire grommets and a black zip tie to hold the hose in position, the grommet would keep the zip tie from kinking the hose.


What i didn't want was the blade going back n forth while i shoot a stream of h2o. However maybe ill just rotate the plastic nozzle so it gases out rather than torwards the winda


Dec 2, 2011
You need a Wombar my friend!



Dec 4, 2011
The pop up washers in the bumper of the 9-7 are good for a full shower in addition to the windshield wipers.


Original poster
Jun 1, 2012


Original poster
Jun 1, 2012
Matt said:
It's a patent pending, trademarked Wombar.

Actually it's this: 30" Hitch Step with Pin but mine doesn't have the rivets.

Very nice ! Im going to buy one and see if i can drill holes for leds to read out STOP or maybe just fill it up with red leds and.plug them into the trailer plug


Dec 4, 2011
Matt said:
It's a patent pending, trademarked Wombar.

Actually it's this: 30" Hitch Step with Pin but mine doesn't have the rivets.

I see what those rivets are. My smaller sized HF bar was discontinued. The rubber step pad had some light duty adhesive. Over time the rubber pad peeled off. At the factory in China, they apply the rubber pad and then paint. The pad was applied to bare metal which rusted underneath and caused the pad to fall off. The rivets hold the pad on. My solution was to simply turn the bar upside down so the giant rusty section is no longer visible.

The bar is pretty cool but borderline if worth thirty three bucks. It is somewhat solid and will protect your bumper if you back into a brick wall. It gives me some piece of mind if another vehicle backs into me in a parking lot. It is also adjustable as to how far you want it to stick out. You can be full on obnoxious or conservative. It needs to be painted that bright yellow and black diagonal paint. But WOMBAT is good too because it's original name was indeed the wombat bar. :smile:


Dec 2, 2011
Wex said:
I see what those rivets are. My smaller sized HF bar was discontinued. The rubber step pad had some light duty adhesive. Over time the rubber pad peeled off. At the factory in China, they apply the rubber pad and then paint. The pad was applied to bare metal which rusted underneath and caused the pad to fall off. The rivets hold the pad on. My solution was to simply turn the bar upside down so the giant rusty section is no longer visible.

The bar is pretty cool but borderline if worth thirty three bucks. It is somewhat solid and will protect your bumper if you back into a brick wall. It gives me some piece of mind if another vehicle backs into me in a parking lot. It is also adjustable as to how far you want it to stick out. You can be full on obnoxious or conservative. It needs to be painted that bright yellow and black diagonal paint. But WOMBAT is good too because it's original name was indeed the wombat bar. :smile:

Mine did the same I peeled it off, took all the paint off with a wire wheel, etch primed, painted it, add the sticker again and put the non slip tape on the top.

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