Rear Actuator....going or gone?


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Last night hubby turned the heat on in the truck while he was at work, and we have the infamous clicking noise coming from the rear. Top vents in the back were the only ones working. He said it only clicked when the mode on the AC/heater was on the floor setting/foot setting. Then the clicking would stop with any other mode.

Today, I noticed it when I went to "try" it out to verify what hubby heard. I too heard the same clicking with the heater on, and on floor/foot mode. I read on here last night to pull the fuse and wait 10 seconds to try and let everything reset itself. So I decided while I was waiting for the kids to get out of school to try it. I yanked the fuse from the BCM, waited 10 seconds, put fuse back in, started the truck...and right away got the clicking noise in the rear. However the floor vents in the rear were working and the top vents were not this time around. Plus this was with the A/C not the heater this time. And on the floor/foot mode as well. So the vents worked like they were supposed to, but still had clicking.

I let the truck run for a few minutes and the clicking eventually stopped. I went to go in the school to get my boys, got back in the truck, started it and clicking noise again...which eventually stopped. So I turned the A/C off completely which I usually don't use anyways(love my windows down). Dropped the kids off at home, ran to the store. Came back home ate supper. Hubby went back outside after supper and started the truck, turned the A/C on in both front and back, went through all the modes in front and back, and no clicking. So does this mean pulling the fuse reset it? Or is my actuator slowly taking a shit on me?


Dec 4, 2011
There are 2 fuses for the hvac. 1 that 30 amp and 1 that's 10 amp.
they are pic'd right above my finger.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
silvernclean said:
There are 2 fuses for the hvac. 1 that 30 amp and 1 that's 10 amp.
they are pic'd right above my finger.

Hmm...I pulled the wrong one then lol

I pulled 10A which is under the big metal one on the bottom. I followed the "map" of fuses on the fuse box lid. I pulled the HVAC B I think it was. I will tell hubby to pull the other one on his dinner break at work tonight to see if that helps any. But as of now, there isn't any clicking.

Thanks Jeff for the picture too, that helps a lot!


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Just an update. It has been almost 24 hours since we have heard any noise coming from the rear actuator. I evidently pulled a "spare" fuse instead of the proper HVAC fuse needed to reset it, but after I returned home yesterday at about 4:00pm hubby went out to check it, and there was no noise. He messed around with the A/C in all modes and fan speeds and no noise. He did the same last night at work without noise and I had the heat on this morning and again no noise. So I guess my question now is, IF the actuator did die completely what would the symptoms be? Why would it make the clicking noise for a day and then decide to stop out of no where?

Thanks again!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Voymom said:
So I guess my question now is, IF the actuator did die completely what would the symptoms be? Why would it make the clicking noise for a day and then decide to stop out of no where?

Silly rabbit! If it died completely, you'd get no noise, and no change in the mode/temperature of whichever actuator it was. I would hazard a guess that it's starting to go though. Have you looked at Roadie's pic (or taken that rear panel off) to see where it is, and how to access it to swap it with a new one yet?


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Blckshdw said:
Silly rabbit! If it died completely, you'd get no noise, and no change in the mode/temperature of whichever actuator it was. I would hazard a guess that it's starting to go though. Have you looked at Roadie's pic (or taken that rear panel off) to see where it is, and how to access it to swap it with a new one yet?

No I haven't yet. I won't worry about replacing it until this fall when it starts to get chilly and we need the heat for the kids. As of now hubby is the only one who runs the HVAC at all, and as far as I am concerned he can wear or bring a coat with him if he is really cold lol

Thats the other thing, we don't hear the noise anymore, so hubby hasn't checked whether or not all the vents work. He just assumed it's not broken anymore lol


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
the roadie said:
For one-stop shopping, here it is:


Thank you Roadie!!!


Nov 4, 2012
Hi Roadie
I replaced the rear door actuator this summer but now I'm not getting heat (only cold air). I hear the ticking of an actuator. Can I assume it is the temperature control actuator and is there a way to test if it is failing or is it possible to 'reset' that actuator?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Sure sounds like the temp actuator. Pulling the HVAC fuses might reset it, but it may also cause one of your front ones to roll over and die. Probably a cracked gear tooth or gear. No fixing that.

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