Possible damage


Original poster
Aug 5, 2019
Brimley Michigan
So i have a 2005 Trailblazer, and it had been missifring pretty bad for a couple months so i swapped out all the spark plugs, ignition coils and cleaned out the throttlebody, and it's not missfiring anymore, but now i am getting new codes popping up such as P0410, andP0017. These codes are only just now appearing after i fixed the misfiring issue, and they have appeared separately. The P0017 appeared after i had cleared the codes of the P0410 after i attempted a band aid fix. So what i was wondering what the possible damage could be for not running on all cylinders for a few months. Also this vehicle isnt exactly the most well maintainted thing and has 170,000 miles on it. I have also added a few heavy doses of seafoam to the fuel, and sprayed seafoam directly into the engine to help clean out the engine for any gunk that may have built up.


Dec 2, 2011
With the P0410, either remove the secondary air injection system (they go bad) and have the code tuned out or replace it. Personally, if I had the SAIS on my 02 I would have removed it.

The P0017 is for the crank and cam sensor...but you might want to look at the cam actuator solenoid first. Pull it out and look to see if the screens are intact and clean. If it's gunked up, clean them, but be careful you don't break them, and put it back. It may be the cause of that code.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Check for oil in the actuator's connector. If you see oil in there, it's toast. It could be defective regardless. If you do replace it, use ACDelco only. You should also pull and clean the cam sensor. The crank sensor you don't want to disturb unless you really have to otherwise you would likely need a CASE relearn.
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Dec 4, 2011
Running with a misfire for a long period of time can compromise the catalytic converter and shorten its life.

Also, what is your oil change interval? Not changing oil on a regular schedule can lead to build up of sludge and that can foul the camshaft actuator screens.


Original poster
Aug 5, 2019
Brimley Michigan
Running with a misfire for a long period of time can compromise the catalytic converter and shorten its life.

Also, what is your oil change interval? Not changing oil on a regular schedule can lead to build up of sludge and that can foul the camshaft actuator screens.
Let's just say the oil change intervel is not a good record, but i do plan to make it better. It looks like i'll go in and clean the Camshaft actuator. Thanks for the input guys.
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