One question before LED tail conversion


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
Hey everyone, all my interiors are already done in LEDs so no worries there. As far as exterior goes i have the quad beam setup with 6000k HIDs. I do need a new headlight which i am ordering tomorrow because my previous on the aiming mechinaism broke off so it basically points at the ground on the driver side. While im doing this I am going to completely redo all my lights to LEDs. Which would include:
-SKRC 2 tower LEDs for top of tail
-Normal Polarity 2 Tower LEDs for Mid of Tail
-Norm. Pol. 2 tower LEDs for reverse light
-2 Flash back LEDs for front turns
-2 3-Ohm Load Resistors

The 3-ohm load resistors work to my understanding like this. One 3-Ohm resistor wired in with the blue (next to brown) coming in from the tail light and connected the other side to a ground will stop hyper flash for both the tail and head lights on that side, so one on each side and hyper flash is fixed.
This is based on Jetttstream's post here:
Originally Posted by jetttstream (on the other site)

First off, let's forget about resistors.

1. You are putting the wrong bulb in the top position. You need a bulb that has a base different than a 3157. This is a 3157-srck or 'ck' as I call them.

They are the only bulb that will work on a TrailBlazer in the top slot.

2. Your middle bulb needs to be a 3157 or 3057 depending how technical you get.

If you choose to have LEDs in your turn signals you need either 3-ohm or 6-ohm load resistors.

They install on the BLUE wire NEXT to BROWN wire. Ground the other side to the BLACK BOLT that is part of the bumper bracket seen when hatch is open.

if you have leds in the front OR rear (only 2 corners) you need (1) 6-ohm per side (2 total) I install these at the rear as mentioned above.

if you have leds in the front AND rear (4 corners - front and back) you need (1) 3-ohm load resistor per side (2 total) I install these at the rear as mentioned above.

DO NOT COUNT side markers or mirrors in any of the 2 or 4 corner evaulations.

I hope that clears up your setup.

You still need to buy the correct bulbs for the rear either from me or v-leds or autoillumination etc to get them to work correctly.

I am actually building new light boards (as a project) for guys on here so we will have QUAD setups at it will take ANY standard 3157 halogen or LED bulb and none of this special 3157-CK stuff (that I have anyway).

-Mike, TB owner and enthusiast

Any feedback on the resistor Question would be great and i will post pictures right away when i get everything installed!

Also am going to be doing the quad turn signals and brakes in a few weeks, i dont know if anyone has done this, but this diagram that was posted in a thread about it:View attachment 17691

I get the idea he is using with the relays and all, but is he actually cutting the wire inbetween the harness and the connector and putting the relays between the Brake and Turn wires?


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Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
we started discussing this in another thread... some people chimed in that alrready have it done.. im interested in this mod as well.. so im right there with ya on the questions... here is the thread in case you wanna pm some people...


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
I get the resistor mod now, and for the Quad turn and brake i think im just going to go for it and see how it works! ill keep you posted!

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
SteelCityFan said:
I get the resistor mod now, and for the Quad turn and brake i think im just going to go for it and see how it works! ill keep you posted!


definetly keep us posted... i wanna get this done while my SS is parked for the winter...


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
Will buy all the stuff required and definitely post a write up when i get paid in two weeks!

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