Newfoundland's first blizzard of the season!


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Getting nasty here! We're expecting 70cm (27.5inches) of snow over night and winds gusting to 120km/h (74.5mph)!

The Envoy's 4wd is about to have a major test :biggrin:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
I'm so jealous... my shoe's got muddy just going to the shed, not much snow here at all. Only 2 rides on the Ski Doo last year and none so far this year. I might have to sell the sled and get a new user name in the summer, "Denali n ATV". Enjoy your 4x4 in the snow!!!

Old Coot

Jan 2, 2013
Hey Newfie!

Sounds like your gonna have a Three Dog Night.

Keep the wood on the fire, get the hot cocoa steaming and grab and extry blanket ... just in case.

We'll see you in the Spring!

Good Luck!:smile:


Sep 27, 2012
this end of the rock been there already this year got to love 4x4 lol


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Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
newfie6719 said:
this end of the rock been there already this year got to love 4x4 lol

Love it newfie6719! Us city folk on the east coast aren't as use to the snow you get out in gods country. Do you do any sledding? Couple of my buddys have been out in Lewis Hills all week, from the pictures on their facebook I've never so much snow! The trees are disappearing.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
newfie6719 said:
this end of the rock been there already this year got to love 4x4 lol

You guys are killing me with these posts, I wanna ride my sled! Here's a pic of my backyard right now and that'll be gone by tomorrow with 11* forecast.

The good news is my awesome Newfie neighbor owns land in Cox's Cove and he gonna be building a house on it. Then we coming to the rock in the winter time to sled...

I'll probably be in 06Envoy's neck of the woods next week for 4 days, and then over to WarGawd's area after that for another 4 days, And probably 2-4 days every week after that somewhere north of here. Hoping for at least 2500 miles this year.

Sure hope you guys got snow-blowers!


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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Jealous I am... Send it this way!

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Well I saw these pics and thought, what a great way to appreciate the extra snow....with an extra fridge, some more extravagant than others!


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Dec 27, 2012
So jealous LOL. I remember the Dec 26 2010 blizzard here on the jersey up to 30 " Worst blizzard here in my opinion ever. All it wants to do is rain here. My envoy is chompin at the bit for snow. New tires and im tearin through rain. Oh the humanity !!

Old Coot

Jan 2, 2013
How much did you get anyway? Maybe we will have to organize a Search & Rescue? I just drove 120 miles roundtrip to a gun show and while there were some flurries the ground here in Southern Minnesota is nothing but black dirt showing. Winter has been rather lame here so far. I, like others, am jealous!


Sep 27, 2012
this is a pick after the storm in st john's yesterday i guess newfienvoy will get to test 4x4 lol


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Old Coot

Jan 2, 2013
newfie6719 said:
this is a pick after the storm in st john's yesterday i guess newfienvoy will get to test 4x4 lol

Thank you so much for the photo.

I have chased tornadoes here in Southern Minnesota for roughly 38 years and I am a little bit of a weather nut. :crazy: That picture reminds me of some of the winter storm left-overs that we had here in the 1960's. A couple of those years had records floods when springtime snow melt came along that still stand.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
So I'm still alive, but sore as hell from all the shovelling. We had 50cm after but the wind was the problem. Gusts were up to 120km/h. So there are open fields that still have grass but cars disappeared in drifts. Many people had to shovel their way out of the house. Power went out for 150k people on the island. We lost ours for about 16 hours but some people were 30 hours. They talked about declaring a state of emergency but didn't after. Roads were a total mess but the Envoy loved it. Pushing through snow that covered the fog lights anyway. When the snow stopped and road crews came out it started raining. So there's an absolute mess out there now. If it turns to freezing we're never going to move it.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Here's a video someone shot during the clean up after the storm. This is my neighborhood, @41sec he crosses my road, I'm about 1/2 down the road. Keep in mind we had green grass before this :biggrin:
The second video shows what it was like when it was still snowing :eek:




Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
We lost ours from 7am to 9pm. My sister in law lost theirs for about 30 hours. There was a small group that we're a couple of days.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Fire06 said:
Newfie Is the truck having as much fun in the snow as you are playing in the truck.

Having a blast and preforming well. With stock suspension and the running boards on the truck sits kind of low in the snow. So I've been considering the usual lift options. I found an unplowed service road yesterday and took a detour to give the 4WD a serious test. There was about 10-20cm of hard packed snow on bottom with about 30cm of powder on top (plus some snow drifts). Fog lights disappeared and snow was at the bottom of the grill at times, no issues! Pushed through it like a champ. Not something I want to try every day but my buddy wasn't far away with his rig so I knew I had help if needed.

Now "what kind of fun could I have with a lift and some bigger tires?" :biggrin:


Dec 4, 2011
As a snowmobilier, I couldn't be more jealous. We had one 14 inch storm this season then every storm has either missed us or turned into rain which is unusual. At least I finally got to test out the 9-7 expecially on the ice. Today the ambient temp is -10 F with -40F windchills and Saturday we had 60+mph gusts. We're getting all of the bad and none of the good here in MN.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Jkust said:
As a snowmobilier, I couldn't be more jealous. We had one 14 inch storm this season then every storm has either missed us or turned into rain which is unusual. At least I finally got to test out the 9-7 expecially on the ice. Today the ambient temp is -10 F with -40F windchills and Saturday we had 60+mph gusts. We're getting all of the bad and none of the good here in MN.

Snowmobiling is crap on the east coast of Newfoundland, marine climate at sea level. So it's constantly freezing and thawing so we can't be guaranteed anything. We head to the west coast of the island for serious snowmobiling, that's where member Newfie6719 lives. About an 8hr drive from the east coast. Check out the video to see what conditions looked like out there a couple of weeks ago. They've had consistent snow falls since. Been seeing all the pictures on FB from friends and it looks crazy!! So much snow.


Sep 27, 2012
NewfieEnvoy said:
Snowmobiling is crap on the east coast of Newfoundland, marine climate at sea level. So it's constantly freezing and thawing so we can't be guaranteed anything. We head to the west coast of the island for serious snowmobiling, that's where member Newfie6719 lives. About an 8hr drive from the east coast. Check out the video to see what conditions looked like out there a couple of weeks ago. They've had consistent snow falls since. Been seeing all the pictures on FB from friends and it looks crazy!! So much snow.
lots of the white stuff


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