Neutral is different from Park for engaging 4WLO 4LO


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Is the Service 4WD light on?
No: Go to Section 2.
Section 2: Checking the motors.
I hear both whirring sounds: Go to Section 3.
Section 3: Identifying mechanical failures.
Truck will go into AWD, 4HI, and 2wd. Truck will not go into 4LO. This is puzzling since it does engage 4HI. I have been reading for days at this and that “other” site “we” migrated from and have not found any discussion on this specific condition.

A couple years ago I swapped out to a current p/n TCCM. At that time all 4 functions worked. I am in Yakima and it is snowing here and I was seeing if all functions worked. This is the wife’s car and she has had it since birth and has done all scheduled maintenance. It is due for transfer case fluid change, just rolled 150K.

Is this an encoder motor issue? NO! It finally dawned on me after some reflection( I can forget what I did in the time it takes to walk from the truck to the house) that I was in park when I was turning the switch to each of the positions. 4HI would engage and 4LO wouldn’t at a dead stop in park. I went and tried 4LO in NEUTRAL and it worked just fine. Glad to find out a mental block was the problem.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
cntinuum said:
Is the Service 4WD light on?
No: Go to Section 2.
Section 2: Checking the motors.
I hear both whirring sounds: Go to Section 3.
Section 3: Identifying mechanical failures.
Truck will go into AWD, 4HI, and 2wd. Truck will not go into 4LO. This is puzzling since it does engage 4HI. I have been reading for days at this and that “other” site “we” migrated from and have not found any discussion on this specific condition.

A couple years ago I swapped out to a current p/n TCCM. At that time all 4 functions worked. I am in Yakima and it is snowing here and I was seeing if all functions worked. This is the wife’s car and she has had it since birth and has done all scheduled maintenance. It is due for transfer case fluid change, just rolled 150K.

Is this an encoder motor issue? NO! It finally dawned on me after some reflection( I can forget what I did in the time it takes to walk from the truck to the house) that I was in park when I was turning the switch to each of the positions. 4HI would engage and 4LO wouldn’t at a dead stop in park. I went and tried 4LO in NEUTRAL and it worked just fine. Glad to find out a mental block was the problem.

Yep, that's the proper way to put in 4 lo gotta be in neutral, I think the manual also suggests slight movement 1-2 mph. Sounds like yours works okay.


Jan 25, 2012
I had to RTFM during my test drive :smile: Wanted to check the 4wd and couldn't get it into 4lo. Neutral!

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