Need help guys!


Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
Hey nationers! Been such a long time I've been traveling so much !

I'm in the middle of a business trip and traveled by my car! Today I got this sound from the engine bay! Seems like the fan I'm not sure! It's night time so not sure if u'll see anything but probably can hear it. Really need your help on this cuz I'm traveling back on Saturday :s

It's like a squeaky noise. Belt is new not more than a month old , I took a look and it runs smooth! Help :sadcry:



Feb 3, 2012
jbones said:
If it's not a camel spider maybe a pulley or a belt?

I'm going to say pulley....If it were a camel spider, I wouldn't be sticking my hand, or head anywhere near that engine bay :no:

I know my belt squeaks on start up when it is wet, but stops when it dries off, not sure how much rain you get there is Saudi though. I think I have a bad pulley though...but I do't want to really admit it :lipsrsealed:


Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
Belt is new so that's out. I'd say a pulley too not sure which one though. We did get some rain the past two days but it's surely dried off by now.

I'll take another look at it in the morning and see if I can see anything or narrow down the sound.


Dec 12, 2011
Remove the belt and check the water pump for excessive (or any) play. With the belt off you can also spin the pulleys and see if any aren't smooth. My bet is on the water pump based on the noise.


Feb 3, 2012
gmcman said:
Remove the belt and check the water pump for excessive (or any) play. With the belt off you can also spin the pulleys and see if any aren't smooth. My bet is on the water pump based on the noise.

If it is the water pump I would change the t-stat out for shits n giggles. I know they say if u have a open t-stat and change it the water pump is usually next to go, so if you already changed the t-stat somewhat recently I would also lay bets on the water pump, but if you haven't changed the t-stat and need to change the water pump, I would also do the t-stat, might as well kill 2 birds with one stone.


Dec 4, 2011
Had a very similar sound about a month after i bought the SS turned out to be tensioner pulley bearing


Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
I'd be pretty bummed if it turned out to be the water pump, or t-stat. I changed those last year including the fan clutch.

I went back down late at night to see if I can narrow it down. Couldn't see much but I'm putting my bet on a pulley now too.

Along with the sound you get like a woosh sound (windy sound). I'll need to find me a hose (old school) and listen through it to try and determine which one is bad if that's the case. If still can't then will remove the belt and try Again

Thanks for chiming in guys! You'll be seeing more of me again soon! Going back home tomorrow woot woot! Over a month of traveling I'm just exhausted like crap lol


Feb 3, 2012
fadyasha said:
I'd be pretty bummed if it turned out to be the water pump, or t-stat. I changed those last year including the fan clutch.

I went back down late at night to see if I can narrow it down. Couldn't see much but I'm putting my bet on a pulley now too.

Along with the sound you get like a woosh sound (windy sound). I'll need to find me a hose (old school) and listen through it to try and determine which one is bad if that's the case. If still can't then will remove the belt and try Again

Thanks for chiming in guys! You'll be seeing more of me again soon! Going back home tomorrow woot woot! Over a month of traveling I'm just exhausted like crap lol

Woosh sound makes me thing of the fan clutch, but that's just me lol Mine is about to go out and we call phantom the ticking time bomb because he ticks under the hood all the time, sometimes even in a sweet rythem.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
That sounds like the tensioner pulley near the power steering pump.


Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
djthumper said:
That sounds like the tensioner pulley near the power steering pump.

Hey buddy long time! I'm heading down now to take a look in daylight :smile:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
If you have a mechanics stethoscope now would be the time to use it.


Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
djthumper said:
If you have a mechanics stethoscope now would be the time to use it.

It's actually one of those times where I wish I had it! Just got back couldn't recreate the noise but it's clear one of the pulleys is going out. The crank pulley isn't smooth. The tensioner pulley doesn't give me comfort and neither does the tensioner lol! Gonna go down to a local part shop to see if I can find the tensioner pulley and idler pulley. No time to order online cuz leaving tomorrow.

Gonna try out a short water hose or plastic hose to see if I can narrow it down


Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
Ok guys back. Had to get creative and use my hubbly bubbly hose! The noise wasn't recreated but awfully lot of noise coming from the fan. The rest are quiet. Here's a video not the greatest but u can still here it

Water pump and fan clutch again it seems?



Feb 3, 2012
fadyasha said:
Ok guys back. Had to get creative and use my hubbly bubbly hose! The noise wasn't recreated but awfully lot of noise coming from the fan. The rest are quiet. Here's a video not the greatest but u can still here it

Water pump and fan clutch again it seems?


I'm sorry but your fan sounds like poop lol I would hate having to fix something like that twice, but then again should we expect less from our lovely platform? I would check the pulley too just to be on the safe side, these trucks can be wolves in sheeps clothing that's for sure! But you know what they say?? "One mans junk is another mans treasure"!

A lot of people I know condemn me because I bought an Envoy, and they were condemning me for thinking about buying a TB before I bought my 'voy. Wonder how they would feel if I told them that hubby and I are thinking of getting Phantom a wife to keep him company on lonely cold nights in the driveway?


Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
Voymom said:
I'm sorry but your fan sounds like poop lol I would hate having to fix something like that twice, but then again should we expect less from our lovely platform? I would check the pulley too just to be on the safe side, these trucks can be wolves in sheeps clothing that's for sure! But you know what they say?? "One mans junk is another mans treasure"!

A lot of people I know condemn me because I bought an Envoy, and they were condemning me for thinking about buying a TB before I bought my 'voy. Wonder how they would feel if I told them that hubby and I are thinking of getting Phantom a wife to keep him company on lonely cold nights in the driveway?

Haha sure enough was poop! Wiggled the fan around and sure was wiggleyy! Just finished replacing the fan and water pump problem solved lol

Thanks all for your help!


Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
Gotta P0128 today after changing the clutch and water pump. Reset the code and will see of it comes back. May be the coolant or t-stat so we'll see if the code pops up again

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