More Weird Stuff...


Original poster
Apr 8, 2012
I've noticed an odd, thumping type noise coming from what I believe to be the front end. Its one of those noises that are hard to pinpoint the location of. It is loudest when I'm coasting. I put the 4WD selector to AUTO and it appears to be a little louder, though that could be in my mind. I took a part brakes and inspected looking for something rubbing. All looked OK in that department. Some other research found recommendations of rotating tires. I did that while checking brakes. Now my dash says 'SERVICE STABILITRACK'. I've tried cycling it on and off to no avail.

I bought an extended warranty on the vehicle when I purchased it. I have it set to be looked at this Tuesday at the dealership. My fear is that the repairs wont be covered by the after market warranty. I'm just trying to prepare myself for worst.....

I've done a bit of searching and found quite a few different possible answers to the noise. The problem is, the answers are pretty broad. There really isnt a direct, for-sure answer. I'm hoping someone with more experience than me can shed some more light on this. I'm also at a loss on the Stabilitrack issue.

Thanks in advance. Hope everyone is doing well!

*Edit* Pressing the brakes or E brake does NOT affect the noise other than the vehicle slowing down so the noise slows down.


Dec 4, 2011
What does ur warranty paperwork say?? Why wouldn't they cover it?? The stabilicrap sucks anyway. Hope all goes well for u. Goodluck!!


Nov 18, 2011
Just like a check engine light, a scan tool is needed to help determine what the stabilitrak message is on for. IIRC stabilitrak codes are stored in the ABS unit, so it's not like you can go to autozone and get the code(s) read. I don't know about the later fullsize trucks but I've seen a good bit of the later TB/EVs with steering angle sensors that had to be replaced. But, it's not really a DIY repair on those either.


Original poster
Apr 8, 2012
Took truck to dealer today. After an all-day wait I called to find that they've diagnosed it as a bad front differential. Kind of what I expected. Supposedly warranty will cover it, fingers crossed. I don't have a GM warranty, it's through a third party but there were very FEW exclusions to the coverage. They also said that the Stabilitrak thing could have been caused by slippery pavement. The warning has not come back. Hopefully it gets fixed and I can get another year out of it......

They also found 3 bad fuses for my trailer plug. I check under the hood and under the dash. I never found any blown fuses. Is there another secret fuse box?


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mike said:
They also found 3 bad fuses for my trailer plug. I check under the hood and under the dash. I never found any blown fuses. Is there another secret fuse box?

Does the Suburban have a fuse box under the back seat like the TB?


Original poster
Apr 8, 2012
So they rebuilt the front differential. I drove it home and notice its very loud. I called them back but cant get it back in until Monday July 8th. I had to make an emergency 300 mile (round trip) drive this morning. The front end noise is insane. It's just noise. At 55 MPH you cannot carry on a conversation with a normal voice. It feels like the tires are out of balance. After getting home today, I was admiring all the bug splatters on the hood and windshield when I noticed the outer edges of my front tires are gone. My tread wasn't brand new but I did have a decent outer edge of my front tires. You can actually see how the outer edge looks freshly worn compared to the main tread area. I will try posting a picture. What the heck can cause this? What did they do wrong? Before taking it in to them my issue was a faint rubbing sound. Now it seams as though my ride has come back in worse shape. What the heck......



Original poster
Apr 8, 2012
Edited with photo. The tires do have a decent amount of wear but look at the outer edge and how smooth/shiny it is. Could my wheels be toed-in? Could this be making the insanely annoying noise?


Apr 1, 2012
Mike said:
Edited with photo. The tires do have a decent amount of wear but look at the outer edge and how smooth/shiny it is. Could my wheels be toed-in? Could this be making the insanely annoying noise?

Pic didnt upload properly, however if a tire is out as much as you are saying, you could be experiencing much more road noise than you are used too. The only thing i could think of is when they rebuilt and took apart your diff, they took apart your whole front end which was slapped back together without checking it.


Original poster
Apr 8, 2012
the dealer is saying that my rear bearings and seals are bad and have had my truck since Monday. they are also saying that there is a problem with the rear gate. it wont open for them. the funny thing is, the gate opened fine monday morning when i took by golf clubs and baseball gear out of the back. on top of that, they GAVE me a Cadillac to drive around in while they have my car. they did concede to one of the front axle seals leaking and made a repair. at what point do i take this to the next level? how can you take a car in for a small noise and get it back with an even larger noise and tires that wore out in the course of 350 miles? im so confused and mad.....

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