Lower rear end


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
Hi, i have a question about getting the rear a little lower. Since i come from Sweden the aftermarketparts for the trailblazers are limited. The only lowering springs i find is groundforce rear 2" lowering springs. Will this be too much? Personally i would have wanted 1,5" drop in rear and leave it as it is in the front.
Is there any coil spacer 0,5" on the market in us?
Thank you


Nov 18, 2011
to the best of my knowledge, 2" is the least drop. it will supposedly level the rear to the front


Nov 18, 2011
Some people have noticed the 2" rear springs bringing the back end a little lower than the front. I have seen a few people correct it by cutting 1/2-2/3 of a coil off of the front springs. I did that and it didn't affect ride quality. But I think 2" is perfect for a mild rear drop.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
ok thank you for the replys.
guess i will go ahead and order some rear springs then :smile:
Maybe it is possible to add som plates under the rear springs similar to the rear lift kits seen on ebay and such.
Thinking about taking the spare tire out to since its stuck and i think i need to cut it loose so it will not help me if i get a flat tire down the road now anyways.
Any downsides on not having the spare tire other then if i run a flat?

Here is a pic of the car as it sits now i think the rear is a bit high but im happy with the front dont want it lower because of all the snow we get here in the winter.


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Nov 18, 2011
LennieM said:
Maybe it is possible to add som plates under the rear springs similar to the rear lift kits seen on ebay and such.?
thats true, you can find 1" rear lifts on ebay, don't know if markmc makes a spacer that small but i'd talk to him first


Dec 6, 2011
Just a question? why don't you lift the front by an 1 1/2" suspention leveling kit? I am sure you can find that on E-bay.. That way you just gain alittle hight in the front and loose nothing in the back.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
Ok i guess i could lift the front but i think it looks better with the space between tire and fender in the front right now so i want the same space in the rear.
Don't know if you can see in the picture but there is about 1,5-2" difference front to rear and as low as it is in the front is as low as i want to go, if this was a summer car only i would have lowered some more but this is the best winter car i have owned never got stuck in bad weather :smile: The 4wd and the G80 really helped me out many times when the plowman come late :wink:


Dec 4, 2011
Due to the rear springs being different on different years specs differ.

lennie few questions and I can dial in the truck

1) what size tire is on the truck?

2) what does the truck measure from ground to fenerlip right now both in front and rear

Tell me that and I can set you up with a perfect spring that will ride/handle better than stock.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
ok i cant really measure right now since my gf has the car now but the wheels i run is 275-40/20 , is this the correct wheels btw? maybe i could go up to 45 profile?
Did not know there is a difference in the rear springs the site i was looking at had only one set for 02-05.
And i have a 2002.
Thank you!


Dec 4, 2011
LennieM said:
ok i cant really measure right now since my gf has the car now but the wheels i run is 275-40/20 , is this the correct wheels btw? maybe i could go up to 45 profile?
Did not know there is a difference in the rear springs the site i was looking at had only one set for 02-05.
And i have a 2002.
Thank you!

Ive seen different model numbers/heights on them many times.

you can run a 275 45 20 all around no problem or if you want a taller tire a 265 50 20 will work fine.

I do these trucks a lot all I need is what the truck measures right now in front/rear and then I can dial in a kit to work for you in rear and keep the ride nice.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
Ok now i finally got my tb measured..... the front sits at 32,5" and the rear at 34".


Dec 4, 2011
LennieM said:
Ok now i finally got my tb measured..... the front sits at 32,5" and the rear at 34".

with the rear belltech shocks/springs/1 inch spacer you will be at about 32.5 to 32.75 and ride is very nice.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
Problem is that belltech springs are not avalible here in sweden and shipping cost for 2 springs will surely be more than the springs cost :sadcry: Any one had experience with Groundforce springs since they are the only ones i can find here in sweden? Rear springs only here costs around $320-350.
Really sucks to live here and drive/maintain a trailblazer asked my dealer for a new fuelfilter and it was $120!!! :eek:


Dec 4, 2011
LennieM said:
Problem is that belltech springs are not avalible here in sweden and shipping cost for 2 springs will surely be more than the springs cost :sadcry: Any one had experience with Groundforce springs since they are the only ones i can find here in sweden? Rear springs only here costs around $320-350.
Really sucks to live here and drive/maintain a trailblazer asked my dealer for a new fuelfilter and it was $120!!! :eek:

I ship all over the world. you should change shocks also and for the price your paying there for springs/shocks im sure I could get you the kit shipped for less. If you are interested shoot me your zip code and I can see exactly how much it would be shipped.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
Ok that sound good here is the zip 66592 and Sweden that is.
How much are the springs and how much are the shocks?
Do you also have the 1" spacer and how much are those?


Dec 4, 2011
LennieM said:
Ok that sound good here is the zip 66592 and Sweden that is.
How much are the springs and how much are the shocks?
Do you also have the 1" spacer and how much are those?

the kit all together would be 345 plus shipping that is
belltech springs
belltech street performance shocks
belltech 1 inch spacer

Let me see how much shipping would be.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
sounds good.... :undecided:
Sad part is that customs here in sweden take out toll for about 7% of the price of the parts and then 25% tax on parts and shipping :sadcry: so usally when i order from us i add 30% to the price im paying and it works most of the time.
So do you think the shocks is a must even when only lowering the rear 1,25?
And is that the street performance shock or the nitro drop shocks?


Dec 4, 2011
with usps i send as a gift so no taxes are added.

and they are street performance as noted above the nitros havent been made in years and nitro 2s i dont use anymore since the sp shocks came out since they are much better than the nitro 2s


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
ok maybe it will work i have actually had the customs demanding me to send my invoice from companys ive ordered motocross parts from because they dont belive it is gifts if it is from a company.
but maybe you send these in your name and not a company name?
Im not really in a hurry since i wont be lowering the tb until spring is here so shippingspeed is not as important as the shipping cost.


Dec 4, 2011
LennieM said:
ok maybe it will work i have actually had the customs demanding me to send my invoice from companys ive ordered motocross parts from because they dont belive it is gifts if it is from a company.
but maybe you send these in your name and not a company name?
Im not really in a hurry since i wont be lowering the tb until spring is here so shippingspeed is not as important as the shipping cost.

aLL PARTS i sell out of united states I put my name on package which is another reason tax is not added. Ive been shipping out of US for years like this now.

When i get back home I will check shipping rate


Original poster
Jan 2, 2012
ok great!
Its getting close to midnight here now so ill go to sleep and hopefully i will wake up tomorrow and have a look at the shipping price.
You only sell belltech? Just noticed that eibach makes 1,5" drop spring front and rear for trailblazers.


Dec 4, 2011
due to ride issues I no longer carry eibach. The belltech front drop struts ride better by far.

Total shipped with insurance would be $510 dollars.

that would be
rear belltech springs
rear belltech street performance shocks
rear belltech 1 inch spacers

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