Is my chain loose (p1345)


Original poster
Mar 9, 2019
I got the stubborn camshaft/crankshaft mis-correlation check engine light.

Is the chain tensioner is supposed to lock once it extends and not be able to be retracted??


Can someone tell me if my chain is loose or functioning normally from these videos. I don't know what to think of the chain tension.

If I apply force I can pull down the chain a significant amount, but I don't know if I am introducing this play by pulling the extended chain tensioner back inside .

Chain in natural state:
dropbox video

Retracting chain by force:
dropbox video

Loose chain after retracting:
dropbox video

Idle: (sounds normal)
dropbox video

The chain tightens up when the engine is rotated.


Trying to fix the code I already replaced the following
-Camshaft position sensor
-Crankshaft position sensor
-Solenoid that supplies oil to camshaft phasor (camshaft position actuator solenoid)

I also disconnected each of the above individually and that threw different codes so the electrical is working fine.

Timing marks on both cams were aligned with the dark links.

Good maintenance / oil wasn't dunked up.

The chain or phasor are the only two things remaining, but I don't want to pull the front cover if I don't have too.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Hi and welcome!

First of all, do not pry on the chain like that in an attempt to retract or loosen the chain in any way. You may damage the ratchet mechanism that holds the tension when there is no oil pressure. If it was the tensioner, the chain would flop around on the top guide and make noise at idle.

If it sounds normal and you have replaced all those parts AND performed a CASE relearn, then the only thing left is the cam phaser. That's what I had to replace to get rid of that code.

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