Driving around in a friends Dakota he was noticing a ting ting when we went over bumps truck drives perfectly fine.
He had it in the shop recently and they told him the ting was his front shocks were totally shot no oil in them, however his truck suspension seemed totally fine...
While doing my daughters front brakes I noticed her shocks look completely rusted out and possible the originals (188,000 miles now). When testing the brakes I noticed the same ting ting from the front end hitting some bumps...
How do I test the shocks on this truck? a car you know the shocks are bad instantly especially from the bouncing!
I have noticed her truck has always driven like it is floating so maybe the shocks have been shot for years.
Easy to replace them? they look pretty straight forward loosen top bolt and bottom pinching bolts.
thanks. and man these things need a lot of maintenance!
I need to write everything down on what I replaced on this thing, I recently called advance auto to check some dates when I bought brakes and had them list what I bought in the last year... dude rambling off like 10 things. totally forgot I replaced the cam sensor thing or whatever due to random stalls...
He had it in the shop recently and they told him the ting was his front shocks were totally shot no oil in them, however his truck suspension seemed totally fine...
While doing my daughters front brakes I noticed her shocks look completely rusted out and possible the originals (188,000 miles now). When testing the brakes I noticed the same ting ting from the front end hitting some bumps...
How do I test the shocks on this truck? a car you know the shocks are bad instantly especially from the bouncing!
I have noticed her truck has always driven like it is floating so maybe the shocks have been shot for years.
Easy to replace them? they look pretty straight forward loosen top bolt and bottom pinching bolts.
thanks. and man these things need a lot of maintenance!
I need to write everything down on what I replaced on this thing, I recently called advance auto to check some dates when I bought brakes and had them list what I bought in the last year... dude rambling off like 10 things. totally forgot I replaced the cam sensor thing or whatever due to random stalls...