Ed H said:
I just programmed homelink for my garage door opener and realized it works with the key out. I park outside, so if someone breaks into the truck, they can open my garage door! WTF?
Has anyone mod'd Homelink so it only works with the key in the ignition, or with the engine running?
I haven't worried about it.
First off, the thief would need to break into the vehicle (which means breaking the glass and setting off the alarm by unlocking it from the inside).
Second they would more than likely not know which of the buttons did what on the overhead console.
Third, you need to hold the button down for a few seconds which the thief would more than likely not know about.
For a thief to even get to step 2 is highly improbable. They would run when the alarm goes off.
Now if you happen to not lock the doors and they reach step 3 then you got what's coming to you. And they know just as much as you do about the Homelink.
This is also a good reason to get a deadbolt between the garage and the home.