hid trouble brewing

c bausch

Original poster
Jan 13, 2012
Hey everyone i got a issue with a set of hids i installed about to weeks ago, 1st when i installed the hid ballast one of them were bad out of the box and i went back to the store to get a new one , i got a slim ballast because they didnt have a any reg ballast from my kit 2. Only sometimes i turn on my light switch on only one light comes on then i play with the switch a few times and all of a sudden they both work, now it there a issue with the switch or a ballast and can there be somthing wrong with the switch that would make one light turn on? I also installed a drl killer if that helps


Mar 25, 2012
hmm, idk much about the DRL killer. Most guys have this but personally i just use the switch. but! try turning the lights off(turn the switch all the way to the left, so you get the orange light) Than! try turning them on(switch all the way to the right). Thsi is what i do and it works for me every time.

So in short, turn the switch to the left, that all the way to the right. (turn them off, than on)

Good luck man!!



Nov 20, 2011
I have the same issue with only 1 hid not turning on(drivers side)...very rarely does it happen(more often this past year though) I turn them off and back on, and it works fine. I haven't found any loose wires or anything hooked up incorrectly either.

c bausch

Original poster
Jan 13, 2012
Yeah its my driver side too. In the morning i put my truck in drive and only the passenger side light turns on and then i play with the switch ( all the way to the left then right) and after a few times it turns on . My connections are all good grounds are good im not running a relay


Nov 20, 2011
c bausch said:
Yeah its my driver side too. In the morning i put my truck in drive and only the passenger side light turns on and then i play with the switch ( all the way to the left then right) and after a few times it turns on . My connections are all good grounds are good im not running a relay

i'm not running a relay either. We're not the only ones with this exact issue either.


Mar 25, 2012
after i had mine for about a month, the passebger stopped working all together, i swithced the pass and driver side ballasts, and switched the two wires around. for some reason this made the light start working again. but thats weird that yours will come on after a couple minutes.. :undecided:


Mar 25, 2012
tbuckalew14 said:
driver side hid not always turning on...I have to shut the headlights off, then put them back on for it to work.

I have to do this with my passenger side. it's a weird problem. not sure what causes it.

c bausch

Original poster
Jan 13, 2012
I got (made in china batteries not included ) brand, the performance shop near me sells them


Nov 20, 2011
c bausch said:
I got (made in china batteries not included ) brand, the performance shop near me sells them

A bunch of them are made in China. VVME, DDM Tuning, Xentec, they are all made in China. Whats the actual brand?


Nov 18, 2011
I had the same problem a few years back. Pass side wouldn't turn on .1% of the time. Hit the switch left (off) and to the right (on) and it would come back to life. It was so infrequent that I didn't bother swapping ballasts from side to side. Then one day the pass ballast just died and the new ballast hasn't done it. If it's happening frequent enough it might be worth swapping the ballasts from side to side to either rule out or condemn the ballast.

I had a relay harness and the drls were disabled.


Feb 3, 2012
We have the same issue, we did the quad beam mod and DRL kill mod as well. Sometimes the passenger light wont come on and we have to turn it off, and turn it on for it to work. I bough a 30 dollar slim ballast kit called Luminis off ebay. The only time ours is an issue, is if we turn the lights on during the day or manually. If we leave them alone, and let them come on on their own when it's dark, then both work.

I don't think it's a sign of any impending issue, I think it's something we all just have to either learn to deal with, or eventually find a resolution to. I'm leaving mine alone only because they work 100% of the time at night, and when automatic. I don't mess with the lights enough manually for it to be a huge issue for me.


Jan 1, 2012
The same happens to me when my car is in a dark place then a place with shadow. The ambient light sensor is where the real problem lies. But after i turn the switches on and off the passenger side starts right up.

c bausch

Original poster
Jan 13, 2012
Its find of funny i just tried mine and now the driver side lights and the passenger is out for a week now the driver would be out and the passenger would be on but i just tried it manual so will see..... i guess it a back and fourth game now


Dec 4, 2011
If you have issues with them not turning on consistently, and you don't have a relay harness, a harness would probably fix it 99% of the time. They are only like 8 bucks on ebay. Just make sure to get the harness for the 9006 not something weird like H7 or something bizarre.


Dec 5, 2011
My TB has never had this issue, but my Taurus does occasionally. It had no issues for the 1st year, but just recently the pass side doesn't come on, but only when its started in the dark. If the car is already running then they both start. Seems like its just not getting a consistent signal while trying to start. As I've said before I really wish the auto lights would wait till after the car is started to turn on, rather than while its cranking


Dec 4, 2011
I disable auto lights with HID. I'd rather control them manually partially for that reason.

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