So my wife calls me the other day and says, "The Envoy won't move when I turn the wheel hard and back up. It just stops" to which my reply was, "Do you have the damn 4WD drive on???" Her response was yes, of course, and though my son had switched it by mistake. It had only been driven about 2 miles that way and backed up a couple times. So I look under the Envoy last night and see drip spots on the floor from the front diff driver's side. I assume it's a bad seal and will need to be replaced but wondering if there might be more damage inside. Still plenty of fluid, doesn't grind or make noise but it definitely locks up when in reverse and the wheel is locked in a turn. Our Tahoe will move some but this doesn't want to hardly at all. I'm wondering if I should just replace the bearing while I'm in there too. I sure hope she didn't cause this and it's just a coincidence but there were no drips before this happened. I took some pictures and also have a question on how to get the axle out. I've read up on taking everything apart but having a hard time picturing how I'm supposed to get it out. I know you use a BFH and drift but I can't figure out where I'm supposed to place the drift against to hit it so the circlip releases. If someone could even draw on one of the pictures that would be very helpful. Any help is appreciated.