Data Link Connector problem.


Original poster
Apr 24, 2012
New York
Hi guys,

Okay, I know I've posted this before but it's still driving me up the wall and through a brick with no results. My data link connector (under the dashboard) is still giving me trouble. I bought a OBD II scanner so I can check my own trouble codes but when I plugged it in, it wouldn't work. I know it works because I used it on a family members BMW X5 with no trouble at all. I looked in the fuse box of my Trailblazer and realized that the fuse was missing. How can that be since a co-worker connected his scanner to my car and it worked fine just a year ago? Not knowing why it was missing or what size fuse to buy, I asked a friend to look in the fuse box of his Trailblazer for the size and I promptly went out to buy some size '10' yellow fuses. I replaced the fuse and every single time I reconnect the battery terminals, the fuses pops (3 times in a row). I've pulled the data link connector down and checked to make sure the pins are all there and none are bent or broken. I can't see anything foreign or otherwise wrong with it. I'm pulling my hair out with this one and while I'm no automotive electrical guru, I like to consider myself a decent "do-it-yourselfer".

I'm even more afraid to take it to an automotive electrical shop because so many shops here are in full-on rape mode. Any ideas fellas? Thanks in advance.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
You probably have a damaged wire somewhere that's grounding out, causing a short that's blowing that fuse. I would suggest getting a copy of the service manuals, if you don't already have them, check the wiring diagram and see what route the power takes from the battery, to the fuse block, to the OBDII connector. From there, start tracing the line and see if you can find a damaged section that needs a quick repair. Good luck


Jan 22, 2013
Hi David, the power to the OBDII is shared with the left cigarette/Acc power socket in the dash below your HVAC controls. Check that and make sure that there is nothing stuck in there that would be blowing the fuse or that the terminals in the socket aren't touching each other.


Original poster
Apr 24, 2012
New York
Thank you everyone. I found a friend with a diagram and maybe with a few beers I can convince him to help me track it down (and with any luck we can also kill my DRLs at the same time). I really appreciate the help you guys give and with luck I'm hopeful that I can return the favor someday. Thanks again.


Dec 6, 2011
Let us know if you find the problem. It helps everyone when you report back on the results of your troubleshooting :thumbsup:

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