brake dust???


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
what up guys. I have a squeaky metal on metal chirp (hard to explain in words) coming from my right rear tire.(only when pressing the breaks) I hit it with a little cleaner but didnt seem to do the job. You guys have any idea what could be causing this whining annoying noise when im stopping

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
not assuming anything here.. but sometimes its the simplest things... so I'll start off by asking... did you check the wear on the rear pads? Maybe its your wear indicator tabs letting you know its time to change the rear pads...


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
the pads are a little low.. i was told they have several thousand miles left on them. Do you think a sensor would come up with that number of miles left on them ?


Jun 17, 2012
I habe the same issue on mine except on the front passenger side, what i'm thinking it is, is the metal clip that fits in the caliper that the brake pads go in. i don't know about yours but mine is a tad wider than the pads which are about half worn. I took them apart and moved it over a lil and it stopped it for a day. loli have yet to take them apart and look at it again but i think that the metal clip is hitting the rotor before the pads. I have thought about taking them apart and grinding the clip to a smaller width to try and see if that will stop the noise.


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Phantom said:
I habe the same issue on mine except on the front passenger side, what i'm thinking it is, is the metal clip that fits in the caliper that the brake pads go in. i don't know about yours but mine is a tad wider than the pads which are about half worn. I took them apart and moved it over a lil and it stopped it for a day. loli have yet to take them apart and look at it again but i think that the metal clip is hitting the rotor before the pads. I have thought about taking them apart and grinding the clip to a smaller width to try and see if that will stop the noise.

Do you think getting new pads would be the easiest solution, or should i look into grinding the clips down?


Jun 17, 2012
I would take them apart if or when you can and see where the clip is in relation to the pads. I know that my pads are half worn if not a lil less than half and I cannot see buying new pads. so i"m gonna look into grinding the clip a little. if you want to buy new pads go for it or if you think that grinding the clip is best to save a little bit of money that's up to you.


Dec 4, 2011
My 9-7 indicators only squeeked when in reverse as crazy as that sounds. Pull the wheel off and take a look. Hardest part of the brake job I did on my 9-7 was the clips on the new pads were slightly larger than the ones I replaced and were a bear to get in. Took a piece of a 2x4 to hammer the pads gently in with equal pressure. Was frustrating.


Dec 5, 2011
I just replaced my front pads and turn the rotors. Now everytime I go below 10mph while stops they squeal, it almost sounds like the pads are on the indicators. I added BG anti-squeal and it didn't help, I'm going to try replacing the clips this W/E.:confused:


Dec 4, 2011
Vicompc said:
I just replaced my front pads and turn the rotors. Now everytime I go below 10mph while stops they squeal, it almost sounds like the pads are on the indicators. I added BG anti-squeal and it didn't help, I'm going to try replacing the clips this W/E.:confused:

Suprised you turned the rotors given even non-chinese replaements are inexpensive.


Dec 5, 2011
Just wanted to provide an update, it turns out that if you use the OE pads you have no issues. I finally replaced the GM Dura Stops with the Akebono pads and it stopped the squeal. :wootwoot:


Dec 5, 2011
Jkust said:
Suprised you turned the rotors given even non-chinese replaements are inexpensive.

When I was considering the switch to Brakemotive last fall, I checked locally for rotors, and the cheapo brand everywhere in town started at $50 apiece. That ended up being how I justified the Brakemotives, since I got all 4 for 130 or something like that.

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