Anyone know where the rear blend door actuator is located in a 04 EXT? no digi HVAC btw. the clicking is driving me nuts now , reminds me of these dung beetles that use to click trying to escape from under a rock.
Anyone know where the rear blend door actuator is located in a 04 EXT? no digi HVAC btw. the clicking is driving me nuts now , reminds me of these dung beetles that use to click trying to escape from under a rock.
You'll need a T-50 torx bit to get the upper seat belt mounts off, and a phillips screw driver to take the screws out of the rear passenger side panel. There are clips around the edges holding it in, so pull hard. Borrowed this image from Roadie, so you'll know what to look for once you get in there.
You'll need a T-50 torx bit to get the upper seat belt mounts off, and a phillips screw driver to take the screws out of the rear passenger side panel. There are clips around the edges holding it in, so pull hard. Borrowed this image from Roadie, so you'll know what to look for once you get in there.
Welcome! Sorry to hear that. Disassembling this unit is just a little bit less work than taking the HVAC unit out of the front dash to replace the heater core. You might try to drill into the end of the broken pin and then epoxy a steel pin into the hole, then do the same on the broken piece and epoxy them together using the pin as a splint. Otherwise you can see how much work it will be to take it all apart and put in a new door.