Able to use a Tablet as a receiver?


Original poster
Dec 29, 2011
Was wondering if anyone has used a tablet in place of the receiver? Or modified the stock receiver to accept an aux. input from a tablet?

I was looking at the touch-screen receivers with Navigation and this and that, they want like $600 for a quality one, while you can get a Android tablet for $100 that does the same thing and a whole lot more with all the apps.

So far the only thing i've been able to come up with is buying a cheap aftermarket receiver with an aux. input to connect the tablet too... is there any other way around this?


Dec 4, 2011
Do you have an xm radio option on your stock reciever? There's been people that have been able to use that for an aux in source.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
STLtrailbSS said:
Do you have an xm radio option on your stock reciever? There's been people that have been able to use that for an aux in source.

I have done that and I love it! I also have an fm transmitter in my truck that also works.


Dec 4, 2011
Alright time for real talk a kit cost about $70-$100 to run an aux without xm. Now what are you looking for in a head unit beyond navigation are you wanting to run amps do you want built high and low pass filters, dvd etc because I think if your just going to run a stock set up after your hu there is no need for $600


Dec 14, 2011
I have a standard radio and installed the inline AUX adapter to the back of the radio. That adapter uses red & white composite jacks so i bought the composite to headphone adapter and mounted it in the dash. Then i can plug the iphone into it. Work the same way with a tablet/ipad with the headphone jack.

Similar to this but i think i snagged one for $40



Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
I would just get a basic head unit with an aux connector and a wiring harness. I think that is the cheapest option. Then, from there, you can add different speakers and subs if you want them.


Dec 14, 2011
Or find a FM transmitter thing off ebay. I use one in the Grand Prix since they make no AUX adapter.


Dec 4, 2011
Waxahachie, TX
Rubberman said:
I have a standard radio and installed the inline AUX adapter to the back of the radio. That adapter uses red & white composite jacks so i bought the composite to headphone adapter and mounted it in the dash. Then i can plug the iphone into it. Work the same way with a tablet/ipad with the headphone jack.

Similar to this but i think i snagged one for $40


IMO, that's great if you only want to add an aux port. If you want to eventually add subs and an amp for your door speakers, you might want a new head unit. That will have better sound quality dedicated to amps and subs.


Dec 16, 2011
Rubberman said:
Or find a FM transmitter thing off ebay. I use one in the Grand Prix since they make no AUX adapter.


I have a Belkin one in my TB, works fine. I did, however, have to remove the vehicle antenna so I could actually get a clear station. Seattle doesn't have much white space available....


Original poster
Dec 29, 2011
Rubberman said:
I have a standard radio and installed the inline AUX adapter to the back of the radio. That adapter uses red & white composite jacks so i bought the composite to headphone adapter and mounted it in the dash. Then i can plug the iphone into it. Work the same way with a tablet/ipad with the headphone jack.

Similar to this but i think i snagged one for $40


Have you seen anything like this with a USB cable coming from it? That would be perfect!
And as this is an AUX input, how do you select it on the stock plain stereo?

If I do add speakers, I will just be swapping out the stock 6.5"s for decent replacements with no amp... but I may put a sub/amp in the back but i'm not 100% on that. I was initially looking to get a new head unit with Bluetooth but again, they jack the price up so damn high that i'd rather just use a wire and connect it to the tablet/phone.

And speaking of tablets, does anyone have any good mounts, pic's, or ideas where we'd put one? I was thinking of covering the stock stereo over completely and just using the volume controls on the tablet to control it, and also use the FM receiver on the tablet to get radio stations in. almost like taking the stock receiver out and putting it in the glove box or something so we dont even have to see it, just replace it with the tablet and be done.


Dec 16, 2011
I kid you not... Today, I just got the email indicating there was a reply... spooky

Anyway, to answer your question, I don't know. It's quite possible that there will be some interference but I seldom have any passengers and when I do, the tablet isn't mounted.

However, a turnbuckle with the proper thread size and pitch + a bolt (also same thread size and pitch) with the head cut off (cheaper than threaded stock) will raise the mount point up to cut down any potential interference. That's like, what? A $5 fix I suppose?

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