If you work as either a LEO or in Private Security for surveillance and MUST sit for long periods "BTW"( Behind The Wheel) of pretty much ANY GM or GMC Truck or SUV... Wouldn't it be HANDY to have a decent place to Set Down your Meals and Drinks while also being able to Work the Radio, etc. ?
Also, as a Mechanic of ANY Stripe, You'll need to use your Laptop, IPad, Scan Tools or Oscilloscopes when Diagnosing GM Vehicles right after closing the Driver's Door to perform Parasitic Drain Testing. With the Window rolled down, THIS Tray would make access to these Tools and Electronics ...so much easier and more convenient.
Amazon Sells THIS Plastic Tray for around $15.00
Also, as a Mechanic of ANY Stripe, You'll need to use your Laptop, IPad, Scan Tools or Oscilloscopes when Diagnosing GM Vehicles right after closing the Driver's Door to perform Parasitic Drain Testing. With the Window rolled down, THIS Tray would make access to these Tools and Electronics ...so much easier and more convenient.
Amazon Sells THIS Plastic Tray for around $15.00
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