2006 Envoy Denali air ride delete


Original poster
Apr 30, 2013
Ok guys First time posting. Ive been reading tons of issues with the air ride in my wifes 06 Envoy Denali, I have both bags leaking air and my wife said today that she heard popping noise on start up and the rear was bouncing with every pop. Then it went up. So Im leaning tward going for the air ride delete and put springs in( live and North Dakota and the snow/Ice and salt from going to michigan takes a toll on a syst like this). IT Should be pretty straight forward but just want some insite. Im looking for what springs and shocks I should get to put in to keep that denali stance. And is there a way to keep the compresser for the tire fill?*Thanks


Oct 4, 2012
East Haven,Ct
From what I have read the compresser can stay for the tire fills etc just set your level adjusters all the way up so they don't command pump to come on.

Not sure about springs but good shocks are bilstein hd's I think I've read over and over to replace with so go to shockwarehouse.com and see if they have bilstein HD with a set of coils for ya.
Good luck.

I cannot confirm this info is 100% accurate as you have the 06 denali but shouldn't be too off

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
jeffro312 said:
What's difference between OEM and gen 2 why the price difference

I'm not sure but would guess the Generation II is Arnott's own design built to their own specs, also they weigh 1lb less vs OEM being built to GM specs? Honestly I have no idea but the Gen II and the OEM have both been used successfully by members here. I'm gonna try the Gen II's when I get em. Both have a good warranty as well.


Original poster
Apr 30, 2013
Im just worried with the popping noise she heard maybe the pump was going to go didnt really want to replace that soon after I did the bags. But the pump seems to be working just fine since. We dont tow with this at all thats what my CC Silverado 6.2L is for.


Mar 30, 2013
I replaced my air bags with arnott gen 2 super easy to do yourself and I am not a mechanic. I bought them off ebay from this seller for $175 shipped for a new pair: eBay My World - am-autoparts


Oct 4, 2012
East Haven,Ct
DerrickG said:
Im just worried with the popping noise she heard maybe the pump was going to go didnt really want to replace that soon after I did the bags. But the pump seems to be working just fine since. We dont tow with this at all thats what my CC Silverado 6.2L is for.

My bags deflate every night and if truck is at certain angle bags sort of make rear pop up as its filling up. Pretty sure its somewhat normal for filling from empty


Mar 30, 2013
jeffro312 said:
My bags deflate every night and if truck is at certain angle bags sort of make rear pop up as its filling up. Pretty sure its somewhat normal for filling from empty

Mine popped when they inflated after leaking all night too.

- - - Updated - - -

jeffro312 said:
My bags deflate every night and if truck is at certain angle bags sort of make rear pop up as its filling up. Pretty sure its somewhat normal for filling from empty

Mine popped when they inflated after leaking all night too.

- - - Updated - - -

jeffro312 said:
My bags deflate every night and if truck is at certain angle bags sort of make rear pop up as its filling up. Pretty sure its somewhat normal for filling from empty

Mine popped when they inflated after leaking all night too.

- - - Updated - - -

jeffro312 said:
My bags deflate every night and if truck is at certain angle bags sort of make rear pop up as its filling up. Pretty sure its somewhat normal for filling from empty

Mine popped when they inflated after leaking all night too.


Original poster
Apr 30, 2013
Ok that must be what it was because she said it was slammed to the ground. I guess I will just do bags then.


Nov 20, 2011
Either replacement bags or buy a set of drop springs/shocks. $285 shipped for 31.5" drop springs and shocks, $330 for stock height springs/shocks (the 31.5" springs + 1" spacer). The ride with these is TONS better than the bags, if you do keep the bags at least go with the Belltech drop shocks to make the ride better. Best thing I did for my SS, the rear doesnt leak down anymore or ride like crap.


Original poster
Apr 30, 2013
Ordered the Arnott replacement bags I gues I should to shocks too.... any inputon resr shocks to replance oem
Dec 4, 2011
DerrickG said:
Ordered the Arnott replacement bags I gues I should to shocks too.... any inputon resr shocks to replance oem

The OEM bags seem to have a 6 or 7 year life span before they expire. I have replaced mine last year and its like they are on Viagra. Still like the air for when we do pull the trailer and the adjust ability of the ride height if your into that. Pepare to spend 2-3 hours and its nice to have a second pair hands and please be careful to use jackstands to support the rear. I am sure there are videos or pics of the replacement either here or TV.

Biltstein replacement shocks from ShockWarehouse is the way I went no regrets (80-100K miles). :thumbsup:


Jul 9, 2012
jeffro312 said:
From what I have read the compresser can stay for the tire fills etc just set your level adjusters all the way up so they don't command pump to come on.

Not sure about springs but good shocks are bilstein hd's I think I've read over and over to replace with so go to shockwarehouse.com and see if they have bilstein HD with a set of coils for ya.
Good luck.

I cannot confirm this info is 100% accurate as you have the 06 denali but shouldn't be too off

My XUV came with Bilsteins for the rest of the stuff go to Arnott IUnd. in Fla.

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