ANNOUNCEMENT We need the community's help


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
We need your help. There are expenses related to run this site and they are coming due. It is unfair to ask the site owner to continue funding it from his own pockets. Ad revenue has been decreasing as people use ad blockers and the ads themselves just don't pay as much as they used to.

We know things are tough all around but if this site has helped you save money by not having to either take it to a shop or buying another truck, we would appreciate a little love back. I know over the years I have saved tons of money and helped others do the same. I will be making a donation myself even though I already contribute by hosting the manuals and am one of the volunteer staff.

If and when you are able, you can help keep us going by any of the following:

  1. Make a donation
  2. Upgrade your membership
  3. Disable adblockers on GMTN and give our ads a quick look from time to time
  4. Post eBay and Amazon links
  5. Use our links to make purchases on eBay and Amazon
  6. Offer items or services to be used in raffles held on GMTN
On #5, one thing that would cost you nothing except for a little of your time. If buying something on Amazon or eBay, related to this site or not, post a link to the item and use the link from here to make your purchase. Amazon and eBay will kick back a referral fee to the site. Others can also click on the links just for the ad revenu even if you don't buy anything. You can post those links in these forums. We all know we buy a lot of stuff on Amazon so we can get them to give us some back.

Thanks for helping out and being a great community!
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Jul 24, 2012
Just curious, is there a $ goal here? I'm not trying to get into anybody's business or anything, but for the community I think it would be interesting/good to know what we're trying to do financially. Are we looking at $100, $1,000, $1,000,000? What's the "by when"?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Not ignoring you, just waiting for the info.
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Mar 24, 2014
United States
We appreciate everything and anything that is contributed to our site.

We prefer to not have to “ask” for financial contributions from the community, but sometimes we are forced to do so.

We don’t have a “goal” set, but we distribute whatever comes in as necessary to offset upcoming costs and/or expenses. In this case, we are still obviously generating revenue from our advertising campaigns, but those advertising revenues have dropped dramatically over the past year.

If you’re able to contribute, great! If not, we simply ask that you consider some of the steps @Mooseman mentioned in the OP. It all helps.

Thank you


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I just sent a $100CAD donation. When I helped @Upsman figure out his problem, he generously gave me a brown note so I'm turning it around as a donation to the site. Thanks @Upsman :2thumbsup:

So c'mon y'all. Kick in a few bucks if you value this site.


Jul 16, 2022
Your efforts, your fuel but I would not have found you and the forums help without this community. Thanks all for the comments and advice. MasterBlaster sets the tone!
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