Truck Pranks


Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
Some of the pranks you can do to your friends(enemies) without really hurting anything. Found this on another forum and love it.

JB Weld a dime to the tread on each tire at night. The noise will make them pull over immediatly and investigate. Very difficult to get off. They will come off eventually in acouple days.

One I heard about and think is great... Roommates got the keys to his car and took and hid an electric horn under his driver seat. They then wired it to the seat warmer switch in the center console. Hilarity ensued.

Get a cheap window from a junk yard. Smash it and spread the glass by his drivers side door. Roll his window down and go tell him someone broke into his truck.

Another fun one is to buy a cheap replacement key. Use some pliars and break off majority of the key. Then replace his key on his keychain with the broken one.

Wrap a long ziptie around the driveshaft so the tail hits the floorpan and make a thumping as they drive.


Nov 21, 2011
ive done the zip ties... but get the big thick ones... it will shake the truck. especially when you like 30 to the drive shaft in strategic array that will cause the person to think there vehicle will blow up.

get a roll of pallet wrap. if friend is sleeping in vehicle. wrap the whole vehicle windows and all while they are asleep and wait for the phone call.

get some fishing line and beer cans. tie beer cans with string to bumper and tuck the cans under the rear bumper so they dont come out till they start moving.

this one is more elaborate one... make big cardboard or plywood sign saying something funny. get 2 hinges and mount it to said sign. attach top of hinges to top of vehicle (in away that wont destroy it works best with people or have ladder racks or roof racks). tie rope or string to each top corner and tie that to the vehicle further up. but leave enough slack in the rope or string so that once they start driving the sign will catch the wind and stand straight up. (this was done to one of the guys at my old job. its said something like "i like gay midget porn" or something to that effect.)


Dec 5, 2011
The normal ones that are very PG.
Set the seat position in a very uncomfortable position. With elec all the way up all the way forward and tilted back with the steering wheel all the way down seatback all the way back. For short people the opposite.
Set all the radio stations to nothing or all the same.
Put in a CD of their most hated music type
Set the child lock on the rear doors
Flip the wipers vertical (don't flip upside down that just scratches the window).
Turn on the wipers to high
Turn on the flashers
Put the E-brake on
Take the car out of gear and in N at a stop sign (don't do it on a hill).
Flip the glove box down.
turn on the heated seat when they are not looking and middle of summer.
Set for full blower and heat in the summer, cold in the winter
Get out at a stop light and leave the door open. Then when driver gets out get in and lock the doors.
Take everything out of all closed compartments and strew throughout the vehicle to make it look like a breakin
Remove battery in keyfob
Remove everything that is not connect from the vehicle.
Lock in place their seatbelt.
Connect all seatbelts while no-one in vehicle.
Remove headrests.

Some more artistic ones that I have done.
Disconnect the battery
Disconnect the radio harness
Disconnect the radio antenna
Remove the wipers and arms (don't do just the wipers).
Disconnect the HVAC harness
On center console window controls switched all the controls Front left controlled Rear Right, etc.
Removed the tires put the vehicle on blocks
Removed the gas door.
Removed the Gas cap.
Disconnect the seat back cable.
After moving the seat disconnect the seat controls/cables.
Remove the hood prop
remove the trunk props or hatch props
remove the seat/seats
Turn seats around and bolt back down
Disconnect subs if they have them.
Remove the door lock knobs if ford style
Remove any and all knobs.
Multiple, Multiple, multiple packages of Stinky tree deoderizers hidden everywhere in the vehicle.
removed tail light and put a fake hand out
Put the age old bull balls hanging from the rear.

I have lots more but they could be considered potentially harmful so we will leave those out. if I think of others I will add and update with edit notes.

Some of these you can't do with the TV because of it's design but keep in mind while you are riding with others.

I did most of these in college and yes have let my terrrible ways go. But I always keep them in mind.


Dec 6, 2011
first we would take one of the spark wires off and also to a different car one winter it snow alot and this guy who used to sleep at the fire house we decide to pile the snow around the car so he couldnt get out ( of course it was a dodge neon not some like yours hardtrailz )


Nov 20, 2011
Sure Kyle, now you bring this up. I would have like some of these ideas this summer when you wouldn't let me terrorize a particular Marine! :raspberry:

There is some pretty funny stuff here.


Dec 6, 2011
Some of these could result in death - of the prankster!

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.


Nov 21, 2011
Cypress, TEXAS USA
My favorite was blocking up the rear axle so the tires had about 1/4" it still looked like it was on the ground......You should have seen my Roommates face after he walked home from class!!!:biggrin:


Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
Empty a hole punch and put all the lil paper dots on someones visor, so when they flip it down they get covered....may be better to do to pass so there is no accident.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Best engineering geek joke we did at a software guy's wedding was wire a stepper relay to his horn. Every 20th time he pressed on the brakes, the horn would latch on until he lifted his foot off the brake and reapplied it. Every 20th time, and the hoot was it was usually at a stop light because he had an urban commute.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
Best on I pulled was at Carlisle a few years ago.... we installed fog lights on a TB, and I switched the wired from the fog light switch and the horn. Scared the poop out of the first person to try to turn on the fog lights!:biggrin:


Dec 5, 2011
I'm starting to re-think the idea of going to any meets now! Thanks guys... was looking forward to it til I read this thread.:eek::biggrin:


Nov 20, 2011
We used to put for sale signs on people cars...then go up to their door and inquire about said car. You could just toss the sign on their car that says for sale 500 bucks must sell quick(even better if it's a friend of yours and you have their phone number to put on the sign)


Dec 5, 2011
After seeing the horn rewiring I though of some others that maybe considered potentially harmful to the person.
disconnecting the head and/or tail light bulb(s)
Disconnecting the alternator
Putting a condom in glove or arm compartment
Putting a crushed beer can hidden in the car under the seats
Putting womens bra or underwear(very large granny or small thong depnding on the reaction desired) in the car
Fill a large envelope with shaving cream and put under the drivers pedal where out of view but will hit when full depressed. Aim the opening towards the driver
For the colder climates
Put a pop can in the car under the seats. Those up north know why
For in the warm climates
The classic pillsbury biscuits can under the seat always is fun.

As noted these could be very harmful due to accident, police, spouse, and vehicle harm

Some more classic PG ones
Turn the floor mats over
Turn the radio all the way up
Reset the Trip odo
change the clock by 10 min back
disconnect all the courtesy light bulbs
Turn on all the courtesy light bulbs
Lock the keys in the car (make sure you have the spare set in your hands).
Lock the ignition key in the car but keep the fob and put your fob on to look like theirs.
Remove the door latch blocks so that the doors cannot be closed.

And almost forgot about my signature... change the speedo from MPH to Metric. Gets people every time.

I actually like the PG ones more then harmful ones. When with my college friends all I have to do is smile when they leave me in their car alone and they immediatly ask what did I do.


Dec 4, 2011
I set the electric seat on a friends car to where it was still drivable but very uncomfortable it was also 17degrees that night so I pulled the corresponding fuses to disable the seat and Hvac controls


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
Remind me not to park near an of these guys.:no:


Dec 5, 2011
STLtrailbSS said:
I set the electric seat on a friends car to where it was still drivable but very uncomfortable it was also 17degrees that night so I pulled the corresponding fuses to disable the seat and Hvac controls

Darn it I forgot about the pull the fuse ones.

I skipped right past in the mind exercise on what happened during the vehicle wars in college.

Unplugging the HVAC cables came back around to the guy that pulled the pull the hvac fuse prank.

Looking back on it. Had I actually spend my time in college studying I could have done so much better.


Dec 4, 2011
Get a cheap window from a junk yard. Smash it and spread the glass by his drivers side door. Roll his window down and go tell him someone broke into his truck.

very similar. but two years back we had a big ice/snow storm. went out to scrape the sisters car off like any good brother. instead rolled down the back window, punched through the ice "window" into the car- it looked like real glass all over the back seat and it was easy clean up!

another harmless one is: bungie the doors together. so the door opens a little but with a traditional pull will slam back shut. after a second!

(requires getting the keys)- move the car just like two spots over in the parking lot. sure will be good for a freak-out and youtube video. sister was dumb enough to leave the car unlocked in the mall parking lot same one we were at, so we moved the car on her to teach her a lesson... calls us in a panic saying someone stole the Lambo and by Lambo i mean Alero. after an explanation she asked if we left the car unlocked because she had left the keys in there becasue she didnt feel like carrying them :dunce:


Nov 21, 2011
oh another good one... if they have stock or crappy wheels... take them off and turn them around and bolt them back in...

tied a wire to the starter that ran the back seat with a little fire work with a bag on shreaded paper/hole puncher left overs.... he went to start his car, thing went off paper everywhere and he was laying on the ground outside his car with soiled pants... thats what he got for wiring my brake petal to my horn (worst part is i taught him how to do it.)


Dec 5, 2011
Hatchet said:
oh another good one... if they have stock or crappy wheels... take them off and turn them around and bolt them back in...

tied a wire to the starter that ran the back seat with a little fire work with a bag on shreaded paper/hole puncher left overs.... he went to start his car, thing went off paper everywhere and he was laying on the ground outside his car with soiled pants... thats what he got for wiring my brake petal to my horn (worst part is i taught him how to do it.)

I smell a tutorial. :goodevil:


Nov 20, 2011


Nov 21, 2011
Porkins said:
I smell a tutorial. :goodevil:

ok well

1. break lug nuts
2. jack up the side of the vehicle
3. remove lug nuts
4. take wheel off
5. turn wheel around and put back on vehicle
6. put lug nuts back on
7. lower vehicle
8. torque lugs to 100ft/lbs
9. repeat on other side

and thats how its done


Nov 20, 2011
Hatchet said:
ok well

1. break lug nuts
2. jack up the side of the vehicle
3. remove lug nuts
4. take wheel off
5. turn wheel around and put back on vehicle
6. put lug nuts back on
7. lower vehicle
8. torque lugs to 100ft/lbs
9. repeat on other side

and thats how its done

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: :raspberry:

Thanks a bunch buddy.


Nov 21, 2011


Dec 5, 2011
Hatchet said:
ok well

1. break lug nuts
2. jack up the side of the vehicle
3. remove lug nuts
4. take wheel off
5. turn wheel around and put back on vehicle
6. put lug nuts back on
7. lower vehicle
8. torque lugs to 100ft/lbs
9. repeat on other side

and thats how its done

I meant the fireworks. :banghead:


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hatchet said:
thats what he got for wiring my brake petal to my horn (worst part is i taught him how to do it.)

Did the horn go off every twentieth time you applied the brakes? :rotfl:


Dec 4, 2011
Two different "last day at work" episodes.

Add the biggest friggin tractor wheel weight you can find to an inner front rim. Talk about shimmy.
Turn a white vehicle into a dalmation by unscrewing a whole bunch of Oreos and sticking 'em to the outside.

And to my college roomate (may he RIP) on his wedding day,
put shaving cream on the windshield. Did I forget to mention we replaced his washer fluid with Wesson oil??


Nov 21, 2011
Cypress, TEXAS USA
This started on Tuesday evening....One of the guys I work with taped a 4 foot wide banner to the tailgate of another guys work truck...It was a pink banner with "I Love Ponies" across it......this was the retailiation from that one. I'm sure it will take longer to peel all those pieces of tape off than the 10 minutes it took him to get them on there!!!!



Dec 6, 2011
I've got to remember some of these for our club's camping trips!

One of our camping group had Carpel Tunnel surgery so he couldn't do much to set up his camper. He was also the last to arrive this particular trip and I knew it. His nice site with water and electric had plastic bags over the water and electrical posts with notes that said out of service. He's standing there saying "What the..." and then it dawns on him, PAYBACK! He didn't expect the water balloons exploding at his feet when he pulled the bags off! PAYBACK x 2!


Jan 7, 2012
*Tricks i used to pull to my old boss (I worked in car sterio for 6-7 years)
-Every couple days i used to take radio keys (he had aftermarket radio) and slide it out and put it back in upside down.
-Get a roll of bubble wrap and put a big block of it behind the tire (when he backs up it'll sound like something blowing up)
-This day i got creative (he had a 4 door 99-2000 GMC Jimmy), his truck was in the shop and he was in the back on the computer, so i hotwired it to roll the windows up (while i was there i also kindly flipped his radio upside down too:biggrin:) then i removed his power unlock relays, and locked all the doors, then i got massive zip ties and tied driver inside door handle to steering wheel (black zipties so not blatantly obvious), then ziptied pass door inner handle to "oh crap" handle above air bag, then simply climbed out the back door and manually locked it on the way out. (that way his power locks don't work, windows are up (so he can't reach in to unlock or cut zipties, rear doors don't have key holes to unlock, and his key fob would only pop the rear glass). So he comes out and goes to get in truck and doors are locked, grabbes keys and hits unlock......door still doesn't open......(confused look on his face and even didn't realize i rolled windows up) the put key in door to unlock and it only opened an inch (then he noticed zip ties holding it shut), pissed off/confused look on his face, now trying to think how to get in his truck. Well he ended up popping rear glass, getting wire cutters, and it was pretty hilarious watching him climb over the seats to cut the zipties to get into his truck. And after it all got fixed he peeled out leaving, and was back in 30 seconds to get keys to flip his radio back from upside down :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
-Get real Mayo packets (hellmans from jimmy johns works the best) and squirt it under the door handles. slimy and smells nasty after been sitting for a while
-theres always a good saran wrap job (industrial size rolls from sams club work the best)
-if you wanna sleep on the couch for a week, hang some truck nutz under the back of your wifes car
-you can be mean and put flower in the vents, and turn a/c on high before ya get out of car (but thats mean and i'm not a fan of those kind of pranks, lol)

Ok thats it for now, maybe more next time i'm bored and messin around the on the computer, lol


Dec 6, 2011
Whoa, if that was me I'd be real unhappy and you may be standing in the unemployment line.


Dec 5, 2011
As a teenager I worked part time at a pizza place. We put anchovies in one of the other drivers hvac in the dead of winter.... He covered the smell with drakar colone! Made it even worse....


Jan 7, 2012
fishguy1123 said:
As a teenager I worked part time at a pizza place. We put anchovies in one of the other drivers hvac in the dead of winter.... He covered the smell with drakar colone! Made it even worse....

Thats almost as bad as taking a can of fish eggs and opening em up and leaving em under the seat of someones car, lol


Jan 21, 2012
St. Petersburg, Florida
It's been a while since I did any pranks. When I was younger, I would often turn any guest's turn signal to the 'blink' position, and if I had to ride with them, I would sit in the back seat and make a clicking sound from the window switch. They always looked down to check their signal.


Dec 6, 2011
While you're sitting there as a passenger and the driver is backing up, slip your fist down low and sharply thump it into the door. They'll be sweating bullets!

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk


Dec 18, 2011
This is some good stuff guys. Have done some of it over the years some not. But definitely funny stuff.:yes::yes:


Dec 12, 2011
Back when i was changing tires, we would take a few handfulls of brake lining shavings from the lathe and place in an empty soda can. Add in some battery acid from the used batteries and place it under the targeted victims car. After about 6-7 hours the car would wreak of the nastiest sulfuric funk you could think of.

A few ounces of concentrated dish soap in the washer reservoir will bring up a conversation at a later time for sure. :biggrin:


Mar 20, 2012
I've done a few. The zip ties on the driveshaft is bad, since I started useing stainless steel zipties. Even zip tied a guys tire... Took him 10 minutes to find the tapping, then had to make a bunch of tight turns to get it to slide off the tire cause it was too tight to get snips under to cut.

Alcaselser(sp?) in the washer tank is another good one. Saw a guy fill the washer tank with diet coke and glue a mentos to the lid... Didn't do anything till a rough road... Chained a guys truck to the ground from under it. Twas a standard, and you could just hear the engine bog down a bunch till he got out to look.

I think the funnest was someone tied to get me with zip ties... Put them on both rigs in the attached photo... nothing happened. They came out asking about a noise, looked sad when I responded "what noise?" When a zip tie has about a foot extra hanging off, and is still 6 inches away from touching anything...


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Dec 12, 2011
Not a prank as the thread states but back in the day when cassettes were sort of cool, my buddy took his MTX speaker box and placed it in the bed of his pickup. He recorded a skidding, tire-screeching panic stop from the internet with a horn blowing and played it through the box, unseen from anyone next to him. The reactions at redlights were amusing. I told him sooner or later someone will bolt through the intersection one day and he cut back on the intersection locations.

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