The Denali is No More.


Original poster
Jan 26, 2012
Well, even though I have not come on this site for months, overall it's been a fun experience and I learned a lot about my Envoy. Unfortunately, my beloved Envoy Denali has gone on to trade-in heaven. I could not deal with it anymore and I sloooooowly grew to despise it. I had honestly never regretted a purchase more than that one. It was always one thing after the other. And just when I would think I'm all good, it'd be something else. My truck was truly a POS.
She was born in 2007 and came into my life in 2010 (right between Christmas and New Year's). I had gotten what I wanted. I loved her although she wasn't perfect. Narrow interior, but I had enough space; lack of adequate compartments; worst placed ever backseat cup holders. But she did a lot of good too. She was a powerful beast (V8). My favorite feature was the passenger side mirror tilt when in reverse. All that truck space to lug so many things, including food and diaper pickups for work and guitar hero drums to name a couple. Loved that black leather... and the wood grain (even if it was plastic). Unfortunately, she kept having problems. Why should a car have whirring sounds? That's crazy. It would sound like Deep Rising. Fuel level sensor twice. Some other expensive thing in the front (can't remember the name; but it made my car sound like a big truck or bus moving but it would not really move). Motor in passenger side mirror went out. 4 new expensive tires (okay, i can't blame the car). Front brakes. Back brakes. Dead battery... and having to leave my car at work overnight. Getting side swiped. Heat and A/C not really working. And towards the end of our time together, totally scraped up and messed up the running board thing due to cutting in too close (because of another driver) and totally scraping it on a big stupid rock stone. I had a mechanic but still... that was a lot of money. And I never like the GMC dealership (when I would go for maintenance and oil changes); they were buttholes. Whew! I learned a hard lesson. And it doesn't matter if some of it was not the truck's fault. Too much of it was though.

I don't know if it's ok to say this on here, but to he11 with the whole GM family (sorry in advance). I tried to get out of her in May and it didn't work. 2 days ago, it worked. And I was reunited with my true love. Honda Accord.... she is a sexy, beautiful beast and I love it.

Nonetheless, this is a great sight. All of you enjoy your cars. There was one Envoy that will always be my favorite. I don't remember who it belonged to on here, but I saved the picture. It was the best looking truck ever!!

Enjoy your rides.


Dec 12, 2011
Wow, that's a shame. Hope the accord works out for you.

On the other hand, I don't know if I can see past the "POS" part if you had to replace normal wear items like tires, brakes, maybe a mirror motor but I wouldn't trade if for a mirror.

HVAC can be weird if you leave it on AUTO alot, not sure why your's had problems or what they were.

Not trying to sound like I'm the decision maker in your family but your obviously entitled to do whatever you choose but sounds like alot of neglect.

Either way....maybe someday you will pick up another GMT and get back posting here, or just hang around anyway. :thumbsup:


Original poster
Jan 26, 2012
I hear ya. But no more GMTs for me.
I plan on having my Accord forever.
I enjoyed the site though!

Lima Tango

Dec 4, 2011
Weird. I didn't know anyone could love an Accord - nothing wrong with them, they're just so boring and generic. It's like someone's favorite color being beige. I am happy you're happy and I certainly don't mean any offense, I just am confounded.

I have loved my TB over the past 4.5 years and 60k miles, and look forward to the next 100k. I love driving her every time. In stark contrast to you, I hate driving my 2010 Honda I leased for commuting - 29k miles later, she has more little annoyances popping than my now 91k TB ever did. So glad I will be dumping it back on the dealer when I move next summer.

These trucks will completely take care of you if you take care of them with proper maintenance. I am sorry you had bad experiences with yours, sometimes life just doesn't go your way. Congrats on finding a new vehicle with which you are happy, and has already been stated, please feel free to remain a part of the GMTN community.




Sep 15, 2012
Enjoy your Honda!
I am new to the GMT360 and I love it! A coworker has an Envoy and I liked the look of it so when my kids started driving themselves around I thought it would be a good choice. Big enough to be safer, lots of airbags, 4wd. My coworker is actually tired of his and complains about it all the time but I did my research and I knew what I was getting into. I have mechanical ability and feel I can tackle whatever it throws at me. If I had to pay someone for everything that needed done I might as well buy a new one. I will have this vehicle as long as I can hold on to it but I will probably have to fight my daughter for it. We both love driving it and look forward to doing so. I hope your Honda makes you feel that way.:biggrin:


Original poster
Jan 26, 2012
Lima Tango said:
Weird. I didn't know anyone could love an Accord - nothing wrong with them, they're just so boring and generic. It's like someone's favorite color being beige. I am happy you're happy and I certainly don't mean any offense, I just am confounded.

No offense taken at all. But i'm curious: what about the Honda makes it boring and generic?? If you answer that for me I can tell you how someone can love an Accord. And :rotf: at it equivalent to someone's favorite color being beige. (no sarcasm).

Sorry you hate your 2010. My brother hated his (1998) too. Some cars aren't for some people.

bravad'oh;106248 said:
I am new to the GMT360 and I love it!
And that's wusup!
bravad'oh;106248 said:
...I did my research and I knew what I was getting into. I have mechanical ability and feel I can tackle whatever it throws at me. If I had to pay someone for everything that needed done I might as well buy a new one.
I did a lot of research and knew what I was getting into and took the chance because I was so pressed (I had been in love with the Envoy Denali for 3 years prior. While I kept up with regular maintenance.. there were just too many other issues, so...
bravad'oh;106248 said:
I hope your Honda makes you feel that way.:biggrin:
It does! It does! Oh my good gosh!!


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
tripplesix said:
...what about the Honda makes it boring and generic?? ...
For me, it's too popular. Just too many of 'em. Accord and Civic seem permanently welded into the top ten sales lists for YEARS.

This is good if you want easy and cheap access to aftermarket parts, experienced mechanics, modifications you can buy off the shelf, and heavily stocked junkyards. :biggrin:

This is bad if you want a distinctive vehicle with custom-fabricated mods that makes a bold and public statement about your mission. It's bad if you want to spot your vehicle from far away in a parking lot. It's bad if you want to own a conversation starter, travel to difficult places, carry survival equipment and supplies, or other mission-specific functions. Everybody's needs are different, but (in general - possible stereotype alert coming up) the community of folks who mod Civics and Accords doesn't include many folks like me, and the community of folks who mod GMT360s does. Both on-line and in meat-space. Both lowered AND lifted.

Can anyone who knows me IMAGINE how miserable I'd be on a ricer-forum? :lipsrsealed:


Dec 4, 2011
Just saying- I wonder if 7-8 years from now you'll be on a Honda forum complaining about what a POS your accord is because of lack of regular maintenance. Take care of any vehicle and it will take care of you. 170,000 on my trailblazer now and counting and have only had to do things that I feel are normal repairs.

In any event, congrats on the new ride and good luck to you friend.


Original poster
Jan 26, 2012
the roadie said:
For me, it's too popular. Just too many of 'em. Accord and Civic seem permanently welded into the top ten sales lists for YEARS.

This is good if you want easy and cheap access to aftermarket parts, experienced mechanics, modifications you can buy off the shelf, and heavily stocked junkyards. :biggrin:

This is bad if you want a distinctive vehicle with custom-fabricated mods that makes a bold and public statement about your mission. It's bad if you want to spot your vehicle from far away in a parking lot. It's bad if you want to own a conversation starter, travel to difficult places, carry survival equipment and supplies, or other mission-specific functions. Everybody's needs are different, but (in general - possible stereotype alert coming up) the community of folks who mod Civics and Accords doesn't include many folks like me, and the community of folks who mod GMT360s does. Both on-line and in meat-space. Both lowered AND lifted.

Can anyone who knows me IMAGINE how miserable I'd be on a ricer-forum? :lipsrsealed:

Ahhhh... see, now I can accept that. And i peeped that when I first joined this forum. Lucky for me, I'm fine buying a car looking just the way I like it. To be honest, all I have ever cared about on cars that are after market are simple things: audio system, rims, spoiler. I don't care about all the mods that folks on here do. Don't get me wrong, I like seeing the pics and stuff because it looks good or interesting. And I can respect that.

Good looking cars are conversation starters as well, by the way. It all depends on the people with whom you converse. But I don't buy things for other people to love them. I but things because I love them. I have always loved honda accords and the one I have now is a beast! and I didn't have to add things to make it that way. Which is just the way I like it.

I DID like (even loved for a while) my Denali. But it was simply not meant to be. It was supposed to happen this way... to bring me back to where I belong... Honda Accords. I probably feel the same way about Honda Accords that most of you feel about your TrailVoys (or like trucks).


Original poster
Jan 26, 2012
willn513 said:
Just saying- I wonder if 7-8 years from now you'll be on a Honda forum complaining about what a POS your accord is because of lack of regular maintenance.
Just saying? or just asking? if asking, the answer is No. I had a 2001 Honda Accord before the Denali. I bought it 2 years old and I didn't have to deal with issue after issue after issue so soon. By the way, I had it for 7 years and took good care of it because I LOVED it. I did regular maintenance and many repairs since I had it through somewhere around 168,000 k miles. It was dying and the story goes on and on...
It was hard to get rid of, but it gave me the opportunity to get the Denali. I still missed my 2001 Accord. Although it has nothing on my new one.
Feel me?

Also. You must have missed the part where I said I did regular maintenance.

willn513 said:
Take care of any vehicle and it will take care of you...

willn513 said:
In any event, congrats on the new ride and good luck to you friend.


Dec 12, 2011
You know if you are posting here stating you are trading for an Accord, that there will be a truckload of comments right? :cool: You may as well consider this as your "Roast". All in good fun but we have to throw it at you. :yes:

tripplesix said:
Well, i don't come on this site anymore, but i remembered the name of the site and decided to peruse through some of the interesting threads before I leave for good (since I JUST got rid of my pitiful POS envoy denali). These stories are entertaining.

I have been pulled over soooo many times it is ridiculous. I am a speed demon and it is what it is. But the crazy number of speed cameras all over md/dc/va has made speeding difficult.

One time I was going home from work on 495 and as usual I was aggressively rushing. I tend to tailgate people who don't move out of my way (sorry to the people who hate that). I moved all the way to the far left lane and was gunning it. I've been pulled over so many times that I get feelings; like when you think it may be a cop but not sure but you know it is. Nonetheless I'm gunning and this car pulls in front of me and is not moving at my speed. I KNOW it is a cop but i convince myself it's not and I tailgate his butt off. He promptly moves over and i mash on the gas. He promptly moves right back over behind me and on with the blue and red light everywhere except on top of his car. I said, "%$#!!@#$!." I was going so fast that I could not stop right away and the shoulder on the left had some gravel and dirt (it didn't belong there) so I didn't want to skid. I stopped and he came up to me and asked me where was i going and why was I going so fast. He was in a very calm voice and all. I lied (of course) and said I work for CPS (i did; i even flashed my work I.D.) and I gotta get to an important home visit. I don't think he cared about that. But he simply told me to not drive so fast and to have a good day. This cop was soooo nice the whole time... I couldn't even believe it. Ahhhhh good ol' hopeless PG County, where I rarely got a ticket when pulled over. :thumbsup:

Another time, I was on 295 and gunning it! I really believed this cop car fell from the sky because I truly didn't see any signs of him anywhere and I was looking (i always do). He got all up on my bumber with his red and blue blinky lights. He wasted no time. He was clearly pissed. I pulled over. And he yelled his butt off at me. And I mean, YELLED!!! It was so crazy that I wanted to laugh so bad.... 1st because I really believed he fell from the sky; 2nd because he was yelling like he was my father (i was probably in my mid to late 20s). He gave me a whole yelling lecture about driving to fast and being careful and hurting or killing myself. He was truly concerned (like a parent) and bothered and all I could think was "don't laugh... don't laugh." I mean he went on and on. I apologized. And before turning to go back to his car he yelled, "be careful!!" And he let me go...... no ticket. I was like :rotfl: and :wootwoot:. Once again, good ol' PG County.

Too many more stories to post.

I think I know what happened to your brakes. :biggrin:

How do you get pulled over in PG County? You could drive a funny car around that part of the beltway and they wouldn't mess with Waay too much going on over there that's for sure.

Seriously though, I would leave a few min earlier, slow it down, will likely avoid an accident. Have you ever had a reckles citation in VA?

I remember watching one of those cop shows and the narrater stated which is just common sense, but stuck in my head forever.

"No matter what you drive, no matter how fast your car is, you are never faster than the car in front"

Just looking out :thumbsup:


Feb 3, 2012
You know...this makes me sad. You have your right in your choice of vehicles, and you have your right to your opinion, but it does make me sad. I have a difficult Envoy but nonetheless I still love this truck to the point where, no matter what happens to it mechanically(blown engine etc...) it's not going anywhere. My truck is difficult for the same reason why you claimed the denali to be a POS. Lack of maintenance and proper care. I have been getting my truck slowly up to par in the maintenance department, but because of the lack of maintenance(not just from me) but from earlier owners it has been a huge kick in the ass.

Hardtrailz taught me that calling something a POS because of your own neglect is both stupid, and immature. I can call my truck a POS because this point in time I think the members who have been helping me with an existing problem, would happily agree with me lol. BUT it isn't a POS because of GM, or because it's an overall bad truck, because it isn't. It's the previous owners fault, and partially mine because it has taken me a few months to get to what needs to be done. In the end, once everything is all figured out my truck will likely run better than it ever has before, owning a POS isn't a downfall necessarily, in fact it can be a blessing in disguise, because it opens the door for so much more improvement. For example, If my engine blows in the envoy...I will put a crate motor in it so that I can finally blow the doors off of the stupid minivan in town...and I bought the long wheel base so I can happily live in it as a crate motor will likely drain my savings account lol.

And, honestly....if you keep taking your cars to the dealership they will keep becoming pieces of shit. The dealership is the last place I would take my vehicle because they don't know their asses from their heads most of the time.

But in any case...good luck!


Dec 4, 2011
Well happy trails to you. It is really a bummer that your experience was the antithesis of mine. I'm on my third gmt 360 and currently have two of them. All have had v8's and the current ones have every single piece of optional equipment so more to potentially go wrong. So far the problem list is short with the Rainier having had a broken spark plug, leaky shaft seal (all fixed under warranty) and the 9-7 having reqired rear breaks and rotors and that's it. Both were 07's but not purchased from the dealers until 08 by their respective first owners. To date, each has exceeded my expectations especially since the Rainier is used as our main tow vehicle for our 4000lb boat on long discance trips several times a year. Each has been turn key with no stress. I couldn't ask for a better experience owning these vehicles.


Original poster
Jan 26, 2012
gmcman said:
You know if you are posting here stating you are trading for an Accord, that there will be a truckload of comments right? :cool: You may as well consider this as your "Roast". All in good fun but we have to throw it at you. :yes:
I totally don't mind. I welcome all opinions and feelings. I'm quite open minded.:smile:

gmcman said:
How do you get pulled over in PG County? You could drive a funny car around that part of the beltway and they wouldn't mess with Waay too much going on over there that's for sure.
That's why they always let me go. :biggrin:

gmcman said:
...Have you ever had a reckles citation in VA?
Yes. Unfortunately. :no:
When I go to NC, I have to travel through the entire state of VA and the police and troopers (or whatever) run thick!:eek:
I learned an extremely hard lesson in keeping within 5-7 mph over the speed limit. I had to train my mind and my foot. For real.

Voymom said:
You know...this makes me sad. You have your right in your choice of vehicles, and you have your right to your opinion, but it does make me sad. I have a difficult Envoy but nonetheless I still love this truck to the point where, no matter what happens to it mechanically(blown engine etc...) it's not going anywhere. My truck is difficult for the same reason why you claimed the denali to be a POS. Lack of maintenance and proper care. I have been getting my truck slowly up to par in the maintenance department, but because of the lack of maintenance(not just from me) but from earlier owners it has been a huge kick in the ass.

Hardtrailz taught me that calling something a POS because of your own neglect is both stupid, and immature. I can call my truck a POS because this point in time I think the members who have been helping me with an existing problem, would happily agree with me lol. BUT it isn't a POS because of GM, or because it's an overall bad truck, because it isn't. It's the previous owners fault, and partially mine because it has taken me a few months to get to what needs to be done. In the end, once everything is all figured out my truck will likely run better than it ever has before, owning a POS isn't a downfall necessarily, in fact it can be a blessing in disguise, because it opens the door for so much more improvement. For example, If my engine blows in the envoy...I will put a crate motor in it so that I can finally blow the doors off of the stupid minivan in town...and I bought the long wheel base so I can happily live in it as a crate motor will likely drain my savings account lol.

And, honestly....if you keep taking your cars to the dealership they will keep becoming pieces of shit. The dealership is the last place I would take my vehicle because they don't know their asses from their heads most of the time.

But in any case...good luck!

I appreciate what you're saying. I feel like I was doing everything I was supposed to do. I took it to GMC for oil changes and regular maintenance; and to my mechanic for all other repairs. And I strongly believe I bought a 3 year old car that was not in good condition. But I think in the end, it was a purchase I probably shouldn't have made in the first place because you're right. If you love your ride, you will put in the time and money to get it and keep it up to par... like you are doing. That is how I felt about my previous accord. And that is what i will do with my new one.

I hear you about the dealership.


Jkust said:
Well happy trails to you. It is really a bummer that your experience was the antithesis of mine. I'm on my third gmt 360 and currently have two of them. All have had v8's and the current ones have every single piece of optional equipment so more to potentially go wrong. So far the problem list is short with the Rainier having had a broken spark plug, leaky shaft seal (all fixed under warranty) and the 9-7 having reqired rear breaks and rotors and that's it. Both were 07's but not purchased from the dealers until 08 by their respective first owners. To date, each has exceeded my expectations especially since the Rainier is used as our main tow vehicle for our 4000lb boat on long discance trips several times a year. Each has been turn key with no stress. I couldn't ask for a better experience owning these vehicles.

It really WAS a bummer. But now that I was able to get rid of it, I feel much better. I'm glad your cars are on point. V8s are wusup!


Dec 4, 2011
tripplesix said:
It really WAS a bummer. But now that I was able to get rid of it, I feel much better. I'm glad your cars are on point. V8s are wusup!

Yeah when you really want to like something but it makes it impossible... I figure why not get more power when it gets the same mileage as less power and a little negotiation and you pay the same. V8's are a no brainer to me in this platform. Be glad you had the Denali since those are by far the most desirable and easy to get rid of imo.


Dec 27, 2012
I used to own a 1999 Jeep grand cherokee limited V8 and I have to say this 2005 Envoy XL SLT is by far the best truck ive ever had. I had the same bad luck as u had with ur Denali as I did with the G C LTD. Gave it up. I work at a Audi dealershop and it sounds crazy but I love looking forward every night when I leave work to drive my Envoy home even though all day i drive mad expensive german automobiles LOL. I def wish u luck on the Accord. Hey youll get excellect gas mileage than the Denali thats for sure hahah .

Good luck!

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