So, Moog then... I guess...


Original poster
Mar 24, 2012
Whenever I have a repair, my default is to choose OEM parts. My water pump went out last summer, and I chose the OEM replacement even though the aftermarket was 1/4 the cost. Just makes me feel safer, I guess.

I have the rattle. I got under it and checked it out. I definitely need to replace my left drivers side front end-link. I've decided that I'm gonna do it myself. Yikes. I have to save as much money as possible right now, so OEM just doesn't seem realistic.

Online price quotes from two local dealers: Jessup Auto Plaza and Chevrolet of La Quinta. They each quoted me $99.63, plus tax, just for one end-link. WHAT!?!?!

On 123 Autoparts I can get Moog front end-links for $22.07 each. Another brand they carry, Parts Master Chassis are $10.88 each.​

I see everyone post about Moogs on here. I really don't know what it means to switch to a different brand though. Are these performance parts? If I just change the drivers side with a Moog is it going to interfere with the ride if the other side is still the original? Does anyone else on here stick to OEM parts, and why?

BTW, my TB has little over 130,000 miles and rides like a dream, just nosily rattles over bumps at lower speeds. Like someone once said somewhere in a Trailvoy forum: I can drive along the bumpiest roads/trails, and hold a Martini without spilling it.

The only mechanical problem I've ever had is the original water pump failing, and that's after I pushed it through hundreds miles of desert trails last summer. I think the rattling probably started not longer than that.

As always, the feedback I get is awesome, and helps me keep trailblazing along.


Dec 4, 2011
Aftermarket is usually better quality than gm's oem junk.mechanical wise. My 2 cents


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
An end link is supposed to be a solid mechanical connection. The universe will not know if you have a gold-plated, diamond-studded platinum cast end link on one side, and a solid link whose middle section is fabbed out of pieces or rusty rebar on the other. As long as they're solid - no difference between the performance. Until they wear.

But Moogs are not reputed to have high wear.

In the case of this specific part, I prefer to NOT reward GM by buying more examples of the SAME PART that they misdesigned in the first place. Cheap-ass management insisted the designers made them non-greaseable, so they fail before their time so GM could point to the "permanently lubed" chassis design.

Yeah - how's that splined disconnect working out for us, eh? Sealed with no way to relube until you take it apart and discover the truth about the insane design.


Mar 7, 2012
You think thats expensive i had a friend of mine call me, shes took her TB into to get looked at, the dealer said she needed all four endlinks, they quoted her $1100 to replace them. i Told her they were on drugs, later went and checked and they were still tight...

On the other note Ive had good experiance with moog too, there was a thread not too long ago mooseman was asking about mevotech links, and from that thread i decided to get some deeza's because they could keep water away. i pulled the deezas out of the box and i already went through a set of mevotechs, held them side by side and the deezas were a noticeable bit heavier. Everything was thicker on them than the Mevotechs.

Heres the Thread:


Dec 2, 2011
SMAXX end links. $99 a pair front or back, don't have to worry about greasing them, nuff said.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
essaycho348 said:
... shes took her TB into to get looked at, the dealer said she needed all four endlinks, ...
Did she take it in with a specific report of noise while going over speed bumps or anything that might implicate anti-sway bars? Could have been $50 worth of bushings at fault instead of the links. Or was it in the dealer's clutches for something else and they went on a fishing expedition?


Dec 3, 2011
the roadie said:
.....An end link is supposed to be a solid mechanical connection. The universe will not know if you have a gold-plated, diamond-studded platinum cast end link on one side, and a solid link whose middle section is fabbed out of pieces or rusty rebar on the other. As long as they're solid - no difference between the performance. Until they wear.....

Roadie, outside of wear isn't the length the only other real concern? Doesn't it need to be the same length as the one opposite?


Nov 25, 2011
The moogs are a much better product than the oem part. The moogs are made to be tightened with two open end wrenches. The factory part uses an allen wrench and an open end wrench, they just don't get tight.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
What I don't like about the Moogs is that the rubber boot is not clipped to the joint and not perfectly sealed from the elements. I believe I showed this flaw in the other thread mentioned above. I've had the Deezas for a year now no problems so far.


Original poster
Mar 24, 2012
Matt said:
SMAXX end links. $99 a pair front or back, don't have to worry about greasing them, nuff said.

Cheapest I found for MAXX is $116.85 shipped, from Summit Racing

bore_pig said:
The moogs are a much better product than the oem part. The moogs are made to be tightened with two open end wrenches. The factory part uses an allen wrench and an open end wrench, they just don't get tight.

Cheapest I found for Moogs are $31.71 shipped, from

Mooseman said:
What I don't like about the Moogs is that the rubber boot is not clipped to the joint and not perfectly sealed from the elements. I believe I showed this flaw in the other thread mentioned above. I've had the Deezas for a year now no problems so far.

Cheapest I found for Deezas is $40.40 shipped, from

I'm gonna go with the Moogs for now. Next year, after taxes are done, I think I'm gonna find someone to swap out all of my suspension for performance parts including the sway bars, add spacers, and then go slightly bigger on the tires. I often drive canyon roads in Malibu with my seating full all the way back to the 3rd row. I was told that sitting in the back row of my truck on Decker Road was quite a "thrilling" experience.


Dec 2, 2011
steven76 said:
Cheapest I found for MAXX is $116.85 shipped, from Summit Racing

Is that cheaper than getting them from Suspension Maxx themselves?


Jul 22, 2012
I've Moog'd my truck. sway bar links,ball-joints. Truck rides....... like off the lot. :yes:


Feb 26, 2012
I personally have the SMAXX front and rear links, and the summit racing red sway bar bushings. After putting them on, the truck was like a train, cut down the side to side movement and even seemed a little more responsive. Still need to replace shocks and struts and tires, but just the links improved the ride tremendously!!! I went off suggestions from here, and they are quite a bit more money, but they are worth it! Just beware, the rear factory links sucked to get off. Spent more time taking those damn things off than putting all the new parts on!! Whatever you choose, anything is going to be better than those monkeyed factory parts!!

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