Power steering bleed question


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
i just replaced a 6inch section of the low pressure return hose on the drivers side shock tower and i wound up with some air in the system, i raised the front end started it and then turn the wheel end to end around 29 times only to lower the truck and took it for a test drive .....still no power assist at idle and when braking but gets better upon acceleration..........should i have lifted it and turned the wheel side to side without starting the engine? Or was i correct to run the engine


Dec 5, 2011
I always run the engine while bleeding the power steering. Then, just turn the wheels lock to lock several times.

Did you make sure to watch the level in the reservoir? If the fluid level fell too low, then air would have been let back into the system.


Dec 4, 2011
Hypno is correct, in addition make sure the cap is on. Or you will make a mess. Ask me how I know. I hope you used fuel injection hose, or something better.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Thanks for the replies, i lifted the truck and started it and went lock to lock at least a hundred times with no power assist at idle, i took the reservoir cap off with the truck running and there is no fluid movement in the reservoir, can the pump fail without any whine? And is the fact that there is no movement of fluid in the reservoir a definite indication of pump failure?


Dec 5, 2011
Sounds like to me your pump is a goner, but I can't say for sure. They don't always whine. If the vanes inside the pump aren't moving then there won't be any whine.

Check if there's any play in the pulley.


Dec 4, 2011
That is interesting. Yes it can fail without whining, maybe the first time you tried to bleed it you ran low on fluid and blew the pump? When the ps line burst did you continue to drive? It's defiantly the pump at this point, since it works when spinning at a higher rpm. Take the belt off and turn the ps pulley by hand. See if its seized or "lumpy". Ps pumps are pretty cheap. Get one with the reservoir attached. Much easier.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
It was just a pinhole leak in the return line and it just started recently, so maybe when i used the hacksaw some metal shavings worked its way back to the pump and fried it instantly, or maybe the lock to lock bleed procedure right after snapped the shaft, football is on so it will have to wait till tomorrow, i am off , so first thing its out to pick up a pump and fluid to flush the system , thanks for all your replies, and enjoy your turkey day


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
yep it was the pump, probably got some metal shavings in it from hacksawing the return line........it was only about 20 months old ......thanks for your help:smile:

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