Don't Get "Stung" ...While You're "In A Fix"


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Even though the cooler months and frozen areas of the world really chill down when the 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth slants the rays of the Sun such that Winter sets in in the Northern Hemisphere with a vengeance, those of us below The Mason Dixon Line will still have to deal with warmer climes all year long… and the insects and insectivore neighbors we have to share our lives with.

So It may never occur to you to become concerned about such things when working on, around and underneath vehicles… but having a decent respect for colonial insects like Paper Wasps and Yellow Jackets is paramount. It is important for you to imagine that they are hidden underneath and inside of all the cars and trucks you find in Junk yards and the ones you intend to work on at random.

This video will give you enough pause to remember to stop and look around before putting yourself in an inescapable position by crawling underneath a vehicle that has been disabled for a long time...and encountering hundreds or thousands of these (6) Legged Flying Critters who will claim and enforce their own Squatters Rights. These Flying Wasps and Hornets will join forces and try to sting you again, and again (unlike once with Honey Bees) ...even unto death in some cases… just to make the point that you are invading their space:

Here is a still image I took during a Freeze Fame from a very popular video from “realsfixesrealfast” that involves the Complete Removal of the Body of 2004 Trailblazer. This action was necessary due to it having a blown motor having “thrown a rod” at high RPM right through the driver’s side of the engine block.

But…. If you look in the upper left hand corner of the image… right near the location where the Fuel Filler Hose to Gas Tank location, you will notice a Round, Grayish looking Mass peppered on the surface with bright white blobs. THAT is well developed Wasp’s Nest with living Larvae in-dwelling and one that would ordinarily be well defended.

So before you rush into doing your work around a disabled, dormant vehicle… just bang around on the body panels and doors then step well back and watch carefully to see if you have aroused any hidden Dwellers' suspicions. You will not regret knowing this as a cautionary tale:

If you live in the State of Arizona... Your problems are even more the break-point between Mexico and Arizona has been invaded over the last decade by Millions of Hives occupied by an average of 60,000 Africanized Honey Bees that will viciously and relentlessly attack anything that disturbs their nests... with the primary trigger being ...the Carbon Dioxide in a Person's Breath. So you Desert Dwellers out there... roaming around any Junk Yards and Back Lots for Used Car Parts... Beware, Brothers!:

And last in the series... if you are wondering why African Bees would be so horrendously aggressive... my guess is that one creature that managed to co-evolve right along with them on the African Continent, forced the Bees to adapt to save their hives from complete destruction by: The African Honey Badger. This is an awesome and tough animal that will attack and kill ANYTHING that interests it as food...and in particular... Honey is one of its primary sources of starting at 11:10 into this film for proof of this about one of The Meanest Animals on The Planet:

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